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quick questions about loot

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So me and 3 friends are heading to our camp site and on the way this Ural is speeding in the opposite direction, almost head ons with us, so I jump out and just blast him as hes driving down the road, the trucks swerves into a field I didn't see anyone d/c, didn't see anyone die, no murders or bandit kills. We inspect the truck no one around so we fix it up and take it, once at our camp we are looking through it and there is a land mine, IR strobe and aa12 ammo. But I'm not sure if land mines, IR strobes or aa12's spawn in dayz. I know i've seen screen shots with aa12's but are they legit. and what about the strobes and land mines?. This happend on US149

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Nope. They're hacked. Ditch 'em, but keep the Ural.

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I figured it was probably hacked or something. Me and my friends were to iffy about it so we just ditched the stuff that looked hacked and then keep the truck :P

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Don't keep the hacked items, people might blame you for hacking! :)

This would probably mean that the Ural is hacked as well. Heck, not your fault, I would drive somewhere north and ditch it in a forest, continue on my own trusty feet.

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