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Discreet whistle to help locate close proximity friends

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I'd like to see a discreet whistle function, like a soft Pheep! or the like, which denotes 'I'm over here!'

Countless times my friend and I have found ourselves only a few metres apart in dense vegetation or in cluttered towns yet have been unable to locate each other without walking out into the open so the other can physically see where they are. This is clunky and in DAyZ very dangerous.

A soft whistle for positioning would be ideal - a simple Pheep! or an animal noise emulation would be sufficient and discreet. Most people enjoy 5.1 sound where possible and so this function would not only be incredibly useful, but has many situations where it would add to the level of tension, stealth, and alertness when you may hear others' discreet whistles.

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Use a mike and direct chat, make the sounds yourself. That's how i signal where i am when i lose sight of my companions.

Edited by Enforcer

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I think it or something similar has been suggested before, but I think it's an interesting idea.


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