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Yarrick68 (DayZ)

1.7.2 Zombie behavior question

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Does anyone know exactly what mechanic was modified with the new zombies?

For instance, I seem to be able to crouch slow in town with zombies all around like before and then one zombie from what seems half way across the map freaks out at random and runs twards me. The closest zombies are still like "Meh" and unless you have a crossbow or silenced weapon things are about to get interesting. I guess what I am saying is I don't understand the mechanic nor the point of it.

I like the moving slow and carefully through a town and how you have to watch the patterns of other zombies all around you or you will agro a bunch, its like a huge nervous game of "Don't break the Ice". Also there is the helpless feeling you get knowing your in a compromised position if a sniper takes a shot at you while in the middle of this mess.

If the point was to eliminate the scary stealth part of the game and just have us go into town to shoot it up all COD style and clear zombies then it was a success, but I hope that was not the intention.

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there is a reason to why they put in melee weapons... I agroo zombies all the time, but its easily fixed with the hatchet...

Edited by LumberBack

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I have had much success going through towns on my stomach. Takes awhile but I don't miss anything and 9 times out of 10 I don't pull any zombies either.

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there is a reason to why they put in melee weapons... I agroo zombies all the time, but its easily fixed with the hatchet...

Until a zombie breaks your leg.

Anyway, people with a main weapon cant switch the hatchet with their AKM for example. They´d need to put their main weapon into their backpack first which takes up to 10 slots.

Edited by Demaster13

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I have seen this happen on multiple occasions now, in my group i tend be the designated sniper so i stay back while my friends go in. When i see zombies spawn because of my friends close proximity to the town with this patch i almost always see one pretty far away in the village suddenly running for them. Its a bug, im sure of it.

Until a zombie breaks your leg.

Anyway, people with a secondary weapon cant switch the hatchet with their Makarov for example. They´d need to put their secondary weapon into their backpack first which takes up to 5 slots.

Not sure what you are trying to say here but you cant put the hatchet in the sidearm slot, hatchet is main hand only. If thats what you said consider this message none existent.

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I have seen this happen on multiple occasions now, in my group i tend be the designated sniper so i stay back while my friends go in. When i see zombies spawn because of my friends close proximity to the town with this patch i almost always see one pretty far away in the village suddenly running for them. Its a bug, im sure of it.

Not sure what you are trying to say here but you cant put the hatchet in the sidearm slot, hatchet is main hand only. If thats what you said consider this message none existent.

Oh, my bad. I meant main slot, not secondary slot.

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Honestly at this point this has just turned into a "train zombies, go into barn or warehouse or some houses and shoot them all" game. I hope this is not the new norm for the zombies, but if it is then I guess we have to adjust our gameplay to "moar shooting"...lol

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