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Enlarging the map

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Adding new islands, players owned villages on water (ideal for zombies protection), new towns in the no mans land (west and north).

And also i was wondering if somehow it would be possible to add zone of map, tht you would access through, like a door, and arrive in interior(off map so). Like bunker, or underground facility

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I wouldn't mind seeing a derelict LHD floating out on the water somewhere (not marked on the map of course). Would be interesting to see what kind of gear you'd find. It'd definately be a group effort to get a huey working and fly out to it, perhaps it'll be over-run with zombie sailors still making it a very dangerous loot expedition.

As for the no-man's lands along the north and west borders I expect to see player built settlements popping up out there if more player placeable items make it into the game.

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I wouldn't mind seeing a derelict LHD floating out on the water somewhere (not marked on the map of course). Would be interesting to see what kind of gear you'd find. It'd definately be a group effort to get a huey working and fly out to it' date=' perhaps it'll be over-run with zombie sailors still making it a very dangerous loot expedition.


+1 Derelict LHD! Man, that would be creepy. But what a base it might make too if it wasn't too far off shore. On a tangent, anyone seen any boats lately?

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+1 Derelict LHD! Man' date=' that would be creepy. But what a base it might make too if it wasn't too far off shore. On a tangent, anyone seen any boats lately?


My group has recovered a couple over the last couple weeks. They are very, very slow and guzzle fuel like no tomarow.

Regarding the LHD, the model in game doesn't seem to have a well deck in which to land or the a-com (accomodation) ladders down so boarding it from the water would be impossible unless someone added grapling gear in order to climb the 60-80 feet up to the flight deck catwalks.

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Can the servers handle that much acreage in a single map? It be pretty awesome if as we hiked north or west or something the terrain transitioned from forested hills into barran desert giving players double the exploration posibilities and making vehicles a necessity for more advanced exploration. My only concern is what such an huge map would do to the computers that have to run it.

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Can the servers handle that much acreage in a single map? It be pretty awesome if as we hiked north or west or something the terrain transitioned from forested hills into barran desert giving players double the exploration posibilities and making vehicles a necessity for more advanced exploration. My only concern is what such an huge map would do to the computers that have to run it.

No, the servers can't and the base game can't. Chernarus was selected because it's the largest map in Arma2 that runs half way efficiently. As someone who has spent months learning how to map this game, that sort of efficiency isn't easy (I was once told that *each* tree is placed by hand to be as efficient as possible). Arma3 will offer better, hopefully, but for now Chernarus is likely going to be the best you are going to see on this engine.

On a tangent what about servers that incorporate a portal system, so when you reach the edge (dry edge) of one map you are teleported to a server running the *next* map over? In theory this could allow a bunch of servers to handle a MUCH larger map overall at the expense of player slots on a given portion. I think this is the way that some MMO's actually work, might work here too. I dunno.

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Its a strange world where a 250km map detailed down to the rocks growing under trees, isn't even big enough to satisfy people.

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Its a strange world where a 250km map detailed down to the rocks growing under trees' date=' isn't even big enough to satisfy people.


+1 for the reality check.

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What about the 900km2 map in ArmA3. Squeeeeee.

But seriously, Chernarus is plenty big for 50 players. 100 would be fine on Chern, no worries. I think I did suggest elsewhere that a modified Utes might be good for lower end servers though. Oktyabr, you've done mapping and stuff. How hard would it be to adapt Utes for DayZ?

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(I was once told that *each* tree is placed by hand to be as efficient as possible)


They dont place 100s of thousands of trees "by hand"

They paint them on like brushes. That randomly places trees, then remove awkward trees or those that are placed badly/in other/clipping into houses.

Also most of the trees in this game are REALLY badly placed due to this, many of them are like floating when they're placed on slopes.

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Another +1 for derelict LHD, and it should be randomly out on the water though eh? spawns within a radius or something not always in the same spot but far out to sea either way, only reachable by helicopter (especially considering lack of a well deck on the model) and overrun with military zombies, but the loot would have to be amazing.

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When this mod is ported to Arma III, then we'll have even more fun on a larger map. Till then, Oktyabr is right. The only possibility would be to allow using some of the already created maps by players from Arma II, such a Lingor or Isla Duala. Or imagine only using Fallujah? Or Clafghan?

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I like idea about underground facilities. Is it even possible to realize it? Would be awesome to explore them, totally out of light, with full of zombies and deadly traps.

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