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Private Poptarts

Zombies in Gear Stands

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(I guess this should be two-three different topics in suggestions and bug reports... oh well here it goes)

Is it just me, or are the zombies spawning inside deer stands now since the last update? I doubt it is intended, since it would be silly they would be imprisoned inside sticks of wood, waiting for a hero came along and free them with aggro. Also, is it just me again, or is the only stuff inside deer stands empty cans? Or is this just unlucky me connecting right before restarts?

Also, what would do you think of a stamina system in the mod? Now you can just run forever and a professional marathonist got nothing on you... isn't that a bit silly, since most of us couldn't run two miles under 12 minutes. In my opinion the running speed is too fast. Have you tried crouching? That's pretty tough on your thighs, isn't it? Now imagine running a whole 20 minutes, while crouching, most of it uphill. Can't do it? That's what I thought.

*dodges tomatoes, carebears, and call of duty*

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To the stamina idea.... no, just no.... It already takes hours to go places. No need to make it even longer.

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See, what you don't understand about the whole 'movement' thing, is that all our characters are RUSSIAN. So OBVIOUSLY there is no physical feat they cannot perform; this is suppose to be realistic silly!

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For the movement thing, I dont see anything such as that being implemented into this mod. Ever. As for the zombie in deer stands, I have also seen them up inside the stand, so you arent even able to go loot it. Definitley something that needs to be fixed. Zombies should NOT be able to swim or climb ladders.

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Zombies should NOT be able to swim or climb ladders.

Why? As far as i know they are just infected humans. humans can swim and climb ladders.

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Why? As far as i know they are just infected humans. humans can swim and climb ladders.

agreed they are not zombies they are Infected..... they can climb ladders so why not have them in blind

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