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ghost killing and spawn system

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First off I have to say I love this game and has really been the most immersive experience I have ever had in gaming. It is an impressive game for it being in alpha stage. But that being said it has a fatal flaw which can easily turn the tides of anyone's experience. That is ghost killing. if you haven't experienced this it is basically server hopping so you can get behind someone and shoot them where ever they are.

Me and my friends have a great time trying to control cherno or elektro with team work and marksmanship. We therefore put our snipers in the towers and generally inaccessible areas to provide overwatch for our guys on the ground. Most of the time we can shoot maybe 3 or 4 guys then one of those guys will leave the server find a weapon in a low pop server climb up to our position, log into the server we are in and shoot us point blank. I understand I may be a dick for sniping people in the city, but god damnit it is effective, and it is bullshit that my hard work and strategy can be beat everytime by someone cheating the system. Besides spotting snipers in towers is childs play! if you dont check those places before you come to town you deserve to get shot, im surprised I last so long.

So what can be done? Essentially this spawn mechanic is so embedded into the game that nothing can be done about it, basically making this game broken and unfix able. Here are a couple of my suggestions.

1. tents can be set as spawn points until you die. so when you log you can easily get back to your camp but once you die you have to travel all the way back to your camp to make it an option.

2. random spawn points in the vicinity of where you last logged. of course these will have to placed all over the map and also be able to detect the presence of other players so you don't spawn in a shit storm.

3. Spawn on a friend. I have been thinking that a friend system would be really nice, so you can easily find each other. Now I know what your thinking, people will spawn on their friends when they die and end up right back in the firefight to get their stuff back. But wouldn't that make it exciting? a nonstop firefight until you kill the last man! Of course people will also use it to swing the tides of battle dramatically and it would be flawed, but better than just spawning wherever you were last.

4. capture points. certain points in cities and town can be captured by you and your friends and act as spawn points. This could make it interesting when you figure out which point people are spawning from so if they alt f4 when you try to kill them you can wait at their spawn point to finish the job.

Now none of these Ideas are the perfect fix and honestly their may not be one, but I feel that something really has to be done about this major loop hole in the dayz world.

Please discuss and criticize any Idea is a good one.

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#1 - Doesn't this just endorse logging out during a firefight if a player thinks they will lose? Or when running out of supplies? I sure could imagine myself running around in a Ghillie Suit and SVD Camo, and just log back to my tent if I get hit.

#2 - This would still enabled ghost killing, just make it slightly harder because you might not end up right where you wanted.

#3 - I probably like this idea the best. I hate running 40 minutes to a meeting location only to hear that my friend got himself killed and has to start all over. Or have that happen to myself.

#4 - Sounds like you want to enable spawn-killing in the game. Whether it's people that log out when you shoot at them, or people camping your spawn points while waiting for you to log in. And wouldn't the spawn points have to be server specific? I don't really see that working unless you're a regular to one server, which isn't that common, as far as I can tell. And if it was cross-server, they would get switched way too fast, and cause lag on all servers as they try to keep up on what server had its point captured.

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I see alot of your points. the big problem is the logging out, I cant think of any good way around this.

As far as the ideas go I believe it has to be a collection of spawn options since not everyone will have a tent, or a friend or a capture point.

For idea #4 its not so much spawn killing since someone would not know the captured spawn point until they start seeing someone repeatedly spawn there, and if you notice someone logging then coming from a specific spawn point there is at least some justice you can serve. However this idea must have other options, just like the rest. I dont believe any of these ideas will fix the game, but something has to be done.

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also with #2 I believe ghost killing would be eliminated because you wouldn't be able to spawn behind or near your target. If you use this mechanic to ghost kill someone you are rolling the dice and hoping you get a spawn that will allow you to get close enough to kill your opponent. this would also limit server hopping for loot and make people alot more weary of logging

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First off I have to say I love this game and has really been the most immersive experience I have ever had in gaming. It is an impressive game for it being in alpha stage. But that being said it has a fatal flaw which can easily turn the tides of anyone's experience. That is ghost killing. if you haven't experienced this it is basically server hopping so you can get behind someone and shoot them where ever they are.

Me and my friends have a great time trying to control cherno or elektro with team work and marksmanship. We therefore put our snipers in the towers and generally inaccessible areas to provide overwatch for our guys on the ground. Most of the time we can shoot maybe 3 or 4 guys then one of those guys will leave the server find a weapon in a low pop server climb up to our position, log into the server we are in and shoot us point blank. I understand I may be a dick for sniping people in the city, but god damnit it is effective, and it is bullshit that my hard work and strategy can be beat everytime by someone cheating the system. Besides spotting snipers in towers is childs play! if you dont check those places before you come to town you deserve to get shot, im surprised I last so long.

So what can be done? Essentially this spawn mechanic is so embedded into the game that nothing can be done about it, basically making this game broken and unfix able. Here are a couple of my suggestions.

1. tents can be set as spawn points until you die. so when you log you can easily get back to your camp but once you die you have to travel all the way back to your camp to make it an option.

2. random spawn points in the vicinity of where you last logged. of course these will have to placed all over the map and also be able to detect the presence of other players so you don't spawn in a shit storm.

3. Spawn on a friend. I have been thinking that a friend system would be really nice, so you can easily find each other. Now I know what your thinking, people will spawn on their friends when they die and end up right back in the firefight to get their stuff back. But wouldn't that make it exciting? a nonstop firefight until you kill the last man! Of course people will also use it to swing the tides of battle dramatically and it would be flawed, but better than just spawning wherever you were last.

4. capture points. certain points in cities and town can be captured by you and your friends and act as spawn points. This could make it interesting when you figure out which point people are spawning from so if they alt f4 when you try to kill them you can wait at their spawn point to finish the job.

Now none of these Ideas are the perfect fix and honestly their may not be one, but I feel that something really has to be done about this major loop hole in the dayz world.

Please discuss and criticize any Idea is a good one.

All of your suggestions are retarded for a multitude of reasons.

#1 would allow you to basically pitch a tent outside cherno, run to airfield for sniper rifle, warp back to tent, commence camping. did it ever occur to you that being able to skip across the map at will defeats the whole purpose of having a huge map?

#2 i could log out in the woods near a city, then spawn in the middle of the open field next to the city in broad daylight. there might not be players near me, but a sniper could still light me up from long range.

#3 This is by far the stupidest idea of the bunch. it encourages run and gun tactics instead of intelligent play, since you can just respawn right where you died and grab your gear again. this is a cliche reply, but you really give me no choice but to say it: go play call of duty.

#4 This is basically your idiotic tent suggestion repackaged, where people can teleport across the map to spawn points. Except this idea is even worse because it also encourages spawn camping.

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i'm not a bandit by any means but if i saw you in game i'd just shoot you for being so dumb

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Tell your overwatch friends to stop being bad. Don't kill someone and sit around. Move after each kill. Additionally, overwatch shouldn't be provided from INSIDE the city. You stated you have multiple people sniping; position them around the outskirts of the city so you have areas you want to go to covered. Being outside the city, there are better places to hide.

Use strategy instead of being bad and thinking the solution is to implement teleporting.

The solution is to stop being bad.

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It seems like you talk against yourself and from me its a NO. This would just take away more realism. The thing to have to find your mates if you are killed is a part of the game if you spawn where you left its like your the same character again. I don't like it at all.

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