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.:Your Spectacular Stories of Fail:.

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--Come on don’t be bashful we all have one, a fail so spectacular it was almost like a win...almost =p--

I was traveling through the woods when I came upon a town, drawn in by the warm glow of a street flare. I snuck through the shadows of buildings drawing closer I could hear two voices in the distance, an my excitement grew as I closed the distance between me an my prey. Finally I caught sight of one the first survivors. Standing up on the second floor of a building looking around the the town an casually chatting with his partner. I waited patiently in the shadows behind a gate waiting for a perfect moment, an then it came when attempting to climb down a ladder the survivor fell downing himself.

Hearing him calling to his teammate for help who said he was on his way, I knew that the perfect time had finally come an all I had to do now was wait. A few moments later the second surviver came into view, moving over to his friend an crouching down beside him. The time had finally come an I took aim with my makarov bringing the iron sights over the second survivor and fired 3 rounds downing him just as the fallen survivor was regaining consciousness. I confidently moved my crosshairs over to the 1stsurvivor knowing full well that he would never be able to recover in time before I shot him. I grinned as I pulled the trigger only instead of hearing a satisfying bang, all I heard was a click...my gun was empty, thats when I remembered. 30mins earlier after a stalking gone wrong an defending myself against a zombie hoard I had only been left with 3round in my magazine, but in the excitement I had completely forgotten. I laughed silently to myself as I watch the now very conscious survivor take aim with his winchester an preceded to take my head off. It was almost perfect...

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This one time Stalking a pair of Survivors through some woods, I was following them for a good 10-20 mins just so I can get a perfect shot and after a while they came out to an opening and they stood still, I quickly took a shot and downed one but then shortly realised there was more that just them 2... It was a Survivor camp...Yeh I didn't last that long.

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I spawned in the Barracks in the NW airfield and threw a flare because it was pitch black. A survivor was staring at me then proceeded to shoot me.

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A story of failure that didn't end in my death (yey)

I logged in and found myself only a short distance from a huge power plant with the bodies of alot of players rottin next to a chimney stack, I went to investigate and found myself some nice loot. Took what I needed / could carry then I back off into the hill behind it with my newly found CZ with the scope trained on those bodies.

20 minutes go by and finally a cheeky little survivor comes along and loots my left overs. I take the shot, CLICK....balls I forgot the ammo for it, it was still on the body he was looting!!!

After a fit of tears from both guilt and stupidity I make my way back up there, climb the ladder and he's there looking at me. So I ask him if he has my ammo he says he doesnt, I look around and can't find it anywhere. He says bye, I say nothing, he walks in to the next building, I shoot him in the back of his head with my makarov.

He didn't have my ammo......

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Played since OFP, 50% of the times I forget to switch to rifle, when climbing a ladder and either take a nasty fall or have to climb all the way back and switch.

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