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DayZ becomes Standalone title in september?

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I'm guessing its gonna go like this.

Continue like this in alpha stage, possibly beta stage until Arma 3 is out, then port over to that engine, which according to what Rocket has stated should be extremely easy. At that point he will probably start to think about making it stand alone, based on the Arma 3 engine.

Edited by jovial

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I was hoping for a from the ground up rebuild of the game and that this Alpha testing stage was just to work out game mechanics. I wanted to see a built for purpose map filled with more major cities and landmarks hosting larger zombie and player numbers. I love the game but i'd feel cheated if I had to pay again to play Dayz running off a 2009 game with the Arma 2 engine especially considering how soon Arma 3 will be released. They need to sort out a proper endgame before it can be a stand alone and I don't see them doing that before September.

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Well they have a lot to do before a true stand-alone can really come out, especially since Rocket has stated several things that he wants to still be around. They're messing with the game's mechanics but he's also mentioned that he wants cohesive ways to add things into the game. September seems far too early to think about that kind of stuff. The biggest thing is that he wants humanity for this game, but the problem lies in the fact that DayZ would have to be on a MUCH larger map and essentially become an MMO for that to work...easily at least.

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God no, i hope Rocket stay's as far away from the Arma Engine as possible, he should build the stand-alone game on an entirely different engine.

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Well, let's see. Think about the amount of progress the game has had in the last 4 weeks, and then imagine where it will be in 6 more.

There, that oughtta answer your question.

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huh.. so this was legit after all

Yeah, i just saw a story on massively about it now. Seems it's going to circulate as official news.

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God no, i hope Rocket stay's as far away from the Arma Engine as possible, he should build the stand-alone game on an entirely different engine.


First sentence. The chances of BIS buying another engine or creating a new one are worse than winning the lottery.

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It was never to be made with arms 3

As far as I know it "can" possibly be ported to arms 3 but that was always a negative in the interviews that I have seen.

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You guys need to stop thinking/saying it will be on the "Arma# engine". it will be on the RV(Real Virtuality) engine, that is the name of the engine that BIS develops.

It is used for many things:

VBS - Virtual battle space = training system for and used by military forces around the world.

Take On Helicopters = A helicopter Flight "sim"

Arma = this one I think we all know :)

You have to remember that many of the "bugs" and problems that are in DayZ right now are caused by the Arma engine...but that is only because they are making Arma do things it was never intended to do.

Just because it is now using the same base engine for a stand alone game doesn't mean the same problems will remain.

They will be starting from scratch as far a mechanics and features go and will be very easily able to make things work as they should, as they can change the core mechanics at will. They will use what ever features from the latest RV engine that will be appropriate for DayZ

now can we please stop talking about the "ArmaX engine" and start talking about the RV engine.....

To me it was a no brainer to go with BIS and use the Real Virtuality engine, The main reason for this being Terrain size. No other engine can provide this experience or scale.

Edited by SeanOfTheDead

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God no, i hope Rocket stay's as far away from the Arma Engine as possible, he should build the stand-alone game on an entirely different engine.

Yeah... Cuz BI has plenty and we're looking at a 2014 release date

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You guys need to stop thinking/saying it will be on the "Arma# engine". it will be on the RV(Real Virtuality) engine, that is the name of the engine that BIS develops....

now can we please stop talking about the "ArmaX engine" and start talking about the RV engine.....

You have to remember that many of the "bugs" and problems that are in DayZ right now are caused by the Arma engine...

You need to start as well. This community wants to call it the ARMA engine and will do that, no ones going to stop and start calling it the RV engine.

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I personally hate the idea. It was going to be a free mod for arma 2, but i turned out to be testing for the new game. That sucks.

And i don't believe that the price will be low as 10 or even 20$

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