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Are people dumb?

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Since there is no thread dedicated to "The Forum", I'll do it here.

Why are there, at least today, three pages in one block full of "stuck at loading screen"?

I suppose, people don't read anything at all, when they are in a panic or rage, they just open their topic hasted and blindfolded instead of looking around first (like "you must paint much faster so that you are ready when there is no more paint left").

I imagine, the first answer to the first question of that kind already stated something to contribute solving the problem.

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You did the same... just open a new thread because you rage.

Just ignore those threads and enjoy the game.

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If you're referring to the troubleshoot section of the forum, someone bumped up heaps of old topics with his copy/paste advice, "Update to".

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You sir, have a beautiful way with words. This thread i agree with.

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Yes, most people are dumb. That's why I love the gaming community of DayZ because only the smart ones are able to successfully install it and join the game. It's like natural selection in biology... The weak ones die off and the dominant species prevail.

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Yes, most people are dumb.

double this

That's why I love the gaming community of DayZ because only the smart ones are able to successfully install it and join the game. It's like natural selection in biology... The weak ones die off and the dominant species prevail.

and this

Edited by Icydead
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