KnT47r 51 Posted July 13, 2012 TS could also be explained as a mental disorderTHE VOICES TOLD ME TO KILL THEM!!!:P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sixbarns 217 Posted July 13, 2012 Caviano is an bored evil sarcastic cub. Look at his postsI know it is impossible, but it does not make it less an exploitYou didn't even mention the biggest exploit. Printable maps! Why do people feel the need to cheat?/s Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KnT47r 51 Posted July 13, 2012 Can we stop "suggesting" things that are impossible to fix please? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yorkie065 78 Posted July 13, 2012 Caviano is an bored evil sarcastic cub. Look at his postsI know it is impossible, but it does not make it less an exploitIf it's impossible to fix, then why the hell post about it? Surely the reason your posting this list of exploits and suggestions is because you want them fixed? Also by your logic, using TS, Vent and Mumble for ANY game is an exploit! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Kyrah 1110 Posted July 13, 2012 You sincerly expect peoples to give you their opinion in a topic where you present 4 exploits and then continue with 7 half assed suggestions?Try to limit yourself to one topic at a time in the same thread otherwise the answers will be so dilluted, you might aswel not have posted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caviano 287 Posted July 13, 2012 You sincerly expect peoples to give you their opinion in a topic where you present 4 exploits and then continue with 7 half assed suggestions?Try to limit yourself to one topic at a time in the same thread otherwise the answers will be so dilluted, you might aswel not have posted.+1, this guy is all over the place, loses track of topic, suggests MORONIC ideas and an idiotic thought process. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinss 21 Posted July 13, 2012 @caviano: reported you for repetead insults. Sorry you can not process more than one information at time. Learn respect Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UbiquitousBadGuy 846 Posted July 13, 2012 (edited) You didn't even mention the biggest exploit. Printable maps! Why do people feel the need to cheat?/sFirst, that's impossible to fix. Second, printable maps only gives you a list of destinations or at best, or a list of city translations. It can't tell you your location or even help you navigate in real time without a compass. It's pretty static until you get the in-game version.EDIT: Didn't notice the sarcasm tag. My bad. Still, I'll leave my response up for others. Edited July 13, 2012 by UbiquitousBadGuy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinss 21 Posted July 13, 2012 First, that's impossible to fix. Second, printable maps only gives you a list of destinations or at best, or a list of city translations. It can't tell you your location or even help you navigate in real time without a compass. It's pretty static until you get the in-game version.EDIT: Didn't notice the sarcasm tag. My bad. Still, I'll leave my response up for others.And still BI sells printed Chenrarus maps anyhow :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James Doyle 1 Posted July 13, 2012 (edited) For me the points which vinss makes are all quite understandable. 3rd party comm is an exploit in terms of realism. Nonetheless no change can be made nor is desired. All these people calling vinss a retard or recommend him searching help just for his thought are the ones who should go outside every now and then and search for help. But that's my opinion. Besides just because something isn't discussed in this forum doesn't mean it's a bad idea, Caviano.I think printable maps are fine because people already know chernarus too good. It would give new players an even bigger disadvantage compared to experienced players.Also by your logic, using TS, Vent and Mumble for ANY game is an exploit!No, because CoD, Counter strike or "ANY game" are not intended to be that realistic. Besides that in these games competition between 2 teams is the main aspect. Therefore also played in leagues unlike DayZ. Edited July 13, 2012 by James Doyle 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinss 21 Posted July 13, 2012 Don't worry abot Caviano-likes James. I am Mensa member so his insults are meaningless to me. My bad is that i forget not all of us have same mental possibilities. Anyone who understands Dayz point of frustration and helplesness, way rocket us pushing this, also could understand why outside comm is imba for all players outside your talk channel. This is same reason that rocket turned off side chanel chat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saltyness 0 Posted July 13, 2012 Let me tell you exactly where you're dead wrong. REALISM. This game isn't fucking realistic, nor is it aiming to be. Rocket simply wants it to be brutal and unforgiving. To my knowledge, I've never heard him say anything about realism. I mean, do you think that when you break your leg you just take some morphine (which IS painkillers, not sure why these are two separate items really) and it just heals instantly? Of course not. This game may be more realistic than most, but the borderline is, it isn't.So trying to say that "3rd party comm programs are an exploit" is simply idiotic. Fair enough to say it ruins immersion, which is does, but that doesn't make it an exploit. If you don't like using them because it ruins your precious realism and immersion, then don't fucking use them, but you can't and you shouldn't try and stop everyone else using them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrducky (DayZ) 33 Posted July 13, 2012 TS, etc. are a totally believable feature added to the game. An organized group of people (one that has sniper rifles and all that crap) would probably have some form of radio communication even in case of a zombie outbreak. (You know those cheap walkie talkie toys they sell for kids for like 10 bucks? Its not like radio communication would be that high-tech these days! :D )But yes, from the perspective of a mostly lone-survivor/bandit (or one temporarily cooping with random people), they obviously do give an unfair advantage to the other guys using it. Yet since it's impossible to get rid of those programs to balance things, the best thing would be to have some kind of similar radio system inside game. At least it would bring a bit more balance to things and would allow proper communication in game for others than established clans too.As far as the usual "meta gaming is allowed"... There is a fine line here... What exactly is this meta gaming, and what should be considered as a "mod" to DayZ or just a plain cheat?- Apparently it is ok to have a voice chat application running on top of the game (as well as a graphical overlay for it). Or say, the steam overlay with its chat features, etc.- Now... suppose one were to add an automated position tracking for the player, and then automatically transmit those to the other players in the group, and draw their positions as HUD elements on the screen. And possibly allow them to add enemy position markers etc. on the hud for others to see. (...And yes, this IS techically possible to implement - even without modifying the arma/dayz files, so in theory it's no more a mod than TS/mumble/skype, etc. - it could be done as an external program.) But would this be considered cheating? I think most players would say it would be. Yet, its not really that different from TS - other than being much much more elaborate and based on visual things, rather than audio.That was just to note that the line between "meta-gaming" and outright "cheating" can be kinda vague in general.PS. the drinking without water bottle... How about you just always reserve that one slot for the water bottle? Just think of your inventory for all the other items as being one slot smaller and that one water bottle slot as the drinking user-interface. Now you can always drink when you find water and there are no issues with immersion or realism regarding that. Problem solved. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinss 21 Posted July 13, 2012 Your point is shallow mate. Side chanel is baned for same reason.In Cod or Arma you are fully equiped modern time soldier and can communicate with team members thru your radio headset. Here you are alone on the beach. Mumble is exploit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James Doyle 1 Posted July 13, 2012 So trying to say that "3rd party comm programs are an exploit" is simply idiotic. Fair enough to say it ruins immersion, which is does, but that doesn't make it an exploit. If you don't like using them because it ruins your precious realism and immersion, then don't fucking use them, but you can't and you shouldn't try and stop everyone else using them.Sorry I'm not all too much into the exploit topic. Therefore I might have used the expression of exploit in a wrong way. But you got it right all that I'm about is the immersion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
robosheriff 13 Posted July 13, 2012 (edited) 3. Third party communication - makes you and your group telepathic - almost impossible to prevent - should use radios and direct comm to be realisticYou can't actually fix this, i use it (just because i don't like how the current ingame chat works, it's either be close to the guy or not talk to him at all meaning that spliting up my end up in shooting your teammate due to the lack of radios or whatever com device you want for this game), and i wouldn't "stop" unless you go to my house and uninstall every third party chat program and redirect all their pages to a page with a scary gif. Edited July 13, 2012 by RoboSheriff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinss 21 Posted July 13, 2012 @mr ducky: i agree on your meta gaming toughts. Waterbottle is no problem for me as i have plenty, but this problem emerged for all new players spawning with no waterbottle since 1.7. I guess it would be no great job to add menu option to drink water when near pond/well/pump, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James Doyle 1 Posted July 13, 2012 (edited) TS, etc. are a totally believable feature added to the game. An organized group of people (one that has sniper rifles and all that crap) would probably have some form of radio communication even in case of a zombie outbreak. (You know those cheap walkie talkie toys they sell for kids for like 10 bucks? Its not like radio communication would be that high-tech these days! :D )pLook, you are right, but - people near any group member could also listen to the radio comm. Or at least to the guy speaking into the walkie talkie. But this isn't implementable. Edited July 13, 2012 by James Doyle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinss 21 Posted July 13, 2012 (edited) @at robosherif, calviano and other illiterates: i clearly stated that it is impossible to prevent! Pleas read the whole sentences before your fear of taking away your toy overwhelms you.Again i say: brutality of dayz canceled global chat for same reason!Nugh writing, going to ride my bicycle that is realisticly loud as jumbo-jet landing! Edited July 13, 2012 by vinss Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted July 13, 2012 I also suggest that for full immersion that when it rains you pour a bucket of water all over you or just go jump in the shower for a few seconds. I don't see how 3rd party comms are an exploit. If you have friends all you need is Skype, Mumble, Vent, TS, etc. Since everyone can do it, it's your choice not to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrducky (DayZ) 33 Posted July 13, 2012 Waterbottle is no problem for me as i have plenty, but this problem emerged for all new players spawning with no waterbottle since 1.7.Oh, you might be right on that. It never occurred to me that the new players might actually be affected by that. I've always taken that water bottle for granted, even after it stopped being a spawn item.But yet, I doubt that the water drinking is a major issue, lots of coke and pepsi cans to be found all around even for the noobs. There are several other issues that are much more relevant ones - some of which you already listed. Getting rid of DC, duping, etc. exploits would be critical to keep trust in the validity/fairness of the game. Also the communication related stuff, I think, would be necessary for any sensible interaction to occur between players (any interaction other than the usual exchange of bullets on encounter). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 25 Posted July 13, 2012 Are you honestly expecting two friends who want to play this game together traverse 225km^2 of land to find each other? Yeah no.If you can find me within 2 hours of logging on as a fresh spawn, point #3 will be valid. Here's a tip: I'm near some trees. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caviano 287 Posted July 13, 2012 @at robosherif, calviano and other illiterates: i clearly stated that it is impossible to prevent! Pleas read the whole sentences before your fear of taking away your toy overwhelms you.Again i say: brutality of dayz canceled global chat for same reason!Nugh writing, going to ride my bicycle that is realisticly loud as jumbo-jet landing!If you don't want to get insulted:-Use search button-Don't repeat topics-Don't be a hypocrite.If you're going to attempt to report my post because it's "insulting" you might want to watch how you reply. Makes you nothing more than a hypocrite.All of these points are repeated topics, NONE of them needed to be repeated, this entire thread is a waste. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zipper 69 Posted July 13, 2012 Mumble is exploitCan't believe you actually believe this.Why not say using a better video card or CPU is an exploit also? Maybe I pay for a better internet connection, should that be an exploit also?Because of this, I suggest we all play this game on consoles from now on. That way we can at least all be using the exact same hardware and nobody will have an advantage.Welcome to PC gaming. Come up with whatever dumb RP reason you need to justify this but using 3rd party voice programs that potentially anyone can access is not an exploit. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites