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Looking for serious minded players.

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You can definitely have lone wolves in a game of this type, and be successful even. Squads can be fun, but most combat you ever run into is against 1 or 2 people making it no real challenge. To each their own though.

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I added you on steam and I am very interested in your squad. I am west coast, but have a completely open schedule. Hit me up with a message or something if you are still looking for more people. SteamID is eBlast

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:blush: Hey, I play DayZ everyday for like 5 hours sometimes more. I usually play alone, but now that I have figured how to survive and get around and stuff, I've realized being alone sucks. I'm 24, female, and love to game and make my own bedtimes so I believe that makes me not a kid. I like fun and bantering, meeting new people and overall challenges in DayZ. I have skype and teamspeak and ventrillo. Mostly just looking for a fun group of adults who are gamers like me:D Anyway, let me know if there's a spot for me:) my steam is magickitty ( The rainbow hippo time traveller one, don't ask...inside joke).

Cheers, Plushie

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hey Kevin,

I agree with everything you put in there and am interested in talking to you. im looking for a solid group to join, met up with a few people, but some of them like to log out every 5 minutes or server hop, not my thing. I take this game fairly seriously and have been playing for about a month roughly 6+ hours a day, i do have a mic and i am 27. FR sent on steam.

also, saw the post about the 2 overwatches. i myself perfer to be in the shit. generally i play the Medic/AR role in groups.

Edited by SpartanxApathy

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I sent you a friend request mate. Me and 3 other buds of mine have been going out on our own and we have been very successful in all of our team fights so I think adding us to your grp would be a nice addition and it seems like you have a good head on your shoulders. Our team consist of 2 Barret snipers and 2 Grunts with me and my friend rockin the M249.

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Hey Man, i just started DayZ but I've watched well over a months worth of videos on it, i know the spawns of weapons and people, I'm cautious and i know how to track other players down, what i lack in experience i replace with knowledge. For my age 17 im in Highschool(i know you said 18+) but i think im responsible enough since im my highschools treasurer, and im used to having a mindset about the crucial hard facts and making decisions for a team. Since i'm in High school, ill be able to go on literally everyday of the year, ofcourse except for time with my friends and family. I Live in Brooklyn,NY, that's my little resume for this squad, I hope you look past my inexperience in the game, but as i said, i know alot about it.

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Hey kfield86 ive been playing for a good amount of time got all the kit and a few cars and have my share of kills and deaths. Atm i have a dmr,nvg,, BUT im no sniper can but dont like to. Been looking for a close range guns tend to be close when i kill. But if u need someone to be up close and not freak out when we get shot at from the room next to ous im the guy. STEAM name pvt.joker just send me an invite. Kinda in the same boat as you got a group but we only group up about once or twice a week if that. alot of ppl with my steam name my pic has the born to kill helmet on it. If u cant find mine just repost here.

Edited by pvt.joker

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