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Use of birds and other suggestions

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What if in addition to the flies over dead body you can have birds circling above it so that they can be spotted from afar? Vultures, Ravens... whatever. Flies are good and help to find a body when close but birds can make it a place of interest from afar, not to mention that other players will be interested too, therefore creating a PvP.

To expand on this, you can have birds starting to appear above player depending on their health status. Badly injured players can have 1 or 2 birds appearing above them and have 5-6 when died.

Tree brunches. If you can somehow cut them with an axe or knife you can use them to cover stuff like tents or vehicles. Could be used just for masking purposes or if the mechanics is already in game for something else.

Also this is vBulletin right? Can we have a user selectable alternative skin please? If you could just modify this skin and change red writing to white and make the theme selectable as an alternative would be great. Red is cool but makes it difficult to read effectively on black.

Thank you


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1. Get an axe and a knife.

2. Cut down tree, kill a horse/pig whatever.

3. Carve bow, use horse/pig gut for string.

4. Kill chicken, take feathers, make arrows. Flint for arrow heads.

EDIT - am aware chicken feathers would suck as flights for arrows.

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I remember Rocket was talking about adding environmental dangers to the mix. Just thinking maybe tree brunches could be used to make a temporary shelter against the rain and stuff?

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I think they should do it like PMC did. When you see crows flying overhead, it means a body is near.

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I have no idea what to think of this, I somewhat like the idea though :)

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main problem i can see is

1. Bandits basically have a come get me sign to people low on life, actually not even bandits ... anyone

2. immersion breaking , to have a great flock of birds over my head while trying to snipe would be a nightmare

3. (kinda same point) trying to snipe with a flock of pigeons over my head showing everyone there is a half dead sniper in a bush is horrid.

just my points , i dont think we need anymore tell tale signs to be honest i think its pretty obvious when someone has died or when someone is close to death (see frantic bandaging/sprinting/insta-prone)

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