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Has disappearing weapons been fixed? (L85)

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My character position was reset to 4km out of the map with no water or drinks because my backpack disappeared. Now that I have gotten back on the map I reverted to, and today I foudn a L85AWS, but I dont want to lose that now. The only problem is, is that 90% of the servers have been updated to 1.7.2.

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Yea sure the only problem is the L85 is not in the game anymore it has been removed. You can search for these things instead of making a useless topic.

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Yea sure the only problem is the L85 is not in the game anymore it has been removed. You can search for these things instead of making a useless topic.

It was removed, yes, but it seems Rocket said somewhere that it was by accident and that the L85 will be back later. Things like this, that are not mentioned in the change log or in ANY official post or manner, are often confused by the general public and getting a clear answer is hard. Try helping people instead of being a douche bag.

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Yea sure the only problem is the L85 is not in the game anymore it has been removed. You can search for these things instead of making a useless topic.

Seems like you need to do the searching. It was not intentionally removed.

I was told a hotfix was released but I couldnt find what it fixed.

Edited by InfiniteGrim

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