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Killing Zombies with Vehicles counts towards overall zed kills

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What it says on the tin: When you run a zombie down, it doesn't currently count towards your zombie kills. I just mowed down 30, got nothing.

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I, amongst others, like to be on top of the zombies killed leaderboards. The same applies if you run someone over, should count as a murder.

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I, amongst others, like to be on top of the zombies killed leaderboards. The same applies if you run someone over, should count as a murder.

The developers have enough on their plate without worrying about helping to inflate your ego. If getting the "high score" is so important, then just get out of the truck and shoot them.
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The developers have enough on their plate without worrying about helping to inflate your ego. If getting the "high score" is so important, then just get out of the truck and shoot them.


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The developers have enough on their plate without worrying about helping to inflate your ego. If getting the "high score" is so important, then just get out of the truck and shoot them.

This is a place for suggestions and things that may be implemented in the future. I'm not saying DO IT NOW, as the game breaking bugs need to be sorted first.

No need to be such a cunt about it.

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This is an issue with Arma 2 itself, and not DayZ. Playing Arma 2: CO multiplayer or any other mod, running people or AI over doesnt count toward a players kill count or score.

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This is a place for suggestions and things that may be implemented in the future.

It sure is. And it's also a place where people are free to nay-say any idea they don't like. Seriously, I love how people respond to criticism towards their ideas with some kinda "But this is the suggestions forum", like that somehow invalidates the point of the person who negated their idea. And even when this game is finalized, the developers will STILL have better things to do with their time than to help inflate your ego. So if you can present a piece of evidence that explains how this is a valid issue to work on beyond a few people having a dick-waving contest, then by all means let's see it. Just don't tell me what forum this is again, because I know what links I clicked on.

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+1 this i reckon the driver should get the kills for zombies and players.

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It sure is. And it's also a place where people are free to nay-say any idea they don't like. Seriously, I love how people respond to criticism towards their ideas with some kinda "But this is the suggestions forum", like that somehow invalidates the point of the person who negated their idea. And even when this game is finalized, the developers will STILL have better things to do with their time than to help inflate your ego. So if you can present a piece of evidence that explains how this is a valid issue to work on beyond a few people having a dick-waving contest, then by all means let's see it. Just don't tell me what forum this is again, because I know what links I clicked on.

It to me, seems dumb that it doesn't count towards zombie kills, whereas killing them with guns does. If this isn't implemented, it'll just seem like another bug to most.

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agree, the game should count roadkills.

Imagine a crazy driver running over many survivors without turning into a bandit.

Edited by ostwind

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