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ArmaX problems thread

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Read this 1st please !!!


Update - Some of the steps listed in the guide are a little out of date, just links so don't panic, just read the thread to find new "working" links, any probs PM zammyman or me,

But please do read the thread.


Hey, guides to manual installs are here as well now for these finding this post late, at time of creating they work fine, and we hope that they help you guys out.

None Steam guide:-

https://www.dropbox....stall guide.xps

Steam guide:-

https://www.dropbox....stall guide.xps

Have to give a big shout out to Zammyman who fixed up the Steam guide

They basically fix problems with Six Launcher updating/downgrading your game files and the beta number used.

Again, hope they help, please read thread for other issues and fixes.



Ok, we seem to be having ArmaX related topics all over the forum, and I for one (as an ArmaX user) would like to keep them all here, and talk about the problems that I am having using ArmaX none Steam (retail).

I am only able to play using with the beta patch number 93965, not sure if this is the same for other users too, updating to newer beta patches or 1.7.2 renders the game unplayable due to "bad cd key", or "server is running different version, server side" errors. Or the fantasical stuck in "loading" or "waiting for character to create" problems.

I understand that others are having to make fresh characters, with the newest patch if they are able to get into the game, tbh, deal with it, this is an Alpha (although I don't even get this far).

The main thing I would like to know is what are the dev's planning to do about these problems that ArmaX users are having?, and when do they plan to make the game playable on the newest patches? (both game and beta)

Please guys I don't want a load of "sucks to be you" or "i'm quitting" replies, I would like replies from other ArmaX users detailing their problems (and fixes), and updates from the dev team too, if pos.

So please only post here if you have something useful to say.

Thanks for reading,


Sticky please.

Edited by rapier<3
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Got the same issue. Can (more or less*) only connect to servers with 93825 or 93965 beta patch.

*In some cases (1 out of 20 attempts) I can join 1.7.2 servers with 94700 beta patch but I spawn at a random beach with start equipment. I also can join on servers with 94876 beta patch (and ONLY that) but same here: spawn at random beach with start equipment. When I patch back down to and 93965 I'm at the place where I logged out, with all equipment I had with me (fortunately).

Does someone know if I'm only able to spawn with start equip at 1.7.2(.1) and should try to save my equip with help of friends? If these are two different characters (IDs) I could run around and loot a little with the "new" 1.7.2 char, couldn't I?

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I have exactly the same issue and was thinking the same thing as you with regard to friends saving my stuff, I am about to try with newest beta now and will reply with what happens to me.

Thank you for the good reply and report of problem/problems lets keep it coming,

If you do find a working fix be sure to post it here please, cheers Senseless

Edited by rapier<3

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I am with ARMA X. CANT join any server at all. Stuck at "LOADING" screen. (not the "waiting for character"). Tried all the latest beta patches.

Edited by Roboserg

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Do you use six launcher Roboserg? if so don't, and try using the above mentioned beta patch and game version, that will defo work, then use the in game multiplayer launcher

Let me know if you need help

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Do you use six launcher Roboserg? if so don't, and try using the above mentioned beta patch and game version, that will defo work, then use the in game multiplayer launcher

Let me know if you need help

Dont use six launcher. What do you mean, what version? Do you mean the " with the beta patch number 93965" ? Well it worked for me before, but my char didnt save. Cant play like that either. Then I updated to the 1.7.2 and the latest beta patch yesterday and after 5 min loading time I could actually play. But today - not at all.

Edited by Roboserg

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I am still able to play on some servers using 93965 beta and ver. with saves, 1.7.2 never works for me, also can't get the hotfix ( to work.....

Not having a good time, anyone with tips please post them here,


** After trying every combination of beta's and dayz files, i'm rolling back to beta 93965, those seem to still work for me, will update once the new builds are stable **

Edited by rapier<3

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I dont know what else to say to you other then: + 94700 beta worked for me on CZ1 server w/o problems. (Okay, sometimes yellow chain, but that is due to my bad internet connection)

btw: I was just kicked after about one hour of playing with an error message like "bad memory #0"

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Ok, ty dude i'll give it another go, thanks for the help :)

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Got somewhat happy think yay im in.................. and then FAIL!!!! happened,

Basically I was blinking every 7 secs with "you are running an incorrect........." on my screen, I could move but not playable due to the "blinking"

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Ok, do what Senseless said, altho I am using 94876beta, so I can play on SE 3,

Cheers for the help folks, got more love from you guys then Anders :D

Edited by rapier<3

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Same problem. I'm using ARMA X retail boxed set.

I get passed the lobby screen and passed the loading screen with the tanks, then sometimes it will say "creating character" but usually it will just stick on "Loading". Longest I have left it on "Loading" is 1 hour so it's broken for sure. I sometimes get to see some text come up in the bottom left in global chat, stuff like "Regroup" or sometimes a bit of text in Direct Chat. This happens on any server I try.

I'm using Six Launcher.

So far I've tried:

Joining servers from inside ARMA 2's own browser

Beta patches 94444 and 94700

Reinstalling Battleye

Deleting the ARMA 2 folder in "My Documents"

Copying the ARMAOA.EXE from the beta folder into the ARMA 2 folder.

Raging on the forums

Shouting at my Monitor

Playing Battlefield 3.

Spending time with the kids.

System Specs:

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit


CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600

HDD: Western Digital Raptor SATA 1TB



Sound Card: Creative Soundblaster X-Fi

What has worked for me:

Installing the hotfix and playing on Servers. Doing this though spawned me on the beach with a new character, I lost all my stuff (Alice pack, matches, pistol with 7 mags, compass, watch, binoculars, hatchet, hunting knife, water bottle, food, plenty of morphine, blood packs, pain killers, epi-pens, road flares, bandages etc etc) I had all I needed to survive :-( but I'm just happy to be able to play again.

I haven't tried to roll back to Losing gear and starting again doesn't bother me.

Maybe a dev could comment on what makes ARMA X so special that it's such a bag of fail when it comes to DayZ. It would be nice to know why, even if it's something silly like letters in the player ID when other copies of ARMA 2 use only numbers that causes a headache with coding or something or the CD Key is one character longer on copies of ARMA X and it fouls things up. This isn't the first time ARMA X has been to blame for issues with characters loading.

Edited by Longs

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I can only connect to (93965 beta)

I've been playing since it came out pretty much and this problem has only started occuring in the last month or so

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Since the latest update I was only able to log in once, I tried the but got a warning that the SE servers I tried was "outdated" and when I tried loggin in it gets stuck at connecting to server.

Though I think I read that a hotfix will be comming out today?

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In the 1.7.2 thread rocket posted today that will be released today.

@HerrBob: Did you make sure that you first install 1.7.2 (dayz_code_v1.7.2, dayz_anim_v0.3, dayz_v1.3.1, dayz_equip_v.1.3.4) and after that the update (dayz_code and dayz_anim)? If you updated from to you are missing the new dayz and dayz_equip files.

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HerrBob, follow Senseless's (so many s's lol) tip, and then go here :-


Make sure you download and install the beta in the green box, at the top of page, run the game once and make sure that it says in the bottom right corner that you are using the newest beta, something like 1.60.94876.

Then close and reopen the game and find the SE 3 server and try that, it works for me, had a few probs but fixed now, i'm running ArmaX and not using Six Launcher.

Hope this helps,

Edited by rapier<3

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Hi all,

I recently got my copy of arma x.

Just wandering around the forum of how to install Day-Z using six updater..I got my eyes on this thread.

Can somebody tell me "why" shouldn't I use six updater to install dayz? Currently I have installed arma2, arma 2 OA, arma2 CO (BAF / PMC DLCs) and updated my game using the v1.60 patch(the stable one..listed on the bohemia's update page) something like 1.60.8xx795 in-game menu?.

I do want to play my normal MP missions on BAF/PMC as well as day z. is this working bug free as of now? I am scared as I have read "bad key" error a many times on forums(both here adn on bohemia's) and don't want to wreck my install/license :D

Somebody please guide me of how can i install most stable build of day z (one having lots of servers to play around with :D ).

Do I need to install any beta patches for arma 2 / CO /OA ?

Also, does the recent fixes the issue(s) arma X owners have been having lately?

Thanks & Regards,


Edited by jarhead770

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Some people were having problems with Six Launcher updating the game to far, thus causeing the "Bad Key" problems, alot of folks were installing the game manually to avoid this, the bad key error will not break your game to DW.

What I was doing to be able to play the game was using the files with the 93965 beta found here :-


The new release of the game should fix the problems that ArmaX user were having, atm I am able to play using with the newest beta 94876, on the SE 3 server, there should be a new release up tonight I think ( which *fingers crossed* will sort out everything.

Hope this helps,

If you need help installing things let me know.

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thanks for replying :)

Well, AFAIK people having bad cd key problem is due to the fact that they din't ran their install separately.

For example, before installing day z they did not ran their initial arma 2 game. Such as running arma 2, then arma 2 OA and then installing dayz and finally running it. All they did was install all three of them (most of them used steam and are newbies) and run dayz straight off. (Sorry but this is what I have concluded after going through almost 10-15 thread on bohemia forums)



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Not a suprise tbh, and they are the "OMGGGGGGGGG ZOMBIEESSSSSSSSS are so awesome !!!11!!" people lol,

If you follow the tips here and in other places on the forum you should not have a problem, if you do just post here i'm about all day ;)

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Not a suprise tbh, and they are the "OMGGGGGGGGG ZOMBIEESSSSSSSSS are so awesome !!!11!!" people lol,

If you follow the tips here and in other places on the forum you should not have a problem, if you do just post here i'm about all day ;)


Roger that

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thanks for the replies guys, yes I did install 1.7.2 when it was released, was able to log into one server and play, the next day all the "loading" problems started I searched the forum and found the experimental patch, unrared it according to the info there in the addon folder. I'll double check the beta version later and see if there is something wrong there.

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Right now I am installing using six updater. Fingers crossed. lets see what happens :|

umm..not to be a noob here but the six updater will* install the latest beta for arma 2 / OA on its own..right? and then the day z files?

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