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Barney (DayZ)

Need help please read!!!!

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Ok,So i wan't to know if i can play Dayz...So i'm gonna post my Specs here And then you guys tell me.

CPU: Intel Core i5

RAM: 2.0 GB

OS:Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (build 7600), 64-bit

VIDEO CARD: ATI Radeon HD 5770

DirectX version: 11.0

Free Disk Space:371.9 GB

Tell me if i can play it or not.

And if i can play it On what




TY :)

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Get more ram. 2gb in 2012 is just wrong.

Edited by randir14
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is that onboard 2.0gb ram or your video ram? your cpu looks good i know my buddy plays this flawless with an i7 but he has was more video ram than 2.0gb, he also was playing this with another tower with an i5 and he was running it everything on very high. I would say go for it and if it has fps problems id look into getting more ram xD just my opinion.

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Yeah, probably not, and if so, on a very low frame-rate.

Please don't post garbage if you don't know system requirements. You will be able to play ArmA 2, with that DayZ as well, you may be able to play on medium depending on your resolution.You will however need to buy more ram.

Edited by icomrade
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Yeah.. You could if u would add more ram.. cus 2 gb is pretty lame.. So add up like 2 more gb and u should be good to go

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Please don't post garbage if you don't know system requirements. You will be able to play ArmA 2, with that DayZ as well, you may be able to play on medium depending on your resolution.You will however need to buy more ram.


to be able to ply on high what do i need?

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You can definitely run the mod, try starting on low settings, but if you add more ram, I would imagine you can play on high.

I play on my laptop, which is a core i3 with 4gb ram and only an onboard video card.

Granted, I get ~20 frames at the best of times, but it's definitely playable.

tl;dr Yes, I'm sure you can run it. Get more ram and you can run it better. :)

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You can definitely run the mod, try starting on low settings, but if you add more ram, I would imagine you can play on high.

I play on my laptop, which is a core i3 with 4gb ram and only an onboard video card.

Granted, I get ~20 frames at the best of times, but it's definitely playable.

tl;dr Yes, I'm sure you can run it. Get more ram and you can run it better. :)

So if i get more ram..I can play it on high?

Or medium high?! :D

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The Radeon 5770 should be able to handle it pretty easily, maybe not on the max graphical settings. 4GB of RAM should be fine. RAM is pretty darn cheap. Feel free to add more. lol

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So if i get more ram..I can play it on high?

Or medium high?! :D

I'm sure you can run it on at least medium. More RAM may help to store more textures.

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I'm sure you can run it on at least medium. More RAM may help to store more textures.

Ok what graphic card do i need to run it on high

and would 4gb ram would work?

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Ok what graphic card do i need to run it on high

and would 4gb ram would work?

Um... this isn't the nicest looking game in the world. I don't see the the point in upgrading your graphics card for this game.

If you want something awesome though, the GeForce GTX 690 is nice and shiney. :3

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Um... this isn't the nicest looking game in the world. I don't see the the point in upgrading your graphics card for this game.

If you want something awesome though, the GeForce GTX 690 is nice and shiney. :3

Geforce gtx690 with 4gb of ram?

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Just take the dive, add some ram and try it. Im running it with 4 gigs of ram just fine, and i dont even have an i5 just a quad core.

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I play on 2 gigs and it sucks sometimes but OPs system is much more capable than mine and I'm not complaining. I do plan on getting some ram, it is extremely cheap and worth every penny.

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2 gigs is the bear minimum for windows 7, add at least four gigs. you'll have to find out what type of ram your pc takes ddr3 or ddr2, speed shouldn't matter too much. If you do end up buying new ram just take the old 2 gigs out otherwise the different speeds and voltages may cause issues.

Unfortunately, DDR2 will be much more expensive than DDR3. I can't find you a good deal on ddr2 but on ddr3 here's a great deal: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?SID=Ohhd6MwwEeGPKDa3AM31nA0_YCe43_0_0_0&AID=10440897&PID=1225267&Item=N82E16820231455&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-cables-_-na-_-na

It's important to note that this ram is rated for 1.5V, this is what you want if you have a sandy bridge or ivy bridge, however if you have a first generation I5 you would want a set rated at 1.65 volts.

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The arma2 engine is fairly cpu/ram (not video ram) intensive.. higher video ram will allow you to bump the visuals up a bit, but it seems to bog any machine down if you don't have enough main ram..

I5 sould be fine, 2 gig ram is too low.. 4 gig min, 6 is better.. also go and read the main arma forums (and the 'take on helicopters' forums, it uses the same engine)...

DON'T tweek the setting for video ram, until you know that you can.. i.e. leave it alone unless you know what you are doing.

/edit for grammar

Oh and if you can, disable hypertheading from the bios.. it's not intended for games, and can cause problems in, and of itself.

Edited by Skinman

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I play with a system that's kind of in you area you're looking

Intel I5 2500K

nVideo Geforce GTX 550ti

8gb DDR3 memory (i'm sure i could be getting by with 4 for Dayz)

I play with these settings:

Interface Resolution: 1920 x 1080

3D Resolution: 1920 x 1080

(You can get more frames with a lower resolution, but I like to use my monitor's native resolution)

Anti-Aliasing: Off

Post Processing Effects: Off

Shadows: Off

Everything else on Low or Normal, depending on the setting, they don't make a huge impact either way.

I get about 50fps. If I turn everything back on to Normal with the Texture stuff all on High I get about 20-30 FPS.

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Just buy more RAM.

I started playing DAYZ with a core 2 duo and a HD 4850 :lol:. Bad times..... :cool:

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