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Duplicate Character?

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Before you all jump on me, no I am not a hacker. I can't program the basic "Hello World" program, so after that disclaimer...

It appears since 1.7.2 that I have a second character. Don't ask me how it happened, but it did. My friend and I made ourselves a camp on US 5 Chicago near Green Mountain. (don't bother looking for it, we're moving in 20 minutes.) I unfortunatley died and he survived so I chose to respawn and meet him again later. I ran into a guy in Electro, killed him, and raided his pack for 5 blood bags, morphine, and epi pens, so as you can imagine I'm feeling pretty good right now. So I get to safetey, log off for a while, and later that night I logged back in to another server because I couldn't connect to US 5 Chicago for some reason. And to my dispair and shock, my progress was completely gone and I end up on the beach again to start over. So I decide to carry on, find some supplies in Electro again, found a decent gun, and once again headed into the wilderness. After 2 vehicle finds that I couldn't keep, and 2 heli crash sites with no guns and just food, I find a safe spot and log off again.

So later my friend and I get back on US 5 Chicago and to my big surprise, my character with all the medical supplies was back and in the same spot I left him. Being very confused, I hopped on another server only to find that my other character with a completely different set of supplies and weapons was still alive as well.

So basically, I'm now sitting here with 2 different characters on the same CD-Key, and once again, it's not a hack. Is anyone else having this same thing happen to them?

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Can confirm that "bug". Currently I have also two characters running and I never know which one is going to load up.

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Having this issue as well, one of my characters (Don't actually play it, log off on any server that forces me to use it)

Other servers have my actual played character with all his gear.

Also, good job for feeling good about killing someone who was probably only trying to leave the city :P

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I had the same issue. Turns out some servers were on the version before the current one but it still let me join it. After joining a 1.7.2 server however, I was forced to create a new server. It's very strange.

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