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Tense game is tense!

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I got DayZ yesterday after watching an unhealthy abundance of youtube videos about it, and was off on my extremely low FPS quest to survive.

My very first life, I didn't die for awhile. Made it all the way to Elektro by some weird miracle, looted some three-story building and stayed there for quite awhile in the dark, throwing flares in every direction out of boredom. Eventually boredom grew into curiousity when I lit up the grocery store, and I climbed down from the roof to cross the street and start looting once more. I got a good amount of things added to my toolbelt, FINALLY got a weapon to defend myself, then..

*Bang, bang*

Shot twice in the back with a rifle, and fell over. I still hadn't learned chat yet so I laid there helpless, unconcious and staring at the hourglass to wake up. The guy that had shot me crept up out of the darkness, and I assume he started looting me because he stayed still over me for a moment. I figured he thought I was dead, until he pointed his gun at me and -slowly- started to raise the muzzle up to my head. "Nononono!" Was what I was yelling at the computer until he finally pulled the trigger, ending my first DayZ experience.

That one moment created so much tension that I had to keep playing. Sure, I wish that my very first interaction with another player had been friendly, instead of leading to my death, but that's the whole reason I wanted to try out this game. The emotions that it brings out of you are so crazy that I keep loading back in everytime I die. I don't think I'll ever have it in me to kill another player(Unless he/she shoots first of course!) simply because I know that I wouldn't want -my- loot all gone just because of a showdown.

I guess that ends this nub story, though if anyone read this far, care to answer a question?

Sometimes when I log into a server, my old character is gone and replaced with a new one. I shrug and start looting on the new one, and when I finally log out of that one and join a new server later that day, I'm back to my -old- character and all of his gear. What's going on with that? Why are three different servers for some reason sharing two saves?

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Nice story, thanks for sharing. And welcome to DayZ, I hope future player-encounters will be more friendly for you, although the unfriendly encounters bring the addictive tension to this mod that I love so much.

As for your question, I experienced something like that once; but luckily only once. I quess you've been playing on a server that didn't save characterdata to the hive. Maybe somebody else can give you a more precise answer.

Good luck, see you in the field!

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Glad your enjoying it, I'm new here too and having a load of fun. The problem you mentioned appears to be a bug in the latest version with servers having difficulty reading from the play database server and not syncing up properly. Hopefully it will be hot fixed soon but in the mean time treat all your gear as temporary, well you should do that anyway. :D

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Don't be scared to defend yourself man, if they shoot, shoot back at them and don't feel bad for it, sounded like epic way to go out for your fist death, keep at it try to make friends and work together raiding out skirt villages/towns for supplies, but remember rule #1 DO NOT GET ATTACHED TO YOUR GEAR ;)

there is issues with new patch that needs fixed

Edited by Lokiz

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