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L0G!N (DayZ)

Start us off with NOTHING please

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I would like to start this game knocked out for 5 seconds and starting with nothing at all...

It will increase the relieve of actually finding something, especially backpacks! and the items we have now are realy not uncommen and they don't do much for you anyways in regards to defense...

To compensate perhaps piles of washed a shore stuff can provide some innitial items. like a melee weapon called 'drift wood' that has a couple of hits, say 15-20 or so... maybe a plastic bottle with cap, giving 50% of the water a canteen does. And maybe some dirty rags that can be used as bandages (though with a high chance of infection, once that comes).

also add a civilian backpack with 4 slots, and rebalance the chances of finding backpacks, with nothing to start out with perhaps the chances of bandages/painkillers can be upped a lil bit, at the expense of more precious items, which now include a backpack and a flashlight ... more items means less overall chances of something particular to spawn, which seems to be exactly what people are asking for a lot.

ADDITION brought up in discussion by Figs:

Use the difficulty server setting to influence what you start out with:

Recruit, start with stuff as we start now.

Regular, start without a backpack

Veteran, start without backpack & flashlight

Expert, start with nothing

I still prefer the original idea though, but difficulty works aswell

Edited by L0GIN
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._. By your logic we'd be BUFFING what people start with, giving them easy to find weapons and such. I personally think just removing starter backpack would be cool, but nothing else. You need a flashlight if you join at night, and a bandage + painkiller can be a life saver for noobies.

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I saw a czech chest pouch the other day (6 slots, takes up backpack space) and I thought "given we start with an 8 slot backpack, why the fuck is this still in the game?"

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I saw a czech chest pouch the other day (6 slots, takes up backpack space) and I thought "given we start with an 8 slot backpack, why the fuck is this still in the game?"

could try and make it harder on you to play i guess? tryin to think of a reason. lol. some people like to make things more difficult.

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The reason for the Czech, i saw mentioned is that this is a sniper backpack, it doesn't stick out that much so you are easier hidden while laying in the grass ;)

@Vaquxine, did i mention that these piles should be on the shore every 5m? did i mention they should spawn these items all the time every time? I don't think so :) ... so what else can spawn, styrofome, empty plastic bottles, entangled fishwire, scrap of fishnet, etc. empty cans. empty lighter (with 5 or so flames left in). So these beach spawns should adhere to the same spawn rules as any other loot location. and place them at reasonable interfalls ... Then about that driftwood, with 15 swings and say needing 5 swings to kill a zombie, it gives an entirely FALSE sense of security, while still giving that 'sigh of relieve at first for atleast having something' (and likely everytime)... AND, NO, you don't need a flashlight at all, there are flares and all sorts of chemlights as well ! ... while the bandage helps in some regard, it only works once! So finding a rag at the beach or even in a house can do the same thing...

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I didn't even realize my backpack provided additional slots for the longest time... and I do like the idea of using rags or more "trash" in improvised ways.

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The reason for the Czech, i saw mentioned is that this is a sniper backpack, it doesn't stick out that much so you are easier hidden while laying in the grass ;)

@Vaquxine, did i mention that these piles should be on the shore every 5m? did i mention they should spawn these items all the time every time? I don't think so :) ... so what else can spawn, styrofome, empty plastic bottles, entangled fishwire, scrap of fishnet, etc. empty cans. empty lighter (with 5 or so flames left in). So these beach spawns should adhere to the same spawn rules as any other loot location. and place them at reasonable interfalls ... Then about that driftwood, with 15 swings and say needing 5 swings to kill a zombie, it gives an entirely FALSE sense of security, while still giving that 'sigh of relieve at first for atleast having something' (and likely everytime)... AND, NO, you don't need a flashlight at all, there are flares and all sorts of chemlights as well ! ... while the bandage helps in some regard, it only works once! So finding a rag at the beach or even in a house can do the same thing...

Pointless as ghillie suits don't show backpacks.

As for your bandage idea, no, a rag isn't equivalent. It's bad enough we don't have to boil water before we drink it. So many parasites.

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+1 for spawning without a backpack.

No compensation for this. RUUUUUUN BIIIIIITCH RUUUUUUUN!

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I think it's pretty much perfect the way it is. You barely have anything but the bare essentials for playing and a light to play at night, and a backpack is nice to have in the beginning. No reason to make it harder for people just because some ppl like to be hardcore. You want to spawn without a backpack? Drop it in the beginning and move from there. That way people that want the bag can have it, and those who don't can just toss it.

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I saw a czech chest pouch the other day (6 slots, takes up backpack space) and I thought "given we start with an 8 slot backpack, why the fuck is this still in the game?"

It's a pouch, it's not visible on your back. I think.

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It's a pouch, it's not visible on your back. I think.

No, it is visible. I made the mistake of not reading and picking one of these up hastily. After which my backpack disappeared..... Imagine my disappointment... Though it is low profile, and adds a bit of camo to your back.

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The reason to spawn without a backpack & add a civilian one is to make them a tad more commen in loot drops, putting presure on finding the things you truely need. Also, in the beginning of your DayZ experience all you are likely to put in the backpack is garbage anyways... you don't realy need one... and not having one increases the enjoyment of finding one, even the Czech or the Civilian one will create a moment of joy, as you now DO have a backpack!

As for the light, like i said there are alternatives in the game, which currently are hardly ever used. So spawning without a flashlight makes these items more usefull, and the enjoyment of finding a flashlight bigger, and again, adding a flashlight to loot tables puts presure on droprates for all items, which ...

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No backpack? Sure, that's fine. Not EVERYONE would have a backpack in this situation. As for spawning items, what would everyone have? A flashlight. How about 1 food and 1 soda? People would definitely have atleast 1 bandage. But with no weapon, I cannot stress that they should start you with some empty tin cans and ect so you can throw them to distract zombies! With no weapons you need to lure them away so you can pass and find some. Stealth sometimes is just not enough. Also, as for realism, at how far the zombie infection has spread in Day Z, your character would of eaten food by now, and you might've kept the trash. And when you have nothing in real life, you'd pick useless crap up first.

Eventually they might start you off with absolutely nothing but the empty items with low hunger and thirst. That would be a challenge.

Shortened version: Spawning with no backpack is OK. We should have a few spawn items, including some items that act as a distraction to help in the journey to find items.

Edited by OW22

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Don't you start with nothing in veteran servers?

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Figs has a good point i think, this can be a good thing to use in the Recruit, Regular, Veteran, Expert devision.

Recruit, start with stuff as we start now.

Regular, start without a backpack

Veteran, start without backpack & flashlight

Expert, start with nothing

sounds fair enough :) ... good thinking Figs!

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I think it's pretty much perfect the way it is. You barely have anything but the bare essentials for playing and a light to play at night, and a backpack is nice to have in the beginning. No reason to make it harder for people just because some ppl like to be hardcore. You want to spawn without a backpack? Drop it in the beginning and move from there. That way people that want the bag can have it, and those who don't can just toss it.


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Ordoo, there is a like button on the forum, which means you won't even have to type 'This.' works wonders ;)

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Figs has a good point i think, this can be a good thing to use in the Recruit, Regular, Veteran, Expert devision.

Recruit, start with stuff as we start now.

Regular, start without a backpack

Veteran, start without backpack & flashlight

Expert, start with nothing

sounds fair enough :) ... good thinking Figs!

*Joins recruit server*


*Joins expert server*

You see the problem?

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