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Meta-Suggestion: A Community Poll on Suggestions?

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Hi all.

I've been browsing these forums for a good two or three weeks now, and almost 95% of that time has been spent in this forum in particular. Odds are, I've probably commented in your thread if you've started one or adopted one as your own little baby.

One thing I've noticed is this:

Developers, and even forum moderators, don't even acknowledge 99.99% of the suggestions made here.

NOT saying they're uninvolved, or that they think they're better than us (alhough they probably DO have better things to do than surf the Suggestions forum every hour on the hour), but I think it's partly our fault that a good number of damn cool suggestions flicker by here in a flash, vanishing into the annals of history before anyone with actual clout in the game-makers' community even sees them.

I say we create a community-run weekly poll on the two best suggestions made that week.

That way, the developers can just click on Suggestions, click on this thread, and see for themselves what two ideas are sounding the coolest to the majority of the community.

Here's how it would work:

YOU, the viewer, would nominate one, and only one, thread for the vote. I'm currently undecided on whether or not we should let people nominate their own. I was planning on doing that in this post, but then I thought, "Wait a second, what if people see this and think it's an elaborate, roundabout way to get more views on HIS idea!"

So I, at least, will be abstaining from that practice, for the sake of neutrality.

Anyway, after that nomination takes place (valid nominations will require a link to said topic), you must then wait for someone else to second your nomination. When that occurs ten times over, I'll add the ten topics to the handy-dandy topic poll I'm pretty sure our masters, the site admins, just now added (maybe it existed beforehand, I AM an idiot after all, but I don't think it did, and kudos to whoever did that). Viewers can then vote on the two (or one, depends on how the poll here works) best suggestion(s) nominated for the week.

Exactly one week later, I'll edit the OP to show the two winners, request the thread to be locked, and start it all over again. For this vote, I'll allow nominations from previous weeks, but if this actually kicks off, I'll restrict it to topics posted the week before only. If your topic was nominated last week but didn't win, too bad, it doesn't get back in. If your topic was posted the week of the competition, and you REALLY want to see it in the vote, cool your jets, hot shot, it'll come up for voting next week.

I think this will be a great way to bring up the best suggestions (probably already buried in two or three pages' worth of utter crap, to be frank), and make it much easier for the actual developers to look at what WE think would be cool to see in Day Z.

I'd appreciate any feedback, and I do hope this thread stays functioning. I'm not going to pander for a sticky, but...

By the way, nominations are open as well.

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Not a bad idea, still not sure how you will be able to pick 10 from 100's daily posts (granted, most of them could've been avoided by search button use)

I do agree that you shouldnt be able to vote for yourself.

If this wont work out, i believe there should be some sort of filter, 'By rating' or at least "By most replies" that should show you most interesting/controversial/talked about threads

p.s. i sure hope this one doesnt fall through the cracks :P

Edited by hishnik

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Or you guys could use the most viewed function and constantly revive the threads that have the most views or replies.

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But just because it has either of those doesn't mean it's necessarily a good suggestion. I remember one I had the misfortune of participating in turned into a debate (on my part, a flame war on my opponent's) over whether defibrillators can bring back the dead in real life, and whether this game should turn into Call of Duty or stay as Day freaking Z.

That went on for two pages, but it was still a terrible thread that I wished never happened.

The way I see it someone who sees this might instantly think back to one suggestion in particular they REALLY loved (I for one would post a virus/gas mask thread I saw for this) and then others would read it and say, "Oh, that's awesome!"

Edited by FlashHawk4

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It would be ok but i don't think it would be needed if people just used the most replies or viewed function more.

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My point is this-

For example, the "Remove AS50 and M107" thread. Nine pages long. Most of which were refusals and flame wars. Why does that get to beat out a cool suggestion like military bases contaminated by chemical weapons that were only enterable with protective gear, were filled with more dangerous enemies, and had better loot, to provide a late game challenge for people who would otherwise bandit?

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