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Has anyone not been a victim by a hacker by now?

Can anyone official elaborate on how you are going to battle this?

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Can anyone official elaborate on how you are going to battle this?

You can't. Fighting hacks is an eternal never ending struggle.

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I counter cheaters by disconnecting, not giving them a chance to kill me... There's probably no other way to battle that if you're not a server admin...

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the only way to combat hackers is at a development level, and by reporting them.

developers will have to overcome the exploits to the game, the players can take videos of the hackers hacking, make it known and have action taken against them.

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I counter cheaters by disconnecting, not giving them a chance to kill me... There's probably no other way to battle that if you're not a server admin...

Even as a server admin we can't battle this. DayZ staff had personally told us we can't ban individuals who are disconnecting during PVP/Avoiding zombie aggro due to how rampant it is being abused.

Basically, you are screwed regardless right now until their standalone DayZ is out.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin
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i dunno why someone have to hack in a game like this ....... its really dumb to cheat in such a game but hackers are all dumb like shit ....... most of tthem are REALLY bad in cumputer games and with ahcksand cheats they MAYBY can be better ......

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I have never seen a game where hackers can just come in and kill everyone with 1 action. Whoever is responsible for security in this game needs to be fired.

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I have never seen a game where hackers can just come in and kill everyone with 1 action. Whoever is responsible for security in this game needs to be fired.

The game was made for modding / simulation so there was no need at all for any kind of antihack security. It's just beyond fixing. I wonder if it's going to be the same with Arma 3.

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When we get hacking reports (or witness it ourselves) we tend to bring down the server, attempt to ban those responsible (with the current logging software that is not always possible). Failing that we leave the server off for 20 minutes so they get bored and bog off.

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I've yet to encounter a hacker.

Your lucky then lol

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I don't really think we need to bring attention to their community here.

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First time I played DayZ the server I was on got nuked... that was annoying. Other then that haven't seen a hacker do anything since.

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Please try not attack developers, also try understand that while your think solutions are easy and that a developer should fix it, it is not as easy as clicking your fingers, patching one thing can make more issues, even then there are new exploits being found every day in different ways.

You can never 100% stop it, its a battle that will continue and the developers will try their hardest but in the end its a few developers vs the entire hacking population, the masses find ways and then it takes time to fix these things.

Even banning won't be a full solution if you knew someone was hacking and you had that freedom to ban, they will just buy a new cd key and continue, so lots of things have to be taken into thought.

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luckily there is no public method that doesnt get you banned within a day at the moment, and even the private hacks are having huge trouble after the recent patch and ALOT of people got banned in the last 3 days

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Keep in mind also a lot of the hacks being used have been in Arma2 long before DayZ was around. The Dev staff doesn't really control how the Arma2 servers and battleeye work.

Their hands are tied in most regards. Sure its their mod, but not their game.

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Even as a server admin we can't battle this. DayZ staff had personally told us we can't ban individuals who are disconnecting during PVP/Avoiding zombie aggro due to how rampant it is being abused.

Basically, you are screwed regardless right now until their standalone DayZ is out.

or you know look at the server logs and ban the indivuals who are hacking/using scripts/injecting/whatever...

hacking can only be dealt with on a server by server basis.

Edited by Casualblue

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or you know look at the server logs and ban the indivuals who are hacking/using scripts/injecting/whatever...

hacking can only be dealt with on a server by server basis.

You do realize none of the server logs accurately reflect this, right? They don't even show you who 'disconnects' when you simply disconnect to the lobby, and as DayZ staff have pointed out a name is just a name. With no accurate way to say "This person for sure disconnected" without video proof your efforts are merely hearsay and fingerpointing.

Sure,I have the GUID and if one other person was on the server with me, Id know for sure WHO did it.

But with a full server and people constantly disconnecting and reconnecting? Not exactly easy.

For example, even today when Vip was playing with Puddn on Twitch.tv, a person GHOSTED Puddn infront of 1000 viewers with a Dev there.

The Dev attempted to do a search for a female character who disconnected in the last five minutes with a Lee-Enfield.

The search showed up with over 250 results, in the last five minutes.

Its a bitter pill to swallow.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin

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You do realize none of the server logs accurately reflect this, right? They don't even show you who 'disconnects' when you simply disconnect to the lobby, and as DayZ staff have pointed out a name is just a name. With no accurate way to say "This person for sure disconnected" without video proof your efforts are merely hearsay and fingerpointing.

Sure,I have the GUID and if one other person was on the server with me, Id know for sure WHO did it.

But with a full server and people constantly disconnecting and reconnecting? Not exactly easy.

For example, even today when Vip was playing with Puddn on Twitch.tv, a person GHOSTED Puddn infront of 1000 viewers with a Dev there.

The Dev attempted to do a search for a female character who disconnected in the last five minutes with a Lee-Enfield.

The search showed up with over 250 results, in the last five minutes.

Its a bitter pill to swallow.

I agree, the server logs need to be improved

Edited by Macenzie
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You can't. Fighting hacks is an eternal never ending struggle.
If you can't fight them, then it's not a struggle... ;P

A2 suffers more than other games, because when they were building their networking layer in 2000, they didn't have the foresight to predict the exploits it would allow for... It is because of a design flaw in the RV engine that we've got such a problem here and now.

The game was made for modding / simulation so there was no need at all for any kind of antihack security. It's just beyond fixing. I wonder if it's going to be the same with Arma 3.
So's CryEngine and Unreal Engine (designed for modding and used for private military simulations)...

The problem is the networking architecture chosen by the BI dev's. It's simply not a secure design. Yep, this doesn't matter when running a sim on a closed Dept. of Defense network (actually, their sim network architecture is designed on purpose so that any client can 'hack' any other client -- they allow different games/sims to be plugged into each other, e.g. a dedicated flight-sim for pilots, connected to Arma for the ground troops. The pilot's sim can simply tell the ground troops that they're dead, without having to spawn a bomb/missile inside Arma or have to ask the Arma server whether it's allowed to do this. Every client can override the decisions of others, which makes contracting the development of a new sim cheaper for the DoD), but it does matter for a competitive multi-player game, which Arma was also designed to be.

Other games aren't nearly as vulnerable, simply because of their choice of more sensible architectures.

Seeing the problem stems from a fundamental flaw in the architecture of the lowest levels of the game engine, there's not much the DayZ crew can do about it. So yep, let's just hope that Arma3 has re-done it's networking layer from scratch.

P.S. I know this from being sub-contracted by Boeing to develop a DoD-compatible F/A-18 equipment simulator, which had to be able to be run alongside a version of VBS (the military version of Arma).

You can never 100% stop it, its a battle that will continue and the developers will try their hardest but in the end its a few developers vs the entire hacking population, the masses find ways and then it takes time to fix these things.
You can 100% stop certain categories of hacks. In particular, with a secure design, any hack that changes what should be server-side logic (e.g. spawning items/bombs, moving players) should be 100% impossible, unless the attacker actually has access to the server (i.e. can log into Windows/Linux on that PC as an administrator). Edited by ActionMan

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I haven't run into a hacker myself yet but plenty of people using Alt+F4. Was on a server last night with several friends, one of which was a server admin. We were in a group of six camping the school and hospital in Electro for a time while we were running around gearing up legitimately. Had a few guys that kept running in and taking pot shots at us with pistols. Hell...one of em got me but didn't kill me. I got up after being kocked out for a bit and got repaired up. We killed them several times and at one point I was on top of the firehouse looking at a guy named Nemesis. A buddy of mine ran out in front of him and he promptly disconnected. I waited until he logged back in and we still got him anyway. THAT is annoying crap and I can't wait till it is fixed.

Also...I have to point out that when you see someone running from a zombie hoard...the funnest thing you can do is run up to them with an axe to knock them down and let the zombies finish them off. =D

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Even banning won't be a full solution if you knew someone was hacking and you had that freedom to ban, they will just buy a new cd key and continue, so lots of things have to be taken into thought.

Suerly from a games sales objective this is a desirable result?

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I have never seen a game where hackers can just come in and kill everyone with 1 action. Whoever is responsible for security in this game needs to be fired.


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