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Flush Gun

-Survivors- Starting a Small Group (Youtube)

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"If there is anyone out there... We can and will help you. Join us, and together we can survive without resorting to killing others (other "people" that is). So if there is any who hear our call, Answer it."

Hello Everyone,I go by the name of Flush Gun on the internet, I'm 16 and I would like to start a small group of six people since being on my own kinda sucks and can't really do anything. I'm a story writer/director, so at times I will be recording my point of view and post highlights on Youtube. Youtube "FlushGun" and visit my channel to see what I do.

I'm not one to kill survivors, so if you're the type of bandit person then I'm not interested, but if we do come across bandits then, yes, we'll be forced to kill them.


-Don't be a dick.

-Be a team player.





Why you'd like to be in the six:


Thank you, I'll send a Skype invite to the ones who fit the profile the most.

Edited by Flush Gun

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hello Flush Gun. my name is jake and i am 16 years old and no i am no a yo mama joke telling little kid i am mature for my age.

my skype name is jake.smale1

i would like to join the six as i am a very good team player it is my teamates before my own life and i will give more than i will take but i will only ask for supplies if i am in dieing need of them. also i would like to be in a team that dont kill other players as in real life if you kill sombody that is not a bandit you are just as bad as the zombies.

my story: i am sick of walking the zombie infested land on my own constantly being killed by others when i only want myself and them to survive. so i joined this forum to look for a group just as yourself and it seems that i have found you as you explain your group to my persanilty within the game. i hope you accept me in your group.

i would like a response ASAP

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Sup Flush Gun




Why you'd like to be in the six: Trying to find other players out there just trying to survive without having to kill each other. Having more friends on the DayZ servers makes it more exciting.

Story:When I first started this game, there was nothing but player versus player no matter where you go. Unfortunately it is still player versus player. So my friends and I began roaming together to survive and we'd run constantly into other groups who shoot on sight. It'd be nice to just have a group of guys running through the map together gathering great gear, vehicles, and to just have fun without the use of bloodshed. Although I only have about a months worth of experience on the game, I have done pretty much everything and I can travel to just about anywhere with a map and compass. Hope you accept! Also I learned a few things in the military about tactics that might help out against bandits. Laters.

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Name: go by tolvan,irnesto, or Nerf


Skype: I think its nerf.blaster(edited its right now) but can't check right now

Why I want to join: the lone survivor thing has started to drain me it takes a lot out of you watching your back all the time and I usually just stay up in the ne part of the map and would like to explore more then what I have.

Story: it started out rough trying to survive on my own but after finding a few good items I ventured into a small town and have been living off scavenging for a week now but I need a bigger town now...and friends to help me out our I doubt I can last any longer.

Note: I work till about five thirty central through the week and play till around 11 but weekends I got all day and I lose a day or two to the girlfriend

Edited by nerfblaster

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Heya Flush.

Name: Regelneef

Age: 16

Skype: JeStinktNaarKaas

Why you'd like to be in the six: I don't wanna roam Chernarus alone, It's just a big risk to do everything alone.

Especially when you are near High-PvP areas, I am currently gearing myself in small towns.

Story: I'm looking for other players to meet up and survive with, Instead of being alone all the time

I have met only 1 person that was nice enough to team up and surivive together, But sadly enough he died after we got ambushed by 2 bandits.

I'm currently trying to survive with a broken leg near the Airstrip, And that's why I need help from other players.


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Name: Outypoo

Age: 16

Skype: taylerboi

Why you'd like to be in the six: I consider myself quite amusing at times, and I like to meet up with other players.

Leading a group of 7 others I know how to react in team circumstances.

Story: I was in a warehouse with my CZ 550, then having been shot at by a group of 7 I returned fire, 5 I took down and the other 2 stormed me killing me.

've been looking for a team ever sinceI

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Name: Iths

Age: 18

Skype: Amund_94

Why you'd like to be in the six: I would like to be in the six cause im as you tired of trying to survive alone. i know my way around the map good and been playing for a couple of weeks.

Story: i have been walking the map cheranus for about a week and been traveling alot i have ventured into the Airfields and been shot at with a M107 when suddenly i heard the sound of a buss and i look outside the window there i see it a fully functional buss with fule and a survivor calling for me to jump in before the sniper takse me out so i begin to run from the tower as i hear the shoots from the hill flying by my ears i jump into the car and drive away.

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Name:Michael Dinning



Why you'd like to be in the six: Hate playing by myself now, too boring and too hard to survive on your own after a while

Story:Nothing special, just like the rest

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Name: Jordan Farber (JDUB)

Age: 21

Skype: blackandyellow316

Why you'd like to be in the six: I've been playing for about a week now, although I've had Arma II for way longer. My main reason is to survive, and in Dayz you can not survive without friends; unless you go the bandit route or never go to populated areas. I spent my first half of game time out in BFE to avoide all players, running in with a few being friendly, but now I've explored Cherno and Electro. I've met a lot of nice people, but more hostile; even when I announced friendly. I would like teammates who I can turn to when in need of supplys or medical help. I've grown up in a military household and have played almost all military type simulation games all my life; so I know how to communicate and execute commands. If sought after by you, I would be the best teammate I can be.

Story: Another surviver trying to make........trying to "keep" living.

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Name: Raman

Age: 17

Skype: raman.sidhu559

Why you'd like to be in the six: I wanna roll witha group fucking shit up.

Story: I been soloing since i got dayz and im done with it. it's hard and boring. i need a team thats willing to be team players and share ammo and help each other even if risking there life.

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im 23years of age from england west yorkshire so playing mostly uk servers (5-6 hours a day) dont have a working mic yet due to the gf but i do have skype/vent

name in game- renegade

skype - jay.smith572

steam - exploit8

realy name is jay^^ solo playing is too risky and not alot of fun so i wouldnt mind joining you guys

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