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Zombies Stopping Bandits

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I've seen a lot of bitching and crying about the zombies in the latest patch. It seems to have replaced the pvp complaining. Well to me this is the best thing to happen to the mod. Now bandits can't shoot at you without a little situational awareness or pay the consequences. I commend Rocket for the change.

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I thought the only real change to zombies aside from the slightly reduced noise detection (through objects) was that they had far greater vision now? I guess that would force the players with looser trigger fingers to more carefully consider when to actually fire, but honestly I haven't personally encountered a moment where this has affected my player encounters too much... although that may be because I don't mind sacrificing firepower for some reduced noise.

I do like the idea that firing your weapon in general should be a much heavier decision than it is now; it's risky in cities and etc., but in other areas there doesn't seem to be much consequence. Personally I think it would be awesome to make it risky to shoot just about anywhere except in the most isolated places.

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Odds are the bitching about Zombies are from players who 1) aren't bandits, 2) get constantly killed by bandits thus respawning as a "noob".

Bandits tend to camp in places zombies can't easily get to and/or have decent enough gear to survive the odd zombie

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I don't think that the new zombie changes really affects banditry, it will just take players a bit to adjust to the new changes. If anything, I could see this change causing banditry to become even more common due to a few reasons. First off, the players who are complaining and won't/can't adapt to the new zeds will start camping areas to kill players for gear they're incapable of optaining in cities. Second, any decent bandits now actually have to worry a bit less about zed aggro when firing since yes they will aggro easier... but you can lose them just as easily (the LOS rules in place for the zeds is a bit of a double-edged sword for them).

In short, the new zeds aren't all that more menacing than the previous ones... they just require a change in tactics and I'm sure soon enough the forum posts will change back to "PVP overpowered! Nerf pls!"

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In short, the new zeds aren't all that more menacing than the previous ones... they just require a change in tactics

I would dissagree with this point. Playing last night there were multiple times where I would be crawling through town only to have a zombie that was nowhere near me perk up and run screaming at me. It seems they have a random chance to spot you pretty much irregarless of what you do to prevent this from happening.

The only way I see the new behavoir really affecting Banditry is that now crouching on a building to snipe does not mean you are safe from zombie agro. Was in Berezino on top of the apartments waiting for my buddy to get into town so we could play together. I was crouched and not moving around when two zombies ran screaming into the building and started climbing the ladder up to my position. I never had a zed agro me up there before, and there was no reason they should have agro'd then, but they did. So this random chance to spot people even when they are on a building could affect bandits, but I doubt it will prove much of an obsticle.

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I would dissagree with this point. Playing last night there were multiple times where I would be crawling through town only to have a zombie that was nowhere near me perk up and run screaming at me. It seems they have a random chance to spot you pretty much irregarless of what you do to prevent this from happening.

I've yet to have that happen to me this patch, but I'd assume its more bug than intentional as I'd had it happen once or twice last patch. Really though, you just have to make sure that they're not actually facing you (can be hard due to them changing direction on a whim). And as I said, if all else fails and one does aggro just hide behind something like a bush or building and it should de-aggro due to being out of sight. In the end, its Alpha and bugs are going to be very common.

Also, in your example of being on the building where on the roof were you? Were you on the edge or were you in the middle?

Edited by RutniBeard

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What do you actually do if you have all necessary gear to survive in the woods? While it is theoretically possible. You can stay in the woods near a lake with a water bottle, a hunting knife, matches and a hatchet. But is it a game?

Do you honestly want to stay for hours on a server doing nothing. So I guess you go out and see if you can find some bandits and try to annoy them.

Something like make it to that safe zone, or built a fort would be more constructive than just ramping up Z aggro. All it does is to make it slightly more annoying to become a bandit or help others to become bandits.

And bear traps without bears is just another invitation to annoy others. Barbed wire that doesn't affect zombies is also just there to grief.

What would I do in a survival situation after I collected all necessary gear is to build a safe area. OK, I can build a fenced area with a tent that isn't safe from Zeds. Didn't try a bear trap yet, so I don't know if they help against zeds or if they are just another invitation to grief others in lack of an actual possibility to build a persistent safe area.

Edited by Ankhenaten

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I kinda agree.

I cannot wait for a tool to stop the bandits killing people.

Yes I know this would happen in real life but I want to play with friends, and enjoy it without getting killed by people... Because that is very very annoying and I've been killed a few times. Would like to pass other survivors on the travels and not worry if they are going to kill us or not.

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Hasn't really stopped bandit.

Bandits just can't find any targets anymore. They've all become zed food.

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Oh I am well aware of bugs being part of any testing phase (heck with most game companies Bugs are a fact of life with retail releases), Im not bitching or whining, just talking about experience :)

And as I said, if all else fails and one does aggro just hide behind something like a bush or building and it should de-aggro due to being out of sight.

Odd thing here. One of the "random agro" incidents was when we crawled down to the military tents. While I was crawling I got agro so I stood up and ran around the camo netting in the center of the soccer field, and then into one of the tents. Figured that I would probably lose LOS and if not well it was a single chokepoint entrance so I should be safe. The zed ended up following me into the tent so I shot it, at this point every zombie near me agro'd (as expected) but none of them tried to come in the front of the tent. They either sat outside to side or the back of the tent trying to hit me through the wall (and sometimes running through the walls to get to me). They shouldnt have had LOS to me (possibly the ones on the side, but certainly not the ones on the backside). Im guessing this was a bug or "feature" of the tent and may not have happened if I ran into a more solid building, but it was still odd.

Also, in your example of being on the building where on the roof were you? Were you on the edge or were you in the middle?

Neither really. I was about halfway inbetweeen the edge and the middle.

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Hasn't really stopped bandit.

Bandits just can't find any targets anymore. They've all become zed food.

so spawn camping ... just get closer to the spawns ..

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I've noticed cross town aggro of zombies as well. I will be crawling through a town, super careful then a zombie from across the other side of town just comes at me?? happened twice now. Something to do with the visual reading? maybe it represents a chance of being seen in LOS.

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As a bandit, the new patch hasn't really changed my method of operation. I still find that many of my favourite Cherno buildings protect me from zombies. Providing I go prone after shooting and don't fire too often in succession, the Z seem to have difficulty locating me, and, when they do, they take so long to get to me that I usually have ample time to switch to my side arm and dispatch them, one at a time, in a corridor.

Also, when then Z lose line of sight, or can no longer hear my after I've taken a shot, they often stand around the building where they last saw or heard me, effectively protecting me from other players who might try to enter. Quite useful.

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Hasn't really stopped bandit.

Bandits just can't find any targets anymore. They've all become zed food.

... to me... basically that.. lol

OR... in my case, I simply changed tactics for 100% moar douchebaggery!

*finds civilian or Camo clothing.... but not Ghillie suit* 'WOOT time to make a trap!' *places Tent... in Cherno, near clocktower/pub/firehouse/grocery-store puts clothing in tent, runs to nearest tall building and whips out some binoculars/scoped-Wep and waits* .... 'this is gonna be good' *time passes until a player walks by, sees tent... crawls along the ground towards tent, wary of bandit sniper fire... or a trap*

^_^ and... then it happens

*player reaches tent, looks in..sees a 'free' skin... takes out skin and applies it* POOOOOF!.... another one 'dies'... having fallen to my traps, they lose their inventory, and either die by my hand... or from teleporting to a random spot with 100% nothing...(and zombies in their current state finish the job for me)...

*walks back to tent to put in another clothing item* =P

or.. using it as a kill from beyond the grave tool against bandits/looters (leave it in your inventory so player loots you after killing and ... poof.. you 'killed' them, and deleted their inventories)


May God have mercy on the noobs... Cause I sure as hell wont.

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Oh do I hate player killing...Especially when I get backstabbed. Heres an instance, I was walking into a pharmacy and I told them I was friendly over mic and they said they were too so I went in and they fucking shot me...I disconnected immediatly and rejoined a diffrent server and the game was a little forgiving and give me little to no health lose, however I did get a broken leg regardless of what the rules are I did it because it was bs they called me a faggot when I left haha them "Faggots" wont be getting my loot and instead should get a legit kill off me.

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... to me... basically that.. lol

OR... in my case, I simply changed tactics for 100% moar douchebaggery!

You, sir, are a massive fucking douchebag.

And that is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Time to stock up on clothes for later use.

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I've been playing most of the day, and I can honestly say I find it better running and the Zombie issue is negligible.

I play the game like normal and have already this morning been to NWAF, Devils Castle and some nearby places I would not usually go just to test this out. I find if I can get through all these areas with a minimum ammount of fuss then I have no problems, Hell I Found a Bizon in a chopper (is is any good?)

I do think LOS is a big play here, as i changed my position a few times during movement I only agroed Zeds when stood up or ran (had 2 questionable attacks from a distance, but not over 100m))

No zeds through Walls, No overpowered (OP) super runner Zeds catching me up and biting my arse.

A bad guy tried shooting me down near a chopper and he got the agro as should happen, If you play recklessly then you suffer for it.

There is nothing wrong with the Zeds, except they look fucking retarded when they chase you (Much)

It's good to shake things up now and again, in 2 weeks won't notice it as your gameplay style will change.

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I am unsure how I feel about the new zeds. I was in a town with a buddy and purposefully agro'd a hoard of them. I was fine, but My buddy got swarmed (by more zeds than I've ever seen in one place) and eaten. It happened so fast too. He was there and 5 seconds later he was gone. Tonight I plan to run through Electro with a flare in my hand to see what all the fuss is about.

Bandits, if you see an idiot running through Electro with a flare in his hand, maybe shooting a 1911 in the sky and yelling on his mic, please don't shot him. It'll just be me testing zombie reactions. Shoot all the kids who come out to see what the fuss is about instead. They'll actually have gear on them. :D

Edited by Survivor-Kyle

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You, sir, are a massive fucking douchebag.

And that is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Time to stock up on clothes for later use.

might make it fast lol... as they are fixing it with the very next hotfix....

and in hindsight.... it also causes sooooo much more paranoia and psychological distress.... (think : Rat wanting to grab cheese, knowing he will probably be shocked for it... but wants cheese anyways.... except in this particular instance... even when the Rat grabs the cheese and wolfs it down without being 'shocked'..... the cheese(skin) is poisoned and 'kills' them)... /shrug lol thanks for the fun reply ^_^

edit: and in the idea I posted 'cherno' simply because you have the best odds of SEEING the trap work... but you COULD place the tent anywhere... with the knowledge that it WILL WORK eventually. /shrug

Edited by tagg

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