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hello there, the nick is Clockwork Orange, inspired by the movie "A Clockwork Orange". My name is not Alex in case you wondering. I am new to DayZ as you can tell. I came here to join a friendly, douschebag-free clan to stay alive longer in the game, even if the game is in alpha state, it is beyond awesome.

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Hi, I'm Mike, aka iLikeNoobies.

I'm part of a group Survivors from the community: CKS-Gaming. We mostly roam the northern side of the map and we got a few tents set up there. Feel free to register on our website and join our TS. We are always looking for more survivors. We give everybody a chance, except if you aim your gun at us or dont respond to our VOIP messages.

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Hi I play as kilbot also, mainly ANZ 3 and 4. I play lone wolf but have helped a couple of survivors out in the past, will usually hail on voip before I get a bead on your head and shoot you in the face. Be Friendly :)

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Hai Guys!!! im Derpy Hooves... love nothing more than eating muffins and shooting Z's... always hailing friendly, would rather team up than kill but if you shoot first then well... your gonna die :)

mostly play SESUK1 or other UK servers.

Add me on Skype "christhomas1988" or steam "thepadstar" always up for teaming up with anyone :)

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Hai Guys!!! im Derpy Hooves... love nothing more than eating muffins and shooting Z's... always hailing friendly, would rather team up than kill but if you shoot first then well... your gonna die :)

mostly play SESUK1 or other UK servers.

Add me on Skype "christhomas1988" or steam "thepadstar" always up for teaming up with anyone :)

Also i lead the [EFS] Clan (Epic Fail Squad). We welcome anyone to come join, all experiences are accepted!!

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Lo there Im Andy in game Mr Stagger Lee

Server hop as no dedecated one looking for a clan mainly Uk US servers

Hail from Uk scotland What up all

Survival skills good last life 8 day till shot in back at NWA Thanks man

Do not get attached to your gear

Play to have fun Id like to team up but i say hey there an reply 2 to the face

Love to kill Zeds not players but how it is atm out in the wild got cabin feaver so now sad as it is I may shoot on sight : (

Or is it we all Survivors

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I usualy go by bonowhemm. I am just looking to survive, I am not a bandit and never will be. I will however, defend myself.

If you want to be identified as friendly, do not point weapons and announce yourself.

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Been playing for about a month or more. Play under the name ZeBarron. Longest surviving time was 22 days. I try to play it safe and I've been known to help out other players. Currently on the hunt for tents and vehicles! Message me if you'd like to join up sometime.

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Oh hai there

Names SqueeGeeism in game. Im a friendly player. Mostly solo but will team up if I find someone cool.

Play on all English speaking servers. (UK & US)


Message me if you want to team up!

Time zone is GMT

Edited by SqueeGeeism

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Hey, I'm Jake, ingame name TheCrabPpl. Im a cool laidback hard working guy, getting ready to go into college. Anyone bored and wanting to team up in the Canada/US region send me a PM. I also visit the UK server during the night, because DayZ night is uber scary.

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Hey mates. My names Patrick, and I play under the name discwv. I've only had player contact twice, after almost a month of playing, so I haven't really decided whether I'm friendly or not. I've been playing lone wolf for the whole time. Worked my way north all the way to Stary. Snuck into the tents at Stary, found an assault rifle and headed south again. Ran into a pair on the way back, decided to follow at a distance, debated attacking them. They spotted me and I killed one and was killed myself. Probably should have just left them alone in hindsight. Anyways, I'm tired of being a lone wolf, so I'm probably going to start a thread here looking for a mature squad of noobs, like myself.

Edited by discwv
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My name is Joss,

If you want to team up go to the server 'WALKING DEID'

I have a winchester 1866 with 45 rounds.

Im quite shit at the game that is why I need a partner(I can be a bodyguard?)

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Hi all!

I'm Sam, or Sam entropy in game. Ive been watching videos and reading the forums for a couple of weeks, decided to buy arma II to play both dayZ and arma, and so far I love both! This mod will go far, as long as the hackers get dealt with, lost all of my stuff a couple of times now, but it doesnt discourage me from trying to survive :D

I play mostly on the AU and ANZ servers, depending on which isn't overly full.

Definitely keen on some company here and there. Hit me up in pm if you are keen. Working my way along the east coast heading north, as I hear its not too busy up that way, plus I like exploring!!

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Hey Folks, I'm Jordan (29) from New England. I love this game!!! Been playing it for a couple dayz and I am hooked. Even though I am new, I'm getting the hang of it and would be happy to meet some serious players. PM me please if you would like yet another skilled fighter for your crew!! I have TS3 and vent.. thanks


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I'm Vuk,from eastern EU.

Knowned as professional chair thrower and amateur zombie hunter.

Survivng in,and outside the game.

Dealing with zombie apocalypse aswell with financional one in real world.

Crysis everywhere these days.

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Hey everyone. The names Shayn (same in game), only after joining the forum, been playin for a few weeks now. Not in favour of killing other players, just trying to survive :D

Currently having some problems with the game for example when im playing i suddendly get a grey screen with looks like a resolution problem but ive tried fixing it of no avail. the grey on the screen doesnt take up the whole image but does move around in triangle like forms. if anyone can tell me how to sort this out i would be very greatfull.

Also myself and my mate are looking to join up with other players and kick some zombie ass

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Ello all, my name is Flipper (Littleassassin2 ingame), and i love to kill the dead! Max killcount on zombies in 1 life was 156, until a sniper shot me and a buddy down in the middle of Berezino...

Currently looking for people to group up with and i have no dedicated server but once i find a camping tent that will all soon change. I'm 18 years old and live on the East Coast of the USA.

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Hello ladies and gentlemen, name's Ksarme or AxArme and I'm a survivor from Europe, 18 years old and quite fluent at English.

My experience at DayZ ain't big, but I'm a fast learner and don't do stupid stuff anymore. :) However, lone wolf playstyle just doesn't cut it - so I'm looking for a partner or a team.

Contact me through Steam (axer022) or PM here, on the forum if you'd like to team up. :) See you in the field!

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The endless static of your radios scanner breaks suddenly. You hear a scratchy message issue forth from its one working speaker, "Is anyo.. o.. there??? I am trying to rea.. any oth.r surviv..s! I am a sk..led medica. ..echnician, I wa.. .. use my sk..ls to help ot..r survivors! Ple..e broadc..t on th.. channel if u copy. Ov.r" The message repeats once and then resumes its endless chorus of static...

Edited by tweenprincess

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I'm S3ssion (Ingame Gemini) and I'm a friendly Survivor, who tries to help out where he can.

Many people lost the faith in humanity, because of this game, but I try to recover it :)

And I hate bandits! >:(

I hope I see you in Chernarus! :3

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Name´s Pflaume here and ingame. I play usually on EU servers.

I play for a few days, help as often as i can, but already hate bandits.

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I play under Nham in the game, Scott in real life. I post here under Islandjack1.

I refuse to kill another player if they aren't trying to kill me, we should be uniting against the zombies.

Anywhoo, looking for a partner or three to team up. I usually play around 10 am on weekdays after I get up from work.

Contact me here if you can play and we'll set up a time and server.

Love killing zombies. Griefers that kill unarmed players piss me off. Pick up a weapon, you are fair game.

Read World WarZ by Max Brooks, lets try a combined assault against the Z's and see if we can ever kill them all.

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Steam Name Ricosalad

Skype: ricosalad.

Looking for team. I play 1500 to 1800 hours GMT-8.


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