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My names Keith steam name is motots600 and I'm totally addicted to this game. I'm playing every evening now and most days on the weekends.

I solo right now but I'd like to find a good set of people to group with. I'm very werry of players I don't know. So If I see someone acting agressive I usually shoot first... If I think I'm going to be seen.

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RaysGoodLiquor, same as in game. I just started played a couple days ago, but I was in the Marine Corps for 5 years, and have shown a great interest in survival over the years, so I feel like a fish to water in the game.

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Hello, I'm bruskardk (bruskardk in game) I enjoy hanging around cherno, and elektro. I will only shoot at someone if they shoot at me (I don't want to die!)

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Alright folks names Stuart. My ingame name is Mr krinkle (Primus fan) :D.

I've been playing this mod for a few months now. I've been killed loads of times by other players which seems to be happening alot.

Unfortunately I just killed another player today for the first time and it felt awful. I had no choice!!

I was in a barn and i heard a zombie getting aggroed. Next thing i knew this player appears at the door, axe in hand. I started to walk back and he walks straight for me swinging all i could do was shoot. Took about 5 shots to floor them.

Anyway i'm rambling.....I would love to meet up with other survivors. My Steam username is irvo17, feel free to add me. Remember stay SAFE

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Hi all, Dahlvash from the UK here!

Started playing a few days ago and I'm finding it very fun (and intense), great work on the mod indeed!

If there is any group looking for a member I am available! :D

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Hi i'm raymon


and im dutch

i like killing zombies and talk to survivors only the always put a bullet in my head

but what i really love are Beans

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Hi all, I am Charlie. I started playing about a month ago and have been hooked ever since. In game name is Sniper Wolf and the more observant amoung you may notice the wolf theme.

I am always looking for a nice group to hang with withn the European region. See you all in there.

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Thought i'd use my first post to introduce myself.

Been playing for about 5 weeks now. Really enjoying it.

In game name is Keiranevans.

Friendly... IF you announce yourself.

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Names Andrew, handle is UndeadMerc89 (obviously) and I've been a survivor for about a week now. If you see me around... well that's not supposed to happen.

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Hey all, NexusSin here. Introducing myself as someone who just bought ARMA2 Combined Ops on Steam, hoping to get DayZ working on it then hoping on. If ya see me in a server I'm planning on being all friendly since I hate killing other peeps, but ya know, zombie apocalypse can change that right? haha :)

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Hey I'm Manny, please don't shoot. Manny in-game, and here's my Steam:


also if anyone wants to group I'm looking for a group of laidback guys who mostly want to fuck around, likeminded individuals, strength in numbers, etc. I have skype and mumble.

Skype: Manny_M1992

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Hey Fellaz!

Some-what new to this great mod. I have been roaming solo, but would love to team up.

Team player here!

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Hey guys :)

I'm 18 from Belgium (fluid english WITH accent (rare shit)) looking for a descent squad of 3/5 players to join.

Available anytime on skype: LiquidFSB

Dayz ingame name: FunkSoulBro

Add me on Steam! LiquidFSB

Have a good week of experience in dayz which is enough to know that i need some folks to hang out with =)

Currently online for the next couple hours, looking a trustworthy zombie survival team :D



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Gamerbug from the UK

Been playing about 3 weeks, been alive with my latest character for about 2 weeks after several deaths (only 1 from a bandit, all other rather embarrassingly from zeds).

I'm not a bandit and spend most of my time hunting and exploring away from the big cities having got all I needed to survive in my first venture into Elektro; never been back there since. I occasionally drop some food and drink supplies around the starting towns on my rare journeys back south.

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eey, freakenstein here! playing on any EU servers.

Fr3aK <-ingame

inland Survivor. deerstands FTW!

avoiding big citys at all cost, got slaughtered in elektro last night by bandits >:(

grab med-sup, a gun, then get the hell out!

role: assult/map reader

fav weap: m4a3 cco/m16 acog.

btw, im from sweden, im 19yo.

i go by freak, i bett u cant pronounce my real name :P

Edited by freakenstein

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Whatup, Yall?

I'm Rage, I enjoy all things zombie and dropped $40 just for this mod.

Loving every bit of it already. Realism at its finest.

Let's work together to own the zeds. PM me for my loc.

Thanks, Rage.

(P.S. After my first murder I swore to never shoot first again, so if you get the drop on me, better make it one shot ;) )

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Hello, I'm HazardousJJ

Don't let the name fool you, I'm not a dammed bandit. I'm also not a little kid either. I'm 18 (as of yesterday :D )

Message me if you wan't to play with a non-bandit survivor with a mic that plays quite often. I am also HazardousJJ on steam. :thumbsup:

Edited by HazardousJJ

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My username is paakiboy and i am looking for people to play dayz with.

I am 18 years old.

I speak english and dutch so if you wanna team up send me a friend request or message.

Motto: Live free, game hard!

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Hey guys :)

I'm 21 an i come from Sweden. I talk fluid english with a slight accent sometimes :P

I have a good week of experience in dayz and have found out that zombies are not the worst enemys in the game its those damn bandits that shoot you in the back -_- *raises fists looking angry* So im looking for a friendly survival team or set of solo people that wana team up as its easyer to survive bandit attacks and have a good time killing some zombies :D

I only kill people that shot me first.

Available anytime on skype: lillen750

Dayz ingame name: Lillen

Add me on Steam! Lillien5512

My timezone is GMT +1 and i usaly play on swedish or brittish servers

Edited by lillen

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Hey, what's up guys!

J.Skrill talking, for those who wants to know, J - for Jonathan. Either way, I'm a hardened combat veteran in ArmA II that came to DayZ for the atmosphere and the occasional teamwork, something the latter has 8/10 failed at.

Back to the story! DayZ is for me a great mod, and I'm happy that it brought so many players to the ArmA game series!

I play on virtually any server I come across in Europe / US. If you want to have a chat or go all the way and game with me, knock me up on Steam!

Steam: [GTO]J.Skrill

Now don't spam me you lil' pricks! <3

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Hello my name is John in game but my tag here is johtus, clearly. I've always enjoyed open world survival games (i.e. fallout on hardcore) and zombie games. This is freaking amazing so far.

I'm a generally non-hostile new player, just bought the game 2 days ago... or something.. I lost track of time honestly after the first day. I play with a little too much caution, I spent 3 hours alive my first time through only to be killed by falling out of a barn. I've since been perfecting my skills in evading zombies without using bullets or weapons in general, and making note of how to reach the nearest cities quickly after respawning.

Could use some people to team up with for the fun of it or to accomplish some goal I'm unaware of (I'm always seeing fixed up helicoptors).

Oh yea, I play USwest servers exclusively I guess, since they have the best ping.

Edited by Johtus

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Hi all, my name is James and I'm 23 from England, but in-game I go by Heskey.

I have about a weeks experience playing DayZ but whilst waiting for friends to get the game I'm looking to team up with some other people.

I'm no bandit, but I'm wary of others, having been shot in the back a couple of times by "friendlies".

I have my own 20-man TeamSpeak 3 server that I'm more than willing to let people frequent if they want to team up together and do something a bit more exciting that looting the coast. I have a fair amount of firepower behind me now, and want to move onto raiding military/medical complexes for better loot and possibly put together a vehicle. I've been doing some solo, but it's a bit too risky for little reward without backup.

Send me a PM if you speak English, aren't annoying, and want to game.

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Hi there, the name is Junior and i live in Montréal, Quebec.so my main language is French but i'm doing okay in English also I'm 24 years old and only bought the game a week ago.

My in game name is JuniorQc and i never shot on sight, i always going the friendly route first (even if sometime it does not end well).

I love to keep some thing in my backback for real friendly survivor that i found out there (yes it did happen a couple of time)

I always prefer to take more time for entering a city than aggro and run for a house.

I would love to have some people on skype or teamspeak that i could play with (Preferably if your not the shoot on sight guy) If your interested Pm me!

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