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Character reset after lost connection with server.

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After I lose connection with a server(not sure if its from just regular D/C or server reset), I log on to a different server and I have a new character as if I had died. Odd thing is that while it seemed like it was a new character, it did not ask me which gender I wanted. Both times my characters were relativity fresh, so didn't bug me too much but I thought it would be important to report.

Also as a side note, seems that you can't attack with the crowbar anymore.

Edited by billygoat

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Exact same problem here! Please resolve, losing everything in 2 seconds was bullshit

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I can relate. On every server I actually manage to connect to, after about 10 minutes of doing what I normally do after I have just spawned, I lose connection, every time on whatever server I'm on. All my previously picked up gear etc is gone and I'm spawned somewhere else.

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I had the same problem few minutes ago ... it's really annoying, and it's not the first time. It would be nice to have some backup from the devs about it. This game is fantastic, but if the saving system isn't working... I mean, for that type of game, you have to have a strong base to avoid that kind of problem. It absolutely fundamental contrary to some bears traps.

Time to fix that bug !

Edited by Mendel

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I lost my connection and spawned in the debug forest without any gear.

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same problem happened to me as well

just finnished looting three clan dudes after i

shot them in a epically long shootout and

lost connection come back and player is reset along with a different gender character was girl spawned with male..

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Same issue, the server i frequent was restarted and once it restarted I lost everything, infuriating to the point that I have almost given up on this game, simply because I tried again for two hours starting from scratch only to have it bug out again and I lost everything...

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Happened to me as well, two occasions. Friend lost an FAL, then an 870 due to it. Twice we had to run back to our vehicles from the last place we connected from.

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they need to stop worring about new features like bear traps and just fix the shit thats broken. I had this happy TOOOOOO many times today and yesterday, before 1.7.2 I was alive for 12 days since then I've had 6 new characters. I was not killed either.

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they need to stop worring about new features like bear traps and just fix the shit thats broken. I had this happy TOOOOOO many times today and yesterday, before 1.7.2 I was alive for 12 days since then I've had 6 new characters. I was not killed either.


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Lost all my gear today, didn''t die either.

I was at Stary and engaged in a firefight between 3 other guys (possibly an admin or two) and my friend killed one, I wounded another. A minute after this happened we both lost connection and I the server restarted (admin trying to save his ass).

I tried to rejoin and spawned in debug plains whilst my friend got in ok but had one less kill on his stats and we were back to where we were when we last spawned (admin restarted server so that he wouldn't register as dead).

I'm pretty pissed because I have lost so much gear and it wasn't as if I even got killed for it which I would be ok with, just poof and it's gone (m4a3 cco, m9sd, 12+stanag sd/normal mags, a grenade, 3x morphine, painkillers, 5x bandages, most survival gear bar compass and gps, 2 flasks and plenty of other food and drink aswel as a coyote pack).

Why does this happen and why does our gear not respawn with us??

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That sucks man. I lost about the exact same load-out. After retrying logging in and about 30 times I bit the bullet and respawned. Since then things have only gotten worse. I've lost over an hour of play in Cherno with one character after disconnecting for five minutes and coming back. The game seemed to have no recollection of that character as it prompted me to create a new character which I did. That character got shot in the back and died but when I restarted I was back to the character that I had in Cherno an hour ago! He gets in a gun fight with two people in the church, kill one but the other knocks me down and I'm bleeding. I get kicked for battleeye (I don't dc when I get killed in pvp) failing to update and respawn out in the debug forest. Two other people were there as well.

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You have to manually disconnect to properly save your character to the hive ever since 1.7.2. The server I play on crashes a lot and I kept getting rolled back to my camp and losing items until I started doing this.

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You have to manually disconnect to properly save your character to the hive ever since 1.7.2. The server I play on crashes a lot and I kept getting rolled back to my camp and losing items until I started doing this.

If the server crashes then your already screwed. can't manually d/c after that.

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Server restarts have caused me to spawn on the beach multiple times now, (stopped counting after 5 respawns) with a previous times gear or none at all.

Edited by Aquillium

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I think this is a problem that should be moved to the top of Rockets concerns, i know the point of alpha is to test and iron things out but we can't test anything if server restarts or game crashes cause us to go back right where we started.

Edited by Ziliphade
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Almost same problem. I played about half an hour and sudden server reboot rolled me back to the starting position. But asked me about my gender.

About crowbar - try to remove something from belt (for example flashlight) - then you'll be able to reload crowbar and use it.

p.s. As an idea - it would be great if server forces character saving when admin presses "reboot" button.

Edited by Laufer
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p.s. As an idea - it would be great if server forces character saving when admin presses "reboot" button.

Now that is a damn fine idea.

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I can't agree with that more!

It would stop admins rebooting servers to avoid dying.

This behaviour resulted in me loosing my gear, and spawning in debug plains but my stats were intact. Barely made it back but now without all my gear I'm stuck in a deer stand bleeding out.

It would be great if there were some way to prevent this as it is obviously impossible to predict when you will loose connection and it is very frustrating when you have survived so long only to be effectlively killed by a lost connection rather than by a player (which I wouldn't have minded as at least it would have been fair).

Edited by zerohamster
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Same problem here. It happened to me a few days ago.

I lost about 4h of gameplay including some rare guns :( because of a serverrestart.

Apparently it only saves your progress when you log out.

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I added this in another post, but I figure it's worth mentioning here.

I have a theory about these random server disconnects (which I've been experiencing a lot of lately).

I recently discovered, because of all the disconnects, that your information (location, gear, health, etc) is not saved to the hive until you've successfully logged out of the server. This is ripe for exploit. If a user get's hurt, has a run-in that didn't go well, or maybe even dies (not sure if it saves to the hive instantly upon death), someone with the know-how could cause an issue with the server they're connected to (DDOS attack for example) which would not allow their updated status to be sent to the hive. They could then log into a different server and not have lost anything and were right back where they started before dying, or losing health, or whatever. I suspect this mostly because of the fact that all the servers are hosted by other users, and are possibly easily susceptible to an attack.

I'm in NO WAY saying that is for sure what's happening, it's just something that I had thought about after having so many server disconnects recently.

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I added this in another post, but I figure it's worth mentioning here.

I have a theory about these random server disconnects (which I've been experiencing a lot of lately).

I recently discovered, because of all the disconnects, that your information (location, gear, health, etc) is not saved to the hive until you've successfully logged out of the server. This is ripe for exploit. If a user get's hurt, has a run-in that didn't go well, or maybe even dies (not sure if it saves to the hive instantly upon death), someone with the know-how could cause an issue with the server they're connected to (DDOS attack for example) which would not allow their updated status to be sent to the hive. They could then log into a different server and not have lost anything and were right back where they started before dying, or losing health, or whatever. I suspect this mostly because of the fact that all the servers are hosted by other users, and are possibly easily susceptible to an attack.

I'm in NO WAY saying that is for sure what's happening, it's just something that I had thought about after having so many server disconnects recently.

It was a very interesting thought but i can make that theory false. Whether it be the server crashing from connectioj problems or a DDOS, just the server going down in generel resets you.So the person DDOS'ing would be screwing himself. And logging onto another server won't help, the only thing that changes when you switch servers is the players in it are different and loot is different, other than that you would still be in your reset state.

Edited by Ziliphade

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they need to stop worring about new features like bear traps and just fix the shit thats broken. I had this happy TOOOOOO many times today and yesterday, before 1.7.2 I was alive for 12 days since then I've had 6 new characters. I was not killed either.

EXACTLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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