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New Zombie LOS

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I didn't see other threads specifically on this (probably didn't look hard enough), but here is my opinion...


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I think that the zombies now have a V-shape LOS... I've manage to sneak up as close as 10m behind a walker while its back was turned, but aggroed zeds from over 150m away when I was sprinting infront of them. More realism aye?

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It's based on random probability, so sometimes you can sneak by and sometimes they will see you. Oh no the game is a little harder!!! I'm glad zombies are harder as they were WAY too easy before.

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I was skeptical at first. After a while I'm loving it. Now we have to sneak like we would if we were sneaking past actual people IRL. You have to think about a strategy (distractions, camouflage, offense/defense, etc) and not simply crouch in front of their freaking faces just far away enough to avoid some arbitrary aggro-range like in some kind of WoW-style MMO.

People complain about too many empty tin-cans lying around while completely missing the point of them existing (realism aside).

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I'm all for increased difficulty, but I've had a Z start engaging me from well over 130m away. Before, yes, their LOS was too short, but now they will engage you from the next town over.

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I'm all for increased difficulty, but I've had a Z start engaging me from well over 130m away. Before, yes, their LOS was too short, but now they will engage you from the next town over.

From how far away can you see them? What makes their eyesight different from yours? They are living people, too. Just dumber.

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I have to say though with their decreased hearing it is much easier to lose them (If you're in a good spot) after you've gained their attention.

Zed from 50m sees me at night, walk around a bush and move around it and go prone again when he comes around the corner.

I continue in prone until hes facing the other way.

I find it easier than before, their hearing beforehand was just insane; being able to identify you as a foe and zero in on your location from the other side of the building.

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