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Poll on Zombies


296 members have voted

  1. 1. Zombie Senses

    • Zombie senses are fine
    • Zombie hearing needs a nerf
    • Zombie sight needs a nerf
    • Zombie sight and hearing needs a nerf
    • Zombie hearing needs a boost
    • Zombie sight needs a boost
    • Zombie sight and hearing needs a boost
    • Zombie sight needs a boost, hearing a nerf
    • Zombie hearing needs a boost, sight a nerf
  2. 2. Zombie speed

    • Zombie speed is fine
    • Zombie speed needs to be higher
    • Zombies need to be slower, but faster than the player
    • Zombies need to be slower, as fast as the player
    • Zombies need to be slower, slower than the player
  3. 3. Other stuff (tick everything you like)

    • Mixed Zombie Speeds
    • Zombies in the woods
    • General more Zombies
    • Zombies are totally fine
    • Zombies zig-zag too much
    • Zombies need to make people sick (virus likewise)
    • Zombies stumbling and getting irritated by objects/trees in their path
    • Zombies generally need to be easier
    • Zombies generally need to be harder
    • Zombies are bugged as hell
    • Zombies need to be tougher (more HP)

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Trying to make a BIG poll here, since i think zombies need a lot of tweaking, hopefuly the poll works the way i intend to

take your time, i guess i covered it all pretty much...

and please when you vote write a small answer, since the topic will be lost in suggestion forum hell otherwise

Edit: Added option "Zombies need to be tougher (more HP) and deleted the doubled "Zombies are fine" option

Edited by Zombo
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i think zombies need to be able to loose you because every time i respawn and aggro a zombie (thats not a hopper or a crawler) they chase me to the ends of the earth i mean the only way to get rid of them is to go through doors and sometimes that doesnt even work. all im saying is that you just start out with nothing how are you supposed to find anything if you have zombies chasing you

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Zombies are totally fine (0 votes [0.00%])

Poor DayZ Team. Nobody likes their zombies :D

I think there needs to be an increase in zombie numbers, and slightly more difficult. The new patch took a good direction to that, though. Now there is a point in playing night-time (though you have to assume everyone uses the gamma exploit... sucks).

I voted zombies need to stumble & be harder, those kind of contradict each other... :D But I found the stumbling idea interesting and I'd like to hear peoples' ideas of it.

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i guess i'm the only one who thinks zombies need to be harder, faster, deadlier...

And bear traps and LOADS of razor wire when you spawn and landmines and 5 snipers.

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Nicely set up poll, wanted to add one comment to my vote:

-!- The biggest irritation i have towards these zombies is that they instantly run at you no matter what, why? if they spot a potential target and this target isn't going anywhere, why run at lightning speed? If you make a run for it then sure ...

See it like this, if i were to catch some animal and i spot it, I will go in slow and try to get as close as i can as undetected as i can, even if I and the Animal both know we seen eachother, if it doesn't suspect instant danger it won't run or it may even think i haven't seen it... BUT, the moment it makes a run for it so will I ...

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Main thing I would add , is :

I would like Zombies to move as fast *INSIDE* buildings as they do outside.

ATM current "Zombie Protocol" is :

(1) Aggro as many as you like

(2) Run inside any (large) building (to avoid attacking through walls bug)

(3) Turn around and shoot them one at a time as they slowly shamble through the door

(4) rinse & repeat untill ammo low

(5) find more ammo

(6) goto (1)


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I know Rocket said that there wouldn't be any "Elite" zombies, but what about different types of difficulty zombies? Smart & Dumb.

Edited by Trips28

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And bear traps and LOADS of razor wire when you spawn and landmines and 5 snipers.

no. the pve needs to be harder. is too noob as it is. but the pvp is fine. just some weapons (snipers) that got to go

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Pfft. Snipers are what makes combat in the real world so nerve-wracking. Besides, I guarantee you those exact people will be clutching M14s and Lee Enfields in the treeline when you take out the scoped rifles.

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Zombies in general need to move in-between the speed of the "monkey" and the "runner". However, they also need to be stronger. Like a 1911 takes 3 hits to kill a zombie instead of one, and it takes 5 on the limbs.

A good start to making zombies trip and stumble is to shoot them in the limbs, a la "Dead Space". Making them slower if you shoot them in the legs or making thier attacks do less damage if you shoot them in the arms would add for interesting gameplay.

Zombies should also investigate more than just instatly run. If they see a player within an 12 meter radius, then they should instantly run towards the player. Anywhere more than 12 meter, zombies should slowly shamble towards the source of the noise, and investigate nearby buildings.

L0GIN knows what I'm talkin' 'bout.

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i think zombies should:

-do more damage

-infect you with stuff

-have localised damage... for example if they get you in the arm you cant shoot straight... etc

-have more loot on them rather than on floor (including weapons)

-be distracted easyer (by their dead mates or things like that)

-zombie clusters should be intro (for example a dead body and around it 4or 5 zeds)

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Some people say its too hard. Some people say its too easy.

I say leave it as it is so you can at least piss everyone off that way >.>

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Before anything else, they need to fix the ridiculous zig-zag pathing and marathon-runner endurance. Also zombies walking through doors and randomly teleporting behind you to smack you in the ass.

Other than that, I think they're just fine. I don't feel safe at day time even when I have plenty of ammo for my .45, and that's a good thing.

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Could fix any number of variables. Zombies have to provide some challenge. However when we start off with no weapon, and zeds are super easy to aggro, and near impossible to lose unless you can run through the right building without aggroing more on the other side of it, something has to give.

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-> Zombie senses are fine

-> Zombies need to be slower, as fast as the player (at its current state, they run like a bunch of looney toons)

-> Zombies stumbling and getting irritated by objects/trees in their path

-> Zombies generally need to be easier (they break bones and bleed players too easily on their first strike)

-> Zombies are bugged as hell

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thanks for the many votes, at least now i know i'm not the only one wanting the zombies to be changed^^

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What the hell kinda choice was "zombies are bugged as hell"....of course they are, everyone can see that (plus it's an alpha and they haven't been ironed out yet....). But yeah, otherwise nice work with the poll.

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i guess i'm the only one who thinks zombies need to be harder, faster, deadlier...

Here's another one.

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What the hell kinda choice was "zombies are bugged as hell"....of course they are, everyone can see that (plus it's an alpha and they haven't been ironed out yet....). But yeah, otherwise nice work with the poll.

its opposing to "Zombies are totally fine"

oh just saw i doubled the "zombies are totally fine" thing... oops^^

Edited by Zombo

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