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This game is an ugly mess

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Yes, I'm perfectly aware that this game is in Alpha state; however, this game suffers and diminishes entirely in value from the design flaws and bugs that encumber its most true potentiel.

Although this may double as a bug report, here are some of the "flaws" that I've personally experienced from playing DayZ...

#1 - AI and the spawning system: This current spawn system is a joke, a cruel one at that. The way that zombies can spawn right on top of you is atrocious and game-breaking for new players. 4/5 times when starting a new character today, I encountered zombies that had spawned right behind me when I wasn't looking. I was chased down, cornered in a room, went into prone, then I finally noticed that they were backing off... At least I thought!

No, they began phasing through the walls and hitting me in the back. This is another game-breaking issue: zombies can hit and see you through walls/buildings. If that isn't bad enough, I've had zombies hit me through floors that were four stories high and suddenly jump to the top of roofs without warning. This kind of action varies from the type of building, but it's all too common to be considered a light issue. Zombies cannot walk on docks and often loss interest randomly at times when their pathfinding breaks.

This is crucial and needs to be worked on ASAP.

#2 - Core game mechanics: This primarily has to deal with weapons, loot, and player interactions. Rarely is teamwork required because weapons can be found in bunches with bountiful amounts of ammunition. Players are more interested in killing each other since they can maintain themselves as a one-man-army easily.

Loot is all too common. I've found four rifles in a building with a ton of vehicle parts and food supplies to last a while. Then I proceeded to walk over the next building and find nearly the same thing. This isn't all too common, but it does take away from any sense of danger or needed teamwork for survival. Yes, players do team up occasionally, but it's mainly to kill others.

In a game about surviving a zombie apocalypse, the primary focus should be about surviving from zombies, not having a deathmatch every time someone comes into view. To fix this, issue #1 needs to be worked on as well with...

- A better loot system(Less chances of discovering weapons/ammunition)

- More buildings to scavage

On another popular note: New players need at least a hatchet to start with. Not being able to defend yourself and creep around a slew of freshly-spawned zombies is pointless.

From my short time that came from playing DayZ, I've both enjoyed and have grown concern about the various flavors that have been left behind. Some taste excellent while others are bitter and unpromising. This is a bit of a wishlist, but I'm at least hoping that the devs will take a glance at these issues and really mold something awesome from the current mess that this game has presented.

Thanks for reading, hope you're considering

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You typed all of this without looking at the known issues thread didn't you?

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You typed all of this without looking at the known issues thread didn't you?

Yes, but at least it's more well-known now.

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Was giving you a like but then i see the hatchet proposal.

Hatchets are everywhere, and a new player could see a youtube tutorial before gets frustated.

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Yes, but at least it's more well-known now.

Okay sure, why not. Key word though Alpha. But i fear that aguring with what you've said isn't going to go anywhere.

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sterlok you could do with a slightly bigger signature :lol:

I actauly tired, wont let me do beyond that...don't be dissin my signaure though.

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Yes, but at least it's more well-known now.

Except that it doesn't NEED to be more known. The devs know about it, that's all there is to it. It's not like this post is going to give them a sudden revelation that they need to work on something that they're already working on. Heck, that's why it's still in Alpha; because the devs already know that shit like that needs to get fixed.

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Except that it doesn't NEED to be more known. The devs know about it, that's all there is to it.

This, Good man.

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These are all known issues that are currently being addressed by the dev team. Additionally, some of these aren't even issues; they're differences in creative direction/vision, and it's fairly presumptuous to assume that rocket will change his conception of DayZ for you. He's constantly balancing loot %, weapons, etc., with every patch. Just leave him be.

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If I look at how games are released this days I feel pretty comfortable with DayZ. ArmA 2 sucks, that's no secret that the engine will never concur to BF3 or something like that. But I guess we're talking about different genres here. Ppl are missing the spot that DayZ is based on a simulation engine and not on a LASER-BEAM-BULLETS-IMBA-EVERY-KID-CAN-HIT-CALL-OF-DUTY-ENGINE. No for real. I like DayZ and what it is. I dont have many issues with it and almost every situation looking weird can be fixed by being patient and trying around ;)

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If I look at how games are released this days I feel pretty comfortable with DayZ. ArmA 2 sucks, that's no secret that the engine will never concur to BF3 or something like that. But I guess we're talking about different genres here. Ppl are missing the spot that DayZ is based on a simulation engine and not on a LASER-BEAM-BULLETS-IMBA-EVERY-KID-CAN-HIT-CALL-OF-DUTY-ENGINE. No for real. I like DayZ and what it is. I dont have many issues with it and almost every situation looking weird can be fixed by being patient and trying around ;)

At first, i was planning to have my troll cannons activated when you said it doesn't compare and then you, did a 90 degree turn saying its not the same Genre, Golden star for you.

And yes DayZ, and Arma are filled with bugs, due to how the engine is set up, it will allways i will be surpised if Arma 3 doesn't have a million new ones.

Edited by Shy Guy Sterlok

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C'mon plasmafrog. Are you that special?

This whole thread is iseless. You criticize a game for being buggy in a alpha stage.

Honestly. This game is more stable than a lot of freaking betas of played.

Your comment basically says "This game is in its buggy stage and I don't like the bugs in it, fix it please".

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Your comment basically says "This game is in its buggy stage and I don't like the bugs in it, fix it please".

More or less, he is saying that it appears, like they weren't working on it.

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I had my flame-proof gear on when I read the title of this thread, but then I read the OP and it was well thought out and worthwhile information.

I guess if I had to suggest anything, it would be not to make such a troll-bait title next time, but other than that, good post. :)

I will point out the fact that a lot of these are commonly brought up issues, but I do agree with you on the majority of your points.

1. Yeah zombie spawns are a bit erratic, it could do with some work, but I'm pretty sure it's being worked on. Still, it doesn't hurt to mention it again.

2. Loot is definitely inconsistant. I've seen 3-4 watches in one supermarket.. food and soda are waaaaay too common, and so are some of the supposedly rare items such as maps and matches, while stuff that should be more available isn't. (I don't think I've ever seen an assault pack or a Coyote *backpack* in over 100+ hours in this mod, while Alice and Czech packs are pretty common)

3. Zombies are a minor threat compared to players.. give them x-ray/laser vision and let's see how many people pvp then. (just kidding)

tl;dr nice post, shitty topic. :)

edit: Oh and as for starting with a hatchet.. I don't have a problem with this, it *would* be realistic and give starting players a better chance, but the reason for starting with nothing but a bandage is to test how it works out. I'm sure the starting gear will change a few more times before it's finalized.

Edited by Cyanyde

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Honestly. This game is more stable than a lot of freaking betas of played.

Please tell me you're joking.

If you're being serious, please list said betas.

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Eh, I think that the game is awesome so far. Yeah, player experiences right now aren't so grand, but I've ran into a few nice players and teamed up with them for awhile until I logged off. I agree that much more cooperation is needed for survival though. I understand your frustration at the bugs (though I haven't encountered most of the ones you're talking about), but I'm sure that they're working on fixing them. Also, I love spawning defenseless. It sucks when a player PKs you while you're helpless, though. But I think that having to cautiously sneak around zombies to get your first axe/gun is a fun and exhilarating experience. And it gives you that much more to lose when you die again, since you start with nothing. As for there being too many guns, I usually don't have much luck finding them. Probably because I only check small villages, barns, and deer stands instead of going to the big locations first.

Edited by Scrugz

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C'mon plasmafrog. Are you that special?

This whole thread is iseless. You criticize a game for being buggy in a alpha stage.

Honestly. This game is more stable than a lot of freaking betas of played.

Your comment basically says "This game is in its buggy stage and I don't like the bugs in it, fix it please".

2nd This game's got issues and I'd love it if they would sooner fix the problems then adda new things, for an alpha stage it's DAMN good!

But from what I've played I spent $25 on arma II and I've gotten more fun and excitment then I've had on my $60 Skyrim or my $50 COD 3 and my beloved $60 Diablo III Even if it's broken this game is fucking awesome.

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