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Me and my clan have a Ural and some ATVs and 6 tents. We have a camp, NVGs, lots of rare helicopter crash site loot, and plenty of stuff to keep ourselves alive. We have everything we could possibly want. We got bored of sniping players in cherno. What do we do now? I never thought I'd say it, but after 300 hours of dayz since it came out, I'm bored man. What should we do now lol?

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Where's your helicopter, boat, and bicycles(best singular player vehicle)?

Or were the heli and boats removed, it's never clear to me.

I'd recommend raiding other clan servers and ambushing them while making youtube videos then sharing your clan's awesomeness with all of us.

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Where's your helicopter, boat, and bicycles(best singular player vehicle)?

Or were the heli and boats removed, it's never clear to me.

I'd recommend raiding other clan servers and ambushing them while making youtube videos then sharing your clan's awesomeness with all of us.

there are no helicopters at the moment. We did get a boat this one time but it had no purpose. We tried to become pirates and snipe people on the coast but you cant shoot out of boats :(

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roleplay a paranoid schizophrenic and kill all your friends?

capture the tears with fraps

I would love to see someone do this. my friend would ban me from the server though lol. After 100+ hours of playing with my current group I'd love to hear their screams over Vent when i cut them down with my m240. I dont have the balls though haha

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Where's your helicopter, boat, and bicycles(best singular player vehicle)?

Or were the heli and boats removed, it's never clear to me.

I'd recommend raiding other clan servers and ambushing them while making youtube videos then sharing your clan's awesomeness with all of us.

I actually did find a boat once and we tried to RP pirates, sniping people from the ocean and stuff like that, shortly after we realized you couldnt shoot off a boat. We tried Island tent cities as well but then it didnt work out.

Also, our current base is one we actually raided. We keep killing the guys when they come back to get their crap. Luckily they built a huge ass barrier with 100s of sandbags,tanktraps, and wire fencing, with a secret entrance which we just switched.

Edited by sparta436

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Secretly, somehow give out the location of your camps. Have people attack you non stop. Defend.

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Help new players out by showing them around, protecting them and generally just being good people?

That's what we do.. (http://dayzgrt.enjin.com/)

NO, wait, this, but a lot stricter.

Take in ten recruits at a time. Train them all together and show them how to survive, then, once they're all accustomed to the game, you break them into teams of two and split them up along the outskirts of one of the larger cities. Tell them that they need to fight to the death. They'll need to survive against both the zombies and each other; it's the perfect test. The last team standing is officially the champion, and gets the honor of training the next group. You get to sit in a tall building and watch them.

I volunteer to join the first training group~

Edited by Vermilion
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NO, wait, this, but a lot stricter.

Take in ten recruits at a time. Train them all together and show them how to survive, then, once they're all accustomed to the game, you break them into teams of two and split them up along the outskirts of one of the larger cities. Tell them that they need to fight to the death. The last team standing is officially the champion, and gets the honor of training the next group. You get to sit in a tall building and watch them.

I volunteer to join the first training group~

Sounds like a "Team version" of "The Hunger Games"

Haha, I like it.

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Honestly.. we're looking for an "endgame" but we already have it..

It actually reminds me of "Ender's Game"

effin' cool! :D

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Pack up all of your best gear inside your ATVs and drive around the streets of Cherno or go on some sort of reckless killing spree, again, with all of your best gear in your inventory on a high population server.

Then have fun restarting :D

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You should help out new players or new clans, i know a lot of people that would appreciate that, and you might even gain a few followers and then you'll be even stronger!

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You should protect CHerno from bandit

WE ARE the bandits in cherno lol

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Pack up all of your best gear inside your ATVs and drive around the streets of Cherno or go on some sort of reckless killing spree, again, with all of your best gear in your inventory on a high population server.

Then have fun restarting :D

I actually went to cherno with an m240 and 300rds of ammo to see how long we could last this one time. We were there for about 30 minutes killed 200 zeds and then got overwhelmed because of lack of ammo. It was fun af but then we just ran back up to camp and got our gear back after we died

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NO, wait, this, but a lot stricter.

Take in ten recruits at a time. Train them all together and show them how to survive, then, once they're all accustomed to the game, you break them into teams of two and split them up along the outskirts of one of the larger cities. Tell them that they need to fight to the death. They'll need to survive against both the zombies and each other; it's the perfect test. The last team standing is officially the champion, and gets the honor of training the next group. You get to sit in a tall building and watch them.

I volunteer to join the first training group~

would be awesome, but finding ten fresh spawns willing to cooperate is a challenge in of itself. Plus, theres mostly only five of us online at once, the noobs could overwhelm us if they wanted to.

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Secretly, somehow give out the location of your camps. Have people attack you non stop. Defend.

This already happened someone found our camp, and marked it on the map for everyone. We lost all our cars and all of us died. not a smart idea lol

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Expanding from my last post you could take literally everything you have, pack it up into a Ural or whatever, go into the middle or close to middle of Cherno, and set up a big defensive position with sandbags and barbwire and hold out until you die/get overwhelmed.

Or if you want to be a little bit more crazy, sprint around Cherno whilst holding chemlights and play 'Yakety Sax' music via direct chat and go until you get shot. Or something like that.

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Me and my clan have a Ural and some ATVs and 6 tents. We have a camp, NVGs, lots of rare helicopter crash site loot, and plenty of stuff to keep ourselves alive. We have everything we could possibly want. We got bored of sniping players in cherno. What do we do now? I never thought I'd say it, but after 300 hours of dayz since it came out, I'm bored man. What should we do now lol?

How about help new players

Control a city

Hunt for Big Foot

Start a used car dealership

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How about help new players

Control a city

Hunt for Big Foot

Start a used car dealership

First I thought this was a joke, settle down, start a family, grow some potatoes, sell some cars...


Fix cars

Sell them on forums



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