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About nerfblaster

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  1. nerfblaster

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If you still need help i just went through electro and found some antibiotics i can be there pretty fast i added you on steam
  2. Can we get an update on this server it's my home server and i don't like playing on many other ones plus i just put up a tent and put all my gear into it to get more and i had almost everything
  3. nerfblaster

    ToG guys?

    I've found 2 thermal guns in heli crashes the past week I'm pretty sure they got put back in didn't they? The LA52A2 AWS isn't the only thermal gun there's a FAL with it too
  4. I think berizino is the safest "big" city on the map that's usually my hunting area for supplies I've gone into that hospital a lot on full servers and have never run into a soul
  5. nerfblaster

    Servers disappearing

    I play in the middle of the night a lot and the one i found always had daytime because i can't stand playing this game at night but ill check those out
  6. nerfblaster

    Servers disappearing

    So I've been hoping around trying to find the one server i like the most to put my tent down and start collecting gear...now as soon as i decide the server it does the server restart and now it doesn't show up in the six launcher i had it Favorited i have a bad memory so that was the easiest way to keep track but now i can't use that server it also happened to an atlanta 37 server that i wanted to play on a couple days ago
  7. nerfblaster

    Gutting Animals recieves no Meat.

    I've had the same issue with the normal clothes on it appears that you have to wait a couple mins and then the meat appears
  8. nerfblaster

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    edit got it figured out
  9. Name: go by tolvan,irnesto, or Nerf Age:20 Skype: I think its nerf.blaster(edited its right now) but can't check right now Why I want to join: the lone survivor thing has started to drain me it takes a lot out of you watching your back all the time and I usually just stay up in the ne part of the map and would like to explore more then what I have. Story: it started out rough trying to survive on my own but after finding a few good items I ventured into a small town and have been living off scavenging for a week now but I need a bigger town now...and friends to help me out our I doubt I can last any longer. Note: I work till about five thirty central through the week and play till around 11 but weekends I got all day and I lose a day or two to the girlfriend
  10. nerfblaster

    Helicopter crash spawns

    Shoulda just held onto my Winchester it got me through so much edit* and now i went to a different server and the one mag i had for the gun disappeared so now no ammo
  11. nerfblaster

    Helicopter crash spawns

    So the only way to get more of the bizon ammo is to find another crash sight then?
  12. So they spawn spots on a helicopter crash site follow the same as other places it's like ten minutes then more stuff spawns if there isn't anything in the way right? or do the crash sites follow a different rule?
  13. So recently when I've been looking at my map i'll see orange dots that just say man next to them and was wondering if these are other players or if it's just some kind of bug Also are the notes on the map server wide because in a server i was just in there was notes for a downed heli and then a few more spots that i definitely never put in the map I'm more concerned about the seeing people on the map anything that helps me stay away from other people is a bonus