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ArmaX problems thread

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Here are the files you need, Robserg. What you need to do is run the beta patcher. Then extract the flies in the "Addons" RAR and drag and drop them into your @dayz folder.

Dayz RAR - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ay5dsi5k2cjdl54/AddOns_v1.7.2.1.rar

Arma2 Beta 94876 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ag5dsg3ew3nscxg/ARMA2_OA_Build_94876.exe

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Thank you very much! works! Waiting for ?

Is any ARMA X user is able to play with ???

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i cant get to work again. i replaced the files and downloaded your beta link

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What error message are you getting and can you tell me what files you have replaced? Did you open six launcher? Because Six launcher will break manual installs.

Edited by zammyman
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I'm able to play with 94876 beta patch. Sometimes (maybe it is just server related) I got the "Waiting for character to create" screen or a endless loading.. but in most cases it runs smooth.

Since I dont trust SixLauncher I install beta patches/DayZ patches by hand. If you do so, pls remember the following:

The patches and don't have all files from DayZ included, mainly dayz_anim and dayz_code where edited, afaik some more in 1.7.2 which is why you should update 1.7.2 completely and overwrite them with the or files afterwards.

Also afaik you can only(!) play on / servers - depends on what patch you use.

Edited by Senseless
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Cheers for the heads up :)

** Sleep time, brb about 1300gmt **

Edited by rapier<3

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I have ARMA X + latest beta patch having 1.61.94876 + intellaed 1.7.2 and then updated it to with the files I gave you. Runs like a charm.

Thanks for the gr8 info bro.

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lol.. I have been sleeping like a mammoth here :D

I hate when parents say "You're 22! getup and get going" ...zzzzZZZZZ <_<

Edited by jarhead770

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Morning, anyone having any problems again ??

Roboserg good to see you got into the game last night :D


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Cannot join any server after this new update,saying wait for host every time now and is geting ridiculouss.I dont understand?

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Lid hang on we are updating manually atm, and then testing it will get back to you soon with a pos fix

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Update on current patch install


For all steam user's updating to the latest patch is a simple as replacing the files in the @Dayz folder with the V1.7.2.3 files that can be found on the Dayz website. From what I can see you want to leave the Arma 2 beta patch on V94876.

Please hold on a little longer for information on updating the Non-steam version, rapier is currently in the process of updating and will post an update here once he has finished.

If you are having any issues updating please post here or pm rapier or me.




The servers also appear to take longer to load you into the game, because of this you may have to wait longer on both the loading and waiting for character to create screens.

Edited by zammyman

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Ok, boys and girls,

None Steam update for y'all, was just able to connect to the DE servers using this method of manual install,

Download the new files from :-


Unrar them and drag and drop into the addons folder within the @DayZ folder, example:-

F:\Bohemia Interactive\@DayZ\addons

The servers are busy so expect delays on "Loading" or "Waiting for character to create"

Just so you all know I have not updated the beta, Still using 94876

Hope this helps, good luck

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Manually updated to via files copy/paste - everything workds. Stupid sixupdater. Dont use it

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Good to hear Robo, Stupid Six Launcher.

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Good to see everything is running smoothly for you Roboderg :D

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Morning, anyone having any problems again ??

Roboserg good to see you got into the game last night :D


meh ^^ After that death me and my buddy found a bus, drove around. Server restart. Couldnt log back in. Next day the bus was gone. Thanks admins

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Nice man, just glad that we got you fixed up and on, I found a tractor last night too and crashed it into a wall was stuck and could not get it out again :( fun though lol

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see post number 88 and get the dayz files from there

you will need all of them

that should work for you,

im now off to bed, good luck

Edited by rapier<3

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Roscoe, which beta patch patch are you using? did you get your game from Steam?

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yeah that may well be your problem, use the 94876 beta, im not the expert on steam install's you need to PM zammyman if you have problems, or post here and i'll make sure he sees it :)

Edited by rapier<3

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