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Greater use of shock?

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As far as I know shock doesn't put you under duress, whilst aiming, it doesn't make you lose more food, water etc but it also has the added bonus of making people deal with that long ass unconscious timer if you log out under shock.

Why isn't shock applied more widely?

You shoot a sniper at someone, Shock.

You get shot at by anything, Shock.

Zombies out of nowhere, Shock.

Maybe the way to cull combat loggers and meta is to just annoy the hell out them?

I don't know how much you can alter shock length but if every time your gun went off/you were shot at if you combat logged you'd have to spend the next (5? by default) minutes unconscious.

It'd make people pissed off enough that maybe they'd stop doing it? or it'd stop people doing it in high risk areas (NW eg.)

What do you think?


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I dont know what point you're trying to get across. Do you want people to quit spamming the respawn button? Or do you want to modify the shock system.

In either case if shock was altered as much as you want it to be the game wouldn't be much fun. Constant shaking when a zombie is next to you or when you get shot at. Really?

As for the spam spawners, add a 5-10minute time restriction evertime they click that respawn button so they wouldn't be able to spam it.


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I could see this being pretty annyoing/lethal if you were to legitimately lose connection while in a dangerous area, but few other games show too much leniency towards legit disconnects.

This is a pretty good idea, IMHO.

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I dont know what point you're trying to get across. Do you want people to quit spamming the respawn button? Or do you want to modify the shock system.

In either case if shock was altered as much as you want it to be the game wouldn't be much fun. Constant shaking when a zombie is next to you or when you get shot at. Really?

As for the spam spawners, add a 5-10minute time restriction evertime they click that respawn button so they wouldn't be able to spam it.


He's not talking about the mechanic that makes you shake if you take damage, he's talking about the mechanic that renders you unconcious the next time you log in if you are in shock when you log out.

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Enlighten me on something. Doesn't respawn kill you caracther and lose everything? Why would someone want to do that then?

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Enlighten me on something. Doesn't respawn kill you caracther and lose everything? Why would someone want to do that then?

After dying, some people will purpousely respawn several times over to start in a desired location.

This places a severe load on the servers, and should be discouraged.

Edit: That's not what this thread is about though, this thread is about using the 'shock' mechanic to discourage combat logging, ghosting and the like.

Edited by LuxusElg
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I dont know what point you're trying to get across. Do you want people to quit spamming the respawn button? Or do you want to modify the shock system.

In either case if shock was altered as much as you want it to be the game wouldn't be much fun. Constant shaking when a zombie is next to you or when you get shot at. Really?

As for the spam spawners, add a 5-10minute time restriction evertime they click that respawn button so they wouldn't be able to spam it.


I meant to stop people combat logging / alt + f4'ing when shot at/snipers shooting at you then instantly logging off to avoid zombies that come to investigate.

Shock, as far as I can tell has 0 effect on you, except for if you log out whilst under the influence of shock, when you reconnect your character will be unconscious for about 5 minutes.

The shaking screen thing has nothing to do with shock, it's just an effect from taking damage that is removable with painkillers. You cannot cure shock, the only cure for it is to wait it out.

wait, you want shooting a sniper rifle to put you in shock?

........ :@

As far as I know shock doesn't effect your aim or any other bodily function. The only downside to being in shock is that if you disconnect whilst under the influence of shock, you will respawn in unconscious.

This would be to stop the snipers who take pot shots at you, then log out so they don't have to deal with the zombies that come to investigate.

Enlighten me on something. Doesn't respawn kill you caracther and lose everything? Why would someone want to do that then?

Forget respawn, i'm talking about when you reconnect after you've disconnected from a server.

I could see this being pretty annyoing/lethal if you were to legitimately lose connection while in a dangerous area, but few other games show too much leniency towards legit disconnects.

This is a pretty good idea, IMHO.

Well the sideline for this would be that it would only apply to people who disconnect. (Via Alt+F4 or options->disconnect).

Sure players could still pull their network cable out/BattleEYE can crash/your net drops under shock and not feel this punishment upon reconnecting.

If a player loses connection he is still able to be killed before he times out from the server, it doesn't work in the same way as Alt+F4 so if feasible this punishment would only punish people who leave the game by their own choice.

Hope this clears it up for you guys.

*Edit: this has nothing to do with respawn spamming, I don't think that's an issue, sure it might annoy some people but if you play with friends who are new to the game, the best way to keep them playing is to hold their hand for a bit in the beginning.

Edited by w'll

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I'm a little confused. Are you saying you want a suppression effect or are you confusing physical with emotional shock? The kind of shock in the game is physical when your body has taken heavy physical trauma basically your body gets confused and starts shutting down which makes things worse. Heavy physical trauma as in getting shot a bunch of times or horribly mauled by zombies.

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In reply to w'll

I believe that having your person stay logged in for a minute after disconnecting would provide a possible solution to the Alt+F4 problem.

If rocket were to add a system that keeps a players body ingame for at least a minute after pressing any sort of disconnect button then there would be ample time for the aggressor to finish off his or her target. Another possible system is there to be a 30 second timer in which the player activates said timer and then at the end of said timer the player is completely disconnected, if the two systems were combined then this would remove any possible chance of Combat logging.

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