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This is a big welcome to all (REAL) ladies out there playing this awesome mod.

I propose a ladies clan, where we show these boys how survival really fuckin works

1. Only real gurls can apply. You will have to endure a teamspeak test to prove you are, in fact of the female persusion. You will have to confirn you have tested and palated DayZ for at least 10 hours solo, and therefore happy to join a group based on the fact DayZ has a massive learning curve.

I want girls to ultinately show these fuckers how real survival works. Care to join me? Please send me a personal message and if I get enough support, I'll set up our own ladies clan :)

Edited by Miss_Nuts

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Yay, sexism!

Gotta love double standards: when men don't allow women to join their groups, they're unfairly discriminating against people who are just as capable as they are; when women don't allow men to join their groups, they're just trying to stick together with their gal pals.

Edited by Techercizer

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This ladies clan would be interesting. Currently my group has food, water, trucks, tents, and guns.

In short, we need women.

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I see, so because my sex organs are on the outside, I can't be allowed to play with you or join your group? In other words, you're treating me differently for no reason other than my gender?

Yeah, that's the definition of sexism.

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Pretty sure your just trolling the community by disagreeing that it's not sexism.

If you want to have a all female clan then by all means, go for it.. The community can't stop you.

But be prepared for 900 more posts just like these.

Edited by Dynama

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but most 'clans' are made up of males. What's the problem with me wanting to set up a clan of ladies?

I'm open to more than just ladies wanting to join my clan, but unfortunately us 'ladies' are catorgorised into the noob section (unwarrented and therefore why do folks give a shit)

Ergo, ladies, hook me up! Men who don't need o flash ther Ak's to gain attention, hook me up too :) any trolls will just get laughed at

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but most 'clans' are made up of males. What's the problem with me wanting to set up a clan of ladies?

I'm open to more than just ladies wanting to join my clan, but unfortunately us 'ladies' are catorgorised into the noob section (unwarrented and therefore why do folks give a shit)

Ergo, ladies, hook me up! Men who don't need o flash ther Ak's to gain attention, hook me up too :) any trolls will just get laughed at

So now your changing your opinion from the original post?

:::1. Only real *gurlz* can apply:::

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but most 'clans' are made up of males. What's the problem with me wanting to set up a clan of ladies?

I'm open to more than just ladies wanting to join my clan, but unfortunately us 'ladies' are catorgorised into the noob section (unwarrented and therefore why do folks give a shit)

Ergo, ladies, hook me up! Men who don't need o flash ther Ak's to gain attention, hook me up too :) any trolls will just get laughed at

Most clans are made up of males due to the majority of males that play these types of game, not the prohibition of women from joining their clans.

Being open to more than women joining is good, but then calling it an "all ladies" clan would be misleading.

Also, I never categorized you as a "noob." I have not experienced your gameplay, and thus cannot make that determination.

I sure hope I'm not seen as a troll. That is not my intention.

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So now your changing your opinion from the original post?

:::1. Only real *gurlz* can apply:::

Now your not only sexist, your a hypocrite, welcome to the rest of the worlds population!!!

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I know I'm just a stupid man, but that is the most cumbersome useage of that word imaginable. Did you use a thesaurus?

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The exact same prob

Sorry to burst your bubble, but most 'clans' are made up of males. What's the problem with me wanting to set up a clan of ladies?

I'm open to more than just ladies wanting to join my clan, but unfortunately us 'ladies' are catorgorised into the noob section (unwarrented and therefore why do folks give a shit)

Ergo, ladies, hook me up! Men who don't need o flash ther Ak's to gain attention, hook me up too :) any trolls will just get laughed at

What most clans are made up of, and what "most ladies are categorized as" (a blanket statement with no backing), is irrelevant. What's wrong is that you've started a group for the express purpose of discriminating against and keeping out an entire gender. You can come out and say it 'allows' men all you want, but in the OP you not only say that verbal identification to prove gender will be required, but you refer to the entire male gender as "those fuckers".

If I started a serious "Manly Man Day Z Group" that didn't allow girls because 'they have enough people to play with as it is' and said we would 'show those dumb bitches how to actually play video games', I'd get flamed out of the forums for being an ignorant, prejudiced, ass. This isn't any different.

Who are you to judge an entire gender's worth? There are some terrible, awful, nasty female gamers out there, and a whole lot of kind, caring, intelligent male ones. The same is true in reverse. People of any gender can act any way.

Edited by Techercizer
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Nice to see a girl clan :) however, would be fun is some guy came into Teamspeak with a massive bass voice :D

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I know I'm just a stupid man, but that is the most cumbersome useage of that word imaginable. Did you use a thesaurus?

Your quote is what we call bullshit and fake. Use a thesaurus to work out what fake means, And twatard haha

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Good now i have someone who can cook me dinner.

[i have been warned for this post - Ubi]

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy
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Your quote is what we call bullshit and fake. Use a thesaurus to work out what fake means, And twatard haha

Wow, just wow. Stay classy.

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Your quote is what we call bullshit and fake. Use a thesaurus to work out what fake means, And twatard haha


Someone's on that time of the month.

And what *WE* are you referring to? Your the only one defending this thread.

Edited by Dynama

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The exact same prob

What most clans are made up of, and what "most ladies are categorized as" (a blanket statement with no backing), is irrelevant. What's wrong is that you've started a group for the express purpose of discriminating against and keeping out an entire gender. You can come out and say it 'allows' men all you want, but in the OP you not only say that verbal identification to prove gender will be required, but you refer to the entire male gender as "those fuckers".

If I started a serious "Manly Man Day Z Group" that didn't allow girls because 'they have enough people to play with as it is' and said we would 'show those dumb bitches how to actually play video games', I'd get flamed out of the forums for being an ignorant, prejudiced, ass. This isn't any different.

To be frank here, I don't give a shit about discriminating against male players. I've seen eough yt vids which call us ladies (whether we're ladies or just men in disguise) as bitches. Therefore, I don't give a shit if youre butthurt about discrimination! Jeez, us ladies have had to deal with it for long enough so get off your rocker bigbboy.

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All men, GFTO of this thread.I created it, no men allowed. And no, it's not my time of the month (yawn).

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I don't give a shit about discriminating against male players.

Yes, we know.

us ladies have had to deal with it for long enough

So you understand, from your personal experience with discrimination, how hurtful it can be, and unfair. Why would you then wish to carry it out yourself?

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All men, GFTO of this thread.I created it, no men allowed. And no, it's not my time of the month (yawn).

Lol... I'm waiting for someone to say "could've fooled me".

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To be frank here, I don't give a shit about discriminating against male players. I've seen eough yt vids which call us ladies (whether we're ladies or just men in disguise) as bitches. Therefore, I don't give a shit if youre butthurt about discrimination! Jeez, us ladies have had to deal with it for long enough so get off your rocker bigbboy.

So your solution to discriminatory action is more discrimination? No one here called you a bitch.

Seriously.... Youtube.

If you don't like it, don't watch it. No one is going to force your eyes open *Red Dragon* style and have you watch youtube videos about people calling women bitches.

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