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Winchester OP?

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Does anyone else think that the Winchester is very overpowered? VERY common ammo, one hit kill on zombies, three times as much ammo per mag as the CZ, quieter than the Enfield with the same rate of fire. The only reason people use the Enfield is when they have nothing else, the only reason people use the CZ is to player kill, and even then the Winchester is still very popular. It's just a little frustrating that once you find a Winchester, there's no contest for any other gun until you get to the highest tier. If I'm the only one who doesn't like it then fine, but I just had to ask.

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Lots of mmo similarities in DayZ. Not sure it it's op. It's probably the best weapon out there since zombies got imba, but I don't know how it competes in PvP.

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Guy below loads about 10 rounds in, and it can shoot pretty damn fast.

The main issue with the gun is that it doesn't feature a reload animation, and should of course have to have each bullet loaded individually.

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I find its rate of fire is low..what I do love is pellets so I don't have to get direct hits on laggy fast moving zombies. Also since it is easy to find ammo for the Winchester it becomes a very good option for people who haven't had a chance to get high tier weapons.

Its a good gun that shouldn't be changed.

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If you nerf the winchester you nerf every loner in the game, as if that needed to happen again with the zombie spawns being broken like they are right now.

It's not overpowered, it's a solid option that will get the job done at close to mediumish ranges. It's fairly quiet too. That being said it is very easily outclassed by the higher tier military spawns.

Keep it the way it is.

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First of all, balance isn't important. Secondly I think the winchester is likely to get nerfed in terms of reload time and ammo capacity eventually, because it's not realistic right now I don't think. But the CZ has a scope, and the winchester does not.

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About half ammo and a longer reload would definitely make it more balanced. And I'm not saying that balance is needed, I'm saying that it gets a little samey when 80% of players have the winchester, 10% have the CZ, 9% have the higher tier weapons, and you can tell the last percent has never played before because they're using the crossbow or enfield. It's certainly not a huge issue, and I won't stop playing because of it, I was just wondering if anyone else felt the same.

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Nerf ammo to 10' date=' give it a reload animation, sorted.


Or to the 8 round 1014 magazines so the other shotguns aren't useless.

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No, no, and as far as I'm aware the 1866 wasn't offered in 12ga.

I suspect it's going to get an overhaul sooner or later.

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