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WTF, Atlanta 18?

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I just played on Atlanta 18 for close to 4 hours. In this time, I ran from Kozlovka to the NW airfield, looted a bunch of stuff, stole a far from some guys, drove away, repaired the car and replenished my inventory, and then parked to repair the wheels. ALL OF A SUDDEN, the server crashes with a "session lost," and I log back on, thankful that I remembered the server number and hoping to only have to run back a few meters to where I saved the car.

But for some reason, it didn't save A SINGLE BIT of what I'd done on the server! I started out back in Kozlovka, with the same items, with the same killcount, without any trace of having done anything. No indication why--the red chain appeared only for a few seconds in the middle of my playing.

I'm not upset, or anything (I know it's an ALPHA and yadda yadda, I had a lot of fun doing everything), I'm just shocked. How can it not be desynced and yet not even save my position or killcount, even if not the vehicle and such? How does the master server allow 4 hours of desync to occur? What if I'd killed someone or been killed, would it have tracked that?

Edited by ioden3

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(I know it's a beta and yadda yadda, I had a lot of fun doing everything),

I am just shocked you don't know the word alpha.. :D

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Yet again another bunch of pussies crying about losing their vehicle and resetting the server?

Or just bad luck?

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Yet again another bunch of pussies crying about losing their vehicle and resetting the server?

Or just bad luck?

While I appreciate you calling me a pussy, I'm talking less about the vehicle and more about the fact that everything I did in my entire time being logged on was reset, as if I'd never played today.

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You have to play for the moment to moment. The key for new players during alpha is to learn to accept your loss and move on, the quicker you get through that process the sooner you get back to enjoying DayZ. Report your losses if you please, but you'll find the more common bugs like this have already been reported via the search function.

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Guess what bro? Come 1.7.2 I lost a tractor, three tents, an M24, and a L85 AWS to the character wipe bug.

I respawned and started over.

Cry some more.

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it happens with this update. it doesn't save your progress on some servers. they're working on it

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lol i love the retards in this topic "cry some more", oh please people, what happened to him is really weird, he probably didn't know that this patch can make this happen at random, so how about you guys just stop trying to act like you are ahead of the game? Thanks.

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SAME SERVER, Atlanta 18

The same thing just happened to me and my buddy. Been playing for nearly 4 hours and we lost 1 ak/revolver with tons of ammo for each, a truck with full fuel and 2 jerry cans, most of the tools we need blah blah, server crashes and we lost it all. The main server didnt save anything. I respawend in the "wilderness" with the new character items only.

Wont say I wasnt pissed for a while. But thats the way it goes sometimes, just hope they dont take too long to fix it.

Edited by mullen1200

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If it's the result of a buggy server, then chalk this up to "alpha being alpha."

But if it's an admin resetting player's progress because other players took their stuff, then it should really be reported.

Do admins have the power to roll-back servers?

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thank you. that is an actual useful post.

Most people on Dayz are assholes, you know the ones that think their shit don't stink, the ones that rather cuss you out instead of helping you.

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