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Fetching, Fetching and more Fetching

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So I bought the arma 2 pack from steam last night and i installed the dayz 6 launcher and I was able to get in game and run around but before any of that i have to fetch for like an hour each time I try to play and most of the time I get an error about sync issues. So I close it and run it again till I can actually validate and join a server. I also noticed my internet speed has either slowed down or doesnt open some sites after downling this launcher (I had to reset my router). I uninstalled it and bam my internet works again...

My question is how do i fix this fetching issue? Is there any other way to launch dayz? Why is it that this launcher f***s with my internet?

Edited by JarethJams

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You can launch servers though the in-game

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