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Xterminator (DayZ)

DayZ needs to be harder (much harder)

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DayZ needs to be harder,

Zombies should be able to kill you in no less than 10 hits, They should take a ton of ammo to take down (1 for headshot)

Zombies should spawn in the wilderness, not as many in town, but still have that dangerous effect outside of a town.

I realize that Dayz is a survival type game, but a zombie or living infected is not going to take 50-60 attacks to take you down.

I love the aspect of PvP in Dayz, but there should be some serious downsides of shooting someone, if zombies took 10 attacks to kill you, if you shot someone and killed them, would you even be able to loot their body? We will always have the campers in the hill of elektro or the buildings of cherno, but if we make it so hard that, people will no longer shoot on site we can get some seriously survival gameplay.

I haven't ran into anyone in the last couple of weeks that didn't shoot me on site. I want to at least help some people and maybe tag along and raid somewhere, but the game has boiled down to, shoot first or they will shoot you.

I got a m249 saw right now and its a great weapon but i can run through berenzino go into a factory turn around and shoot 30-40 zombies behind me no problem, even if i had a shotgun i could handle that many zombies.

Thoughts? Should Dayz be harder in general?

Edited by Xterminator

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You should also considder spawning a new and new players entering the game. If you have nothing to defend yourself with, then 10hits (it feels like its about 25 now) would mean there is hardly a way to get out of a situation, and getting agro will mean you are dead... i can't see the fun in that tbqh. And as a new player, in my first week or so, getting agro already meant i was dead ...

Making things harder doesn't have to come from harder zombies. It can also come from other gameplay options... F/e, spawn people with absolutely nothing on them, reduce toolbelt size to 4 slots, and reduce inventory space more, introduce can openers (and hunting knife, screwdriver can do likewise) to open cans of food. Poison half the water supplies & add sickness. Introduce weight to all items and have it influence movement speed. etc. and so on...

Why instantly grab for harder hitting zombies?!

Edited by L0GIN

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  On 7/12/2012 at 1:46 AM, L0GIN said:

You should also considder spawning a new and new players entering the game. If you have nothing to defend yourself with, then 10hits (it feels like its about 25 now) would mean there is hardly a way to get out of a situation, and getting agro will mean you are dead... i can't see the fun in that tbqh. And as a new player, in my first week or so, getting agro already meant i was dead ...

Making things harder doesn't have to come from harder zombies. It can also come from other gameplay options... F/e, spawn people with absolutely nothing on them, reduce toolbelt size to 4 slots, and reduce inventory space more, introduce can openers (and hunting knife, screwdriver can do likewise) to open cans of food. Poison half the water supplies & add sickness. Introduce weight to all items and have it influence movement speed. etc. and so on...

Why instantly grab for harder hitting zombies?!

I feel for you, when I first started I had a makorav, but even I have died and started with no weapon, after you know the spawns really well, you can find a gun within 5 minutes, I can even arrgo a hole town and lose them (running through buildings.

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Yeah i found out some stuff, though finding guns esp. near coastal area's is still a big mystery for me, well apart from barns that give you guns, but those are more dangerous than running around without one, atleast in my view. I found a makarov 3times now i think, and at some point i found a better offhand, but it came with just one clip (vs. 4 mak clips i had), and i lost my backpack due to not being able to pick up another (or i swam dont know for sure which it was), so i kept my mak... obviously then a zombie came and broke my legs, and being way out in the middle of nowhere...

Still though, my argument stands, why make zombies harder, i think other things need to be tweaked a bit into the 'harder' catagory, so that the sum of the parts can be more than then whole...

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