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Random event possibilties/feedback.

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i'm sure there are more topics regarding random events, but they were rather specific, aimed at a single event and that is usually the one regarding crashing helicopters.

However i was hoping to have a thread with alot of suggestions and input from you guys.

So throw up a ball about what you think would be cool as an random event, and why. Try to be detailed.

Also make sure to leave some feedback on the ideas of others, don't be rude and explain why you think something is a bad idea, or why it's good, or how you could improve it.

Just to get started, we could have some zombie rush event. Maybe every hour when the bell rings, in cherno/elektro, zombies start rushing the cities or houses and you need to hide/defend/run.

They could charge the streets or whoever is in the city, enter buildings, rooftops. Basicly swoop the entire city.

Anyways i'm hoping to hear some ideas from you, other then helicopters flying over and crashing.

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How about an airplane sent by some sort of civilization that drops a random cargo supply somewhere in the map (Parachute drop)? That would be a sick objective to grab the loot of that. Happens every hour unless no one has gathered the last supply drop (to prevent too many stacking in the map).

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Let me start out by saying hi, I am new to the game and in spite of the bugs and glitches and nasty people who shoot me even when I have nothing, I love this game.

My idea seems to be a combination of your 2 ideas, zerg rush with an air drop of supplies, although the randomness could be incorporated into which town is the target of the air drop.

I thought perhaps a game wide broadcast, such as go to Bor clear out the infestation and wait for a supply drop from a friendly air force. This could attract all sorts of players but only if you know where the f@#k Bor is. As with any air drop some of the containers get blown off course and it would be a limited number/type of supplies, mainly ammo and food. The town could be Zerg rushed by zombies and the defenders have to hold for 10-15 minutes with some ammo drops during the course of the defence. These ammo drops are what attract the zombies in the first place and they spawn at random points within a 2 minute shamble of the town. This then could lead to players who are making their way to the town to run into the zombies. Bandits would be a menace as always but it is hoped that the greater number of players would work together to get the job done. The supply drops need to be sufficient to make it worth it for a player to risk it but not so large as to throw the game off balance.

The reasoning behind the air drop and not having the military just roll in and slaughter everyone is they still haven’t found a vaccine and don’t want to risk getting any more of their troops infected.

I realise this is probably nothing new from a gaming point of view but could be used to some effect within DayZ.

Any thoughts on this idea, good, bad or otherwise are appreciated, although please be gentle I still have soft tender bits that the internet hasn’t scoured away.

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Random ambulance crashes like heli crashes. Lots of medical supplies.

Forest fires.

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maybe like, have a zombie hoards, that are about 8 or 9 zombies that travel bunched together and just walk from location to location, and maybe have random supply crates attached to parachutes in fields, or have a pilot hanging dead by his parachute on trees and if you find this guy, the crashed heli will be near, and this guy has certain items on him, maybe a radio, or NVG or some rare item.

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I'd like to see more zombie hoards roaming the countryside. Perhaps a bunch of them could start chasing a rabbit or something as a way to 'lead' the pack somewhere and get them to move fast. Imagine you're camping out stary then you just see a horde sweep in .. would make it less predictable than 'oh we know they will spawn near loot spots'?

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How about an airplane sent by some sort of civilization that drops a random cargo supply somewhere in the map (Parachute drop)? That would be a sick objective to grab the loot of that. Happens every hour unless no one has gathered the last supply drop (to prevent too many stacking in the map).

What kind of items do you want to see in the supply? I'd imagine a plane would drop food and medical supplies rather then weapons. Would be fun if there were more types of food available later on in the game and there was something special about the food it dropped.

Let me start out by saying hi, I am new to the game and in spite of the bugs and glitches and nasty people who shoot me even when I have nothing, I love this game.

My idea seems to be a combination of your 2 ideas, zerg rush with an air drop of supplies, although the randomness could be incorporated into which town is the target of the air drop.

I thought perhaps a game wide broadcast, such as go to Bor clear out the infestation and wait for a supply drop from a friendly air force. This could attract all sorts of players but only if you know where the f@#k Bor is. As with any air drop some of the containers get blown off course and it would be a limited number/type of supplies, mainly ammo and food. The town could be Zerg rushed by zombies and the defenders have to hold for 10-15 minutes with some ammo drops during the course of the defence. These ammo drops are what attract the zombies in the first place and they spawn at random points within a 2 minute shamble of the town. This then could lead to players who are making their way to the town to run into the zombies. Bandits would be a menace as always but it is hoped that the greater number of players would work together to get the job done. The supply drops need to be sufficient to make it worth it for a player to risk it but not so large as to throw the game off balance.

The reasoning behind the air drop and not having the military just roll in and slaughter everyone is they still haven’t found a vaccine and don’t want to risk getting any more of their troops infected.

I realise this is probably nothing new from a gaming point of view but could be used to some effect within DayZ.

Any thoughts on this idea, good, bad or otherwise are appreciated, although please be gentle I still have soft tender bits that the internet hasn’t scoured away.

I have also made a thread about walkie talkies, found here : http://dayzmod.com/f...ies/#entry29775

The message could be broadcasted over these walkie talkies, adding some more value to them other then too chat etc. Then it depends on the drop of the walkie talkie but this will probably mean that not everyone will receive the message, hopefully reducing the amount of people going there to prevent it from being a massive slaughter. But yes, the danger with announced hot spots are obviously bandits.

Random ambulance crashes like heli crashes. Lots of medical supplies.

This seems like a nice idea, hospitals are pretty rare already, cherno/elektro and berezino, all on the coast so its miles away from everything else. However this needs to be rare aswell, maybe they intended to only have hospitals on the shores to make sure people have a reason to leave the NW airfield area and such.

Patrolling policemen that gun down infected as they patrol.

Military would probably be better seeing how everyone apperantly has turned into zombies and everything is destroyed, dont think policemen have much chance of survival.

You want them to shoot players too?

Dangers are AI being overpowered and shooting you down from unrealistic angles and distances.

maybe like, have a zombie hoards, that are about 8 or 9 zombies that travel bunched together and just walk from location to location, and maybe have random supply crates attached to parachutes in fields, or have a pilot hanging dead by his parachute on trees and if you find this guy, the crashed heli will be near, and this guy has certain items on him, maybe a radio, or NVG or some rare item.

I like the dead parachute guy, however he could also be completely independant from the crash site, i believe the crash site has enough loot as it is, and this would be a fun find.

It would be a cool way of adding the walkie talkies i mentioned earlier. However if the item is supposed to be not extremely rare i dont want to see dead guys on parachutes every 100m. Then we'd need a few more ways of adding it in rather then a random drop.

I'd like to see more zombie hoards roaming the countryside. Perhaps a bunch of them could start chasing a rabbit or something as a way to 'lead' the pack somewhere and get them to move fast. Imagine you're camping out stary then you just see a horde sweep in .. would make it less predictable than 'oh we know they will spawn near loot spots'?

I'd like to see zombies outside of towns, but not in a way where the entire map has zombies in every field and every forest, but small groups here and there who roam around and cover a good part of the now- zombie free areas.

Wouldn't want to sneak through forests for several miles.

But this could change that i watch TV whilst im running through the forest and ocassionally glance at the screen to see if i'm there yet. However sometimes you run into a deerstand.

Edited by Miragenz

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I think you have to be very careful when implementing random events. I think they should not be events per se (like anything related to NPCs). The danger with scripted events is, they aren't really random. When you have experienced it once, it gets old. This is where DayZ shines: every encounter with other human players is unique. I'm all for adding crashed ambulances/dead paratroopers hanging from a tree (really cool), maybe people who have hanged themselves in barns etc. But make it static, something you can put meaning to yourself when you find it, or else it will ruin immersion when you realize "oh, it's THIS event again. I know how this goes".

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I think you have to be very careful when implementing random events. I think they should not be events per se (like anything related to NPCs). The danger with scripted events is, they aren't really random. When you have experienced it once, it gets old. This is where DayZ shines: every encounter with other human players is unique. I'm all for adding crashed ambulances/dead paratroopers hanging from a tree (really cool), maybe people who have hanged themselves in barns etc. But make it static, something you can put meaning to yourself when you find it, or else it will ruin immersion when you realize "oh, it's THIS event again. I know how this goes".

Yeah thats true. i see your point.

I'm looking for something that adds something to the game and becomes part of the game, i doubt anything is going to be exciting every single time, but it could just add something extra other then the fact that there are zombies and that they will chase you when you take a wrong turn.

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I've got some ideas for random events. The idea of events is to bring players together for "epic" battles or intense situations. Events should not be a easy place for new players to go and "gear" up. Events should be end-game, meaning for geared players to attempt. I'm not huge on the idea of AI other than zombies, simply because Arma2 AI is very hard to work with and it doesn't act very realistic when it comes down to it. However I think the rewards of having such AI par take in events would bring more benefit to DayZ's end-game than not. Any armed AI should be hostile and loot-able. Here are some main-points about events.

1) First obviously for game-play reasons, the more rewarding the event, the more dangerous and chaotic the event should be.

2) There should be different types of events. Spanning from a civilian running from zombies to a military insertion attempting to setup a secured sector.

3) The word 'event' assumes a rare occurrence. Meaning it's not something you're gonna see every time you play DayZ, even 4 hours of straight game-play.

4) Some events, mostly the higher rewarding ones, can be announced to players via hint messages. Example: "A para-military outpost has been spotted near Gvozdno"

5) Events don't need to "occur" before they are announced. Example: "A military supply drop is scheduled to arrive at Berezino in 3 hours"

6) These hint messages will only appear to someone who has a radio.

7) Some events might even be marked on the map via Map Marker.

8) Scientists can give rewards for zombie kills and/or specimens.

9) Along with the events, special zombie spawns or groups should roam outside the normal roaming areas.

What are the rewards for events? AKA why take the risk?

Really it's more about the experience, groups will know they'll encounter others at. And regardless of other players, they'll be in contact with hostile military forces. However some new items only receivable by these events would be nice.

New Items:

Radio (Primary way to get a radio is by looting military AI)

Military Med-kit (Can act as Morphine, Epi-pen, Painkillers, Bandage, or Antibiotics with up to 5 uses and only takes 1 inventory slot) - Drops by AI Combat Medic

Military Uniform (Light, Medium, Heavy) - These uniforms are actually armor plated and give armor benefits however effect gear size and/or stamina.

Event Idea List:

- Paramilitary activities. Including securing area, especially air fields.

- Vehicle activity. Civi driving a vehicle around. "A vehicle was spotted near Zelenogorsk"

- Saving a civilian. After saving the civilian they might tell you some news of a larger event. Example: "Did you hear about the scientists at Rogovo? They are attempting to find a cure for all this"

- Scientist research facility. Scientists are unarmed and killing them counts as a murder. The scientists are attempting to discover a cure or a way to stop the spread of more zombies. Help them by killing zombies and/or bringing specimens to them? The reward shouldn't be gear related, but no systems are in place to allow for such a reward. One would need to be created. My guess is humanity points or something along those lines.

- Ability to escape. A AI controlled helicopter picks up players. A player that boards the helicopter and is flown off the island is "killed" however it adds 1 to the global escaped counter. With enough escaped counters there could be a promise of another DayZ island available to players/servers. These would be extremely rare and yes it could be used for hijacking instead. (non weapons helicopter)

I'm sure there are many more encounters people could think of. The challenge would be coding them to be random and not buggy.

As for the humanity idea. I think it'd be something along the lines of trading in zombie kills for humanity points. These points would save after death, however 1 murder would remove all the points. The more humanity points you have the more likely you'll spawn with better gear, weapons, etc. <- If that is too care-bear, instead have the scientist give something on the spot.

Edited by Theel

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Slow down a bit guys, your forgetting this is regional Russia, not Moscow.

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I like the idea of random events as well as the ancouncement events !

however they can't include AI inter action ( don't mean paradrops or whatever) but like an outpost has been setup with sceintist or gaurds , ...

And there needs to be allot of work out done so it won't be for soon ;)

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I like the idea of random events as well as the ancouncement events !

however they can't include AI inter action ( don't mean paradrops or whatever) but like an outpost has been setup with sceintist or gaurds , ...

And there needs to be allot of work out done so it won't be for soon ;)

Well as said they will never really be random, and it has to be thought out well enough to prevent it becomes some bandit or pvp fest. or cause imbalance in weapons etc

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