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Character reset after lost connection with server.

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ive been playing on server us 352 for about a week and i logged off happy last night. for the first time i thought i was getting somewhere in the game. lol

i logged off with a winchester/m1911/food/drink/m24 in back pack alice back pack medical supplies and tools like map compas knife hatchet matches and i log on today poof all gone im on the beach naked nuthing not even a band aid or anything but i still have all my zombie kills ???? please help ive been running in to glitches all the time this game is the bomb

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Just happened to me, as soon as I updated I lose Ghillie, SVD, Alice pack, and other prized possessions, a bug?

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It was a very interesting thought but i can make that theory false. Whether it be the server crashing from connectioj problems or a DDOS, just the server going down in generel resets you.So the person DDOS'ing would be screwing himself. And logging onto another server won't help, the only thing that changes when you switch servers is the players in it are different and loot is different, other than that you would still be in your reset state.

My only argument to that would be, when I lost a connection to a server(due to it going down), I didn't get completely reset. When I logged into a different server after one went down, I joined starting in the same location and with the same gear and health that I started with on the server that crashed. I didn't lose anything or get completely reset as a brand new spawn. Just pushed back like an hour or so of play.

As I said, I'm not sure what's going on, and I could very well be wrong.

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My only argument to that would be, when I lost a connection to a server(due to it going down), I didn't get completely reset. When I logged into a different server after one went down, I joined starting in the same location and with the same gear and health that I started with on the server that crashed. I didn't lose anything or get completely reset as a brand new spawn. Just pushed back like an hour or so of play.

As I said, I'm not sure what's going on, and I could very well be wrong.

Well a server went down tonight while I was on it, but my progress was saved, so it looks like this has been fixed. Thank god.

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Same thing happened to me. When server dc and I tried to connect to other server, I got a freshly (no gender asking) born character. Lost everything I've built up in the process. @_@ Need a fix here.

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Well a server went down tonight while I was on it, but my progress was saved, so it looks like this has been fixed. Thank god.

There were no patch notes posted on the forums, you just had a stroke of luck i guess.

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same thing has happened. got dced for ping too high after making it all the way to NWAF, me and mate had 2 DMR and an M249 between us. when we both reconnected. we had spawn gear but we were still in the same place...?



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I had the same (or similar) issue here. I logged off with a bunch of gear. When i came back, i was some where near kamenka with nothing but a crossbow and painkillers. I played for a bit and was killed. When i spawned back in, I had all my stuff again.

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same shit happaned today... after peace relog spawn new character male with default born items(without chosing gender). back my items and Barret!! :((

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Same problem. It happened once when I lost connection and once when I hadnt. The second time I switched servers and it was dark, so i switched again and when i looked in my inventory i was completely started over in terms of items, however i still had 14 zombie kills and 8000 or so life...

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The first time this happened to me I tried logging into two different servers to make sure it wasn't an issue with the server I joined. After I realized I was indeed going to be stuck spawning at the coast I hit respawn to try to get a better spawn, and holy crap when I respawned it put me back where I was with all of my inventory. The second time I went to play for the day, and the game spawned me at the coast I still had all my inventory this time, so I wan't going to try hitting respawn to see if it would respawn me back at my proper location. Luckely I haven't lost any inventory items to this glitch yet but me and another friend have been spawned in at the coast. My friend spawned at the coast with all of his inventory too.

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Its happening to me and my friend now every time we log in or out. There is basically no point to playing/searching for nice things because I know that when I log out it will not be there when I log back in... please fix!

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