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Jelly :KC:

Server Browsing on Website?

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Just an idea, but I thought it would be pretty cool to be able to view the DayZ servers from the site. There was a time when I was killed by hackers in Atlanta 24 I believe it was, and I really wanted to reach out to an admin or something and have these guys banned. I understand there's a cheating forum (or something of the sort) but the idea doesn't stem from just hackers or cheaters on the game.

In a nutshell, I think it'd be pretty cool over time, to be able to comment and discuss things on a server's forum. Possibly form alliances, talk about the management that runs the server, places to avoid or go, etc. Food for thought.

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Quite a lot of servers have their own "server discussion" thread in the "Server General" section, so of you want to reach an admin you're best searching for the title their, would be nice to have some server integration of sort though, where an admin could be alerted if a comment was made about their server.

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Yes, you emphasized what I was trying to say haha I apologize, I was not very clear.

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