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An example of the behaviour that will get you instantly banned. Deleted shortly.

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You Russians are like rats honestly, you join English only speaking servers and constantly hammer them until they either crash or de-sync like crazy, if the dev's had any sense they would I.P range ban the entire shit hole that is known as the Ukraine.

Stop joining U.S, UK and other English speaking servers you are told time and time again to shut the fuck up with your pig language but you continue to spam side chat and text, we don't want you on our servers.

1) Russians are on Day Z 24/7 because they don't have formal education and their parents sit them infront of video games to make them shut up

2) Only European country that refuses to speak english and ruins videogames with your low I.Q stinky slav attitudes.

Get the fuck off Day Z you aren't wanted and neither is your shitty ping.

Edit: I also realise you pleb slavs won't be able to read this.

Ебать России.

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Yeah, nah. Insta-ban for a week so you can chill out. May be permanent after revision - we don't need this abusiveness and racism in the forums.

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ahahahah same can be said for english speaking people joining russian servers.. Don't feed the troll however..

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I actually play on RU servers when I get home because I dont like playing in the dark for 8 hours. Interestingly enough, they are often more stable than the US servers.

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Yea PermaBan... Even if "joking" its beyond pathetic. Why is this not deleted yet? Making a example?

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I'm leaving this open so people can see what sort of behaviour is NOT acceptable! Will be deleting this shortly, but it's good to see others posting that know how to behave in a social environment.


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Thank you for permabanning this ignorant moron and please leave this thread up as an example for all to see that mindless racism and douchebaggery of the highest order will not be tolerated here.

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wow so much hate, i'm sorry i am not an angel but that is just a mess of text.

Your mum know you type like this on forums?

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As wrong as this post is, it made me chuckle.

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I love to go onto Russian servers and just listen to the Slavic flow through the channels. I find it really relaxing to hear other languages when I am winding down, I used to hang out with a German clan on TS, really cool people the 8Lr of the Mount And Blade Napoleonic Wars Game.

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Екатерина Алексеевна Андреева-Бальмонт, жена известного русского поэта К. Д. Бальмонта, благородная и обаятельная женщина, обладала живым и наблюдательным умом и несомненным литературным талантом. Это делает ее мемуары - бесценный источник по истории русской литературы и быта сер. XIX - нач. XX вв.

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I like how the Mod is blatantly a Russian considering his horrible spelling and grammar in my ban message' date=' what an embarrassment.


I like how you took the time to create another account just to continue trolling. You aren't even trolling well, you're just yelling prejudice stuff hoping for shock value.

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