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dayz on consols such as xbox and ps3

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My computer is an apple MacBook Pro, this means i cannot play dayz :/ the game looks really fun and i have waited a really long time to play a game like this. I would love it if you guys released this mod as a game for consols..

And off topic above... it would be nice if the player would regain blood very slowly if they are fed well and not injured after a long period of time...

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please die. PLEASE


Stop suggesting garbage.


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Sorry, too many buttons for it to work. They'd have to cut down on a ton of stuff just to make it work with console controls. After that, I don't have any current knowledge if said consoles can run a game like this with the amount of players, graphics and size of the map. Sure the consoles can run BF3, and the PS3 as MAG, or whatever it is called, but they are limited in many areas (BF3=Players+Map, MAG=Graphics).

I'd just suggest buying a 550$ computer with a good CPU and Harddrive, and then dish out another 100-200 dollars on a graphics card. You can upgrade it in the future for less than it takes to buy a new computer, and you'd probably save money in the long haul.

Infact, you could probably sell that Macbook for the money needed. One of my friends sold a mac laptop for 1550 dollars and bought an Asus G73J Gaming Laptop with a 5870 HD graphics card. Works pretty well for a laptop. Although that same money could have gone FAR more with a desktop.

Edited by Zeromentor
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You already gain blood after eating. It's also still in Alpha, new features are bound to come sometime.

There will be a stand alone version of the mod, wether this means a port to consoles, hopefully not. Ports are never as good as the original, plus a game like this would be horrible on local hosted servers, they'd go down every few minutes, no one would get a serious go, its just not worth the trouble.

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Slickdeals for a proper graphics card. Got my AAA title running graphics card for about 75 after a 10 dollar rebate.

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This game couldn't even begin to be playable with a controller. This isn't even a Mouse vs Analog Stick thing, there's just too many controls to have to bind to so few buttons.

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I don't think any current console could run 50 players on a map that size with all the calcs needed for daylight/zombie AI etc

I for one definitely don't want this to go the way of BF3 lol

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Arma 2 has a xbox pad control and you cant even begin to control your char in a propper fashion, at best you can drive/ fly with it. shooting a person or zombie with the pad is seriously hard in comparison to the accuracy of a mouse.

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My computer is an apple MacBook Pro, this means i cannot play dayz :/

Google how to install bootcamp with windows on your mac and leave with your Xbox/Ps3 suggestion.

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NO. First, the dayz mod isnt a game... it's a mod. So, for this (terrible) idea to work, there would have to be ARMA II and ARMA II operation arrowhead on consoles, which will never, EVER happen. So go back to playing your childs toy-I mean "gaming" console.

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My computer is an apple MacBook Pro, this means i cannot play dayz :/ the game looks really fun and i have waited a really long time to play a game like this. I would love it if you guys released this mod as a game for consols..

And off topic above... it would be nice if the player would regain blood very slowly if they are fed well and not injured after a long period of time...

Ewwww a MAC. That is all

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I play on a Macbook Pro. Sometimes only using the touchpad. Works like crap but fun as hell when I accidentally fire my gun.

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As for blood regeneration, no.

Go back to CoD.

Edited by Altan

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I hope they make a Dayz Mod For PS3!!! I would play it all the Time...More than Call of Duty! =)

:| ...................................................................... :lol:

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Rocket is not a console based developer, he codes in primarily microsoft languages (VB, C, C++, or C#).

Yes it's portable to consoles, but you don't want that, because it greatly ruins the game.

Either you are trolling or you are trolling.

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NO. FUCK NO. Consoles should die as quickly as possible. They are a plague of gaming. Or at least in the form that they are in right now.

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You posted an idea about consoles on a forum populated by mostly elitist PC gamers and expected anything besides, " GO FUCK YOURSELF CONSOLES SUCK"? I am not entirely opposed to the idea since you could just cut it down. I would like it since my PC sucks and I don't have 600$ to readily spend on a gaming PC. The reason why consoles are so much more popular is a combination of cost and simplicity. ARMA's controls are clunky,slow, and hard to figure out for someone new to PCs, whereas every FPS on the xbox is smooth and simple. You would make a boatload of money if ya ported it to consoles, and after it is standalone on pc, why the hell not? I would love a smooth, not-so-buggy DayZ.

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please die. PLEASE


Stop suggesting garbage.



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I feel that console controler layout would allow for day z to play. More things would just have to be done through the backpack/ inventory system than it is on the PC. Current consoles may not be able to handle the same amount of players or the map size though. Next gen console should be able to. Since rocket said he wants to follow the minecraft model I see that as porting to consoles much like how minecraft ported to xbox.

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