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A few questions about the map

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So recently when I've been looking at my map i'll see orange dots that just say man next to them and was wondering if these are other players or if it's just some kind of bug

Also are the notes on the map server wide because in a server i was just in there was notes for a downed heli and then a few more spots that i definitely never put in the map

I'm more concerned about the seeing people on the map anything that helps me stay away from other people is a bonus

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When you see 'Man' on your map it means you spotted an infected person and that is the last known location you actually saw them. The map does the same thing with players except the dot is Blue and says 'Survivor' when you hover over it.

Yes, the notes you make on a map are server wide. Apparently switching to a channel other than Group stops that but I've been in direct and made a marker and it showed up for other people. If you Shift+Left Click on a point on the map, it'll make a waypoint that only you can see in game though and it tells you the direction and distance to the point.

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Dots only show up on servers that are set to "easy" difficulty. On the regular settings, you won't get that extra help.

Yes, notes on the map are shared across the server. Don't mark your tent on it ;)

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