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[Minor] - HUD rework

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So during my first playtrough, few hours in - I have started to wonder why has my character grown hungry, but barely thirsty at all. I felt it was weird.

Then I have realized I have been mistaking blood for thirst all along. I imagine it can be confused to others as well. Also, having food icon all the way down feels wrong, since it's one of your top priorities.

My idea/solution to this would be:

Icon Placement

- The way it is now:





- My idea:



Blood( stays where it was)


Icon Reworks

Next to the water bottle, there should be a small "h2o" to indicate that the bottle stands for water.

As for blood, it can stay the same, although I think it would be cooler if we had an icon representing veins in human body, kind of something like one of those:


Smaller of course, although it still might take up too much space, due to it's shape.

Please tell me what you think :)

Edited by YourStepDad

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First part of this post is kinda pointless, as its just moving stuff around, as for the rest, i think people could figure it out as is..but it could be....neat?

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I think they should just get rid of the visual meters. They should replace them with subtle things such as your stomach growling when your hungry.

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I think they should just get rid of the visual meters. They should replace them with subtle things such as your stomach growling when your hungry.

I really really hope your a troll.

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Well, it is as I said very minor, but still a small fault in my eyes that could be improved with some small effort ;)

I just don't feel comfortable having one of the top priorities in the lowest corner of the screen.

As for the figuring out part - Players shouldn't have to figure out what's on the interface. That means the interface is not doing it's job. The interface should clearly state what is what as much as possible. If anything, just add "h20" next to the bottle.


I think Disturbd idea is legitimate, although I wouldn't go that far to add such things.

Edited by YourStepDad

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As for the figuring out part - Players shouldn't have to figure out what's on the interface.

You know what i don't change my mind alot, but yeh you are right. I'm perhaps quick on the draw, but i can't assume everyone else is. I agree with changing it to be abit more obivous. As for the most importent thing being in the bottom, corners is where i always look for my most importent stuff, Ammo being the direct opposite in this case being on the top right.

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As for the most importent thing being in the bottom, corners is where i always look for my most importent stuff

True dat, but most games usually tend to leave some space between the bottom and the the thing that's closest to it.

It might look a lot better if they did that, but I still think food & water icons should be next to each other.

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Well if i had my way, i'd have it as part of your gear menu, when your out running around, you don't actauly know how thirtsy or hungry you are, so i'd be simliar to you stoping catching your breath to check how yourself was doing. But thats just me.

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Isn't that what Disturb suggested?

I personaly like tidy, clean & small huds over no huds at all.(Not saying I am against no huds though) I suggested this because it can easily be done with the current hud.

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Isn't that what Disturb suggested?

Well see no, he was suggesting you Listen to hear of your characters' stomach is growling, or whatever nonsense pretty sure he wasn't serious. I'm suggesting you can only see it when you stop to open your gear bag. Matter of fact i'd like ammo like that too..but i play for diffculty.

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Well see no, he was suggesting you Listen to hear of your characters' stomach is growling, or whatever nonsense pretty sure he wasn't serious. I'm suggesting you can only see it when you stop to open your gear bag. Matter of fact i'd like ammo like that too..but i play for diffculty.

I was very serious. I am all for the subtle suggestions approach. I don't think knowing you're thirsty by looking at a meter is right for this game.

Edited by Disturbd

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The thing i would chance is have the surrounding greenline of every icon 'reduce' as the need grows stronger, i know there are colors as well but they can be rather hard to see at times, and they are also not very explainatory, except for when they flash. The color changes can stay though, and the surrounding line should basically be full at 100% and reduce untill 'red' starts or perhaps even dark orange (when ever that is), after this i think there is quite some scale left b4 you are truely starving.

The sounds as subtle indicator was something Rocket talked about, and i do think this can be good, though whether it can truely replace (all) icons i doubt though, esp. since a visual clue is way more clear than any subtle hint... maybe in conjunction :)

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Water goes down the fastest, right?






But anyway, why not just make the blood a picture of the human heart? Not like the cartoon version -> <3 but the real thing. The thing is, the icons are there because right now, games lack feeling. You can't "feel cold", hungry, tired, or anything, but if you were there, you would know. That knowledge is based on icons and their representation of your condition in that area. It'd be fun to have features like shivering, stomach growling, but when you think about it, when you shiver, you're already too cold. When your stomach is growling, you're already too hungry. Now, if they work as REMINDERS as to your state, that would be pretty cool! But seriously, until virtual reality comes in and can replicate feeling, keep the icons.

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Yeah, that order would work too.

And a human heart would work as well. That's a better idea than the veins thingie I suggested.

And the more I think of it, the more I like the idea of shivering, stomach growling etc. That could be added as a fun feature, whilst keeping the icons.

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I personally think no HUD at all would be better, but I think it should be a choice for server hosts... I have suggested an immersive HUD similar to Disturbd's post.

I think the things represented in the HUD should be placed in the journal, giving it an actual use and would stop players from complaining about the lack of a HUD.

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I think at some point these things will have to be integrated into the difficulty settings... where from Recruit -to- Expert more and more of the HUD disappears :)

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I personally think no HUD at all would be better, but I think it should be a choice for server hosts... I have suggested an immersive HUD similar to Disturbd's post.

I think the things represented in the HUD should be placed in the journal, giving it an actual use and would stop players from complaining about the lack of a HUD.

+1, although a bit off the topic :P

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Why do people think Disturbd is not serious? It's a great suggestion!

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I'd just prefer if they would go down visually (perhaps inside the borders) instead of turn colors (and act like actual meters). As a color-blind person, it's hard as hell to tell how I'm doing on any of the meters until they actually flash (which hasn't really impacted gameplay per se, but still).

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I'd just prefer if they would go down visually (perhaps inside the borders) instead of turn colors (and act like actual meters). As a color-blind person, it's hard as hell to tell how I'm doing on any of the meters until they actually flash (which hasn't really impacted gameplay per se, but still).

That's a good idea, and seems to make everyone happy. Perhaps they should still be colored, though? You would pay attention to the declining icon, while others might pay attention to to color change. Or both.

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@YourStepDad, could you be so kind to update the OP with all the 'conclusions' on this topic sofar, at some point people are just going to read the OP and post their thoughts, if you include the discussion conclusions (like the order water,food,blood, temp; and the 'think of color blind people' suggestions) people are less likely to miss these so they won't have to restate things ... tnx for your understanding :)

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Good point. I will do it tomorrow though. Kind of tired right now for any sorts of long posts.

If you could sum it up for me I'd be happy to add it to the first post later on :)

Glad you're caring for the suggestions :)

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