[email protected] 101 Posted July 11, 2012 Running for ages in some forest, finally after a while i spot a village. Try to approach. Get every zombie in the village after me, again running somewhere in the forest, with tons of Zombies after me, getting a bit hungry and thirsty.After few KM i have only one Z left on me, cant shake it, water starting blinking, can see the edge of the map.Got to the edge, Z is gone, should start losing blood soon. Running along the edge of the map, praying to find a tent. Couple of minutes later I am amazed to see a tent sticking out from behind the tree.I get closer, OMG there is like 6 of them ! start checking, 1st empty, 2nd empty, 3rd empty, by now i am losing all the hope...Open 2nd to last tent, FULL OF STUFF, FOOD; WATER; MED SUPPLIES + Biggest backpack in game, and every single thing for your toolbelt + NV, range finder, loads of ammo, no weapons thoOMG i MADE IT AND GOT SOME AWESOME STUFF!, looking around, UAZ!!! now i can drive out of here!!! hurra!!!!Run towards it, no stuff in it, about to get into driver seat..: server not responding (or whatever it normally say) 5 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec..server gone...I am back to 6 launcher, doesnt matter that i didnt get the UAZ, i got food and water and everything i needlogging into another server.....facepalm, im back where i started on the last one, again have nothing...died a little inside and came to the forum to share interesting story :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 101 Posted July 11, 2012 btw, should I restart my character, to be sure that it saves my progress next time, or something? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 125 Posted July 11, 2012 Think it's a bug with the new patch, i believe a hotfix has been applied already https://twitter.com/dayzdevteam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 101 Posted July 11, 2012 (edited) Think it's a bug with the new patch, i believe a hotfix has been applied already https://twitter.com/dayzdevteamye, my progress wasn't saved before the fix eitherbut my post happened just now, after the fix ...also, im a bit "surprised" that server went down, as soon as i started looting this big camp, that prob belongs to clan who own the server Edited July 11, 2012 by MadGelo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 125 Posted July 11, 2012 Hmm, just report it on the bug-tracker :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RayPugh 146 Posted July 11, 2012 this might be an issue with you disconnecting through an improper method, ie server crash. you save on dissconection atm, but some times you loose hours of progress to bad server restarts and crashes. one time my friend warped to a location he was at 2 hours previous while he was still playing in the server, running... then poof back to where he was 2 hrs previous!the way chars are saved (and backpacks GRRR!) needs attention big time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
microfire21 4 Posted July 11, 2012 (edited) yea me and my brother both just installed the mod 2 days ago worked like clockwork then the 1.7.2 patch hit and every time we play neither one of your players save with anything.both of us are running the steam arma co both of us have high end amd 8 core systems with 16 gig ram 6950's for video and win 7 pro x64...running latest patches the 9444 and launching from the steam lancher in arma co with the modded exe like it was said in the installer thread....idk if there is a fix for this or what....i know my friends setup saves and he is on the 1.7.2 so its just the two of us here without anything saving....the mod is awsome and we dont mind starting from square one each time so much because the game play is fun....but it would be nice to see the info saved so we dont have to play comando sneaking around zombies and bandits just to find an axe or gun lol....and at the start of any server even the same server it always ask if we want a male or female char if that helps any....have also done 3 clean installs of the full game and patch and we use the six lancher to update the dayz mod....other than that idk what else to do.... Edited July 11, 2012 by microfire Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BadCarti 5 Posted July 11, 2012 (edited) I think that people should stop whining because of their Gear are gone, you can gather new stuff.IT'S STILL IN ALPHA, Respect it, they're working hard in order to improve the Game Experience.They changed ArmA II completely, from a Military Simulation Game to a Zombie Horror Survival Game, I don't think they like your complains about your Gear, just... annoying. AirfieldsInternational Airfield (North West)Krasnostav Airstrip (North East)Balota Airstrip (South West) CastlesRog Castle (SE)Zub Castle (Center)Devils Castle (N) Other LocationsDeer StandHelicopter Crash SitesHospitalsOffice BuildingSupermarketsWarehousesSource: DayZ Unoffical Wiki - Key Locations Edited July 11, 2012 by Nine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 101 Posted July 11, 2012 who is complaining about losing gear ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BadCarti 5 Posted July 11, 2012 I was just pointing out that most of the Players are obsessed about their Gear, like if a update fucks up your Character and you lose your gear."Who cares, let's find some new stuff" :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
microfire21 4 Posted July 11, 2012 never said i was really worried about the gear but it is a bug that people are having and looks like it is being reported as such...like i said i dont mind starting fresh each round it just gets a lil down at times is all if you managed to get up enough stuff to camp it in the woods with your buddies....anyways i dont see why people get all butt hurt over a bug....yea they have done some sweet stuff with arma its the best mod i have seen by far and i have stated that i enjoyed it.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RayPugh 146 Posted July 11, 2012 (edited) Gear comes and goes like the wind and tides, but it shouldnt be at the whim of a computing error! it should be taken by bigger boys with bigger toys no? I'm all for getting out matched, out thought, out shot, out played by better players or bigger groups and loosing gear through legitimate methods because you learn somthing each time, 'in hidsight we should have done blah blah blah, then maybe we wouldnt have died'. you dont get better at chess playing the easy opponent.What do you learn when you log in to find your silenced second weapon has been deleted in your pack and replaced by beans or some shit you dropped 20 mins ago? nothing at all except the fact that you no longer trust the simple save on log out function... yes this is alpha and yes gear is lost now and then. knowing I will be shouted down in the forum about that fact is not going to stop me feeling a little but hurt when I loose that nice item its just going to make me think your a person who has 'its alpha' copied to your clipboard in case you need to come up with a rebuttal and cant engage your brain.if you no one voiced thier opinion how would rocket know what to change in future? Edited July 11, 2012 by RayPugh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
microfire21 4 Posted July 11, 2012 well said RayPugh how else will the Dev team know anything unless they have someone to say "hey this is not working right" when it was part of the core game that was the whole reason for the "hive" system....i could care less about the gear end im a newbie to the mod yet i already know where to go to get the goods lol. but anyways the point is the hive is to save the char through every login and logoff....if it is not doing that much then what is the use of the hive? rather it would be eaiser and less system draw to just remove the hive and everyone starts from square one rather than have a system save what they have done over the period of time they have ran around and lived through whatever be it a zombie or bandits....just saying this is my two cents but having mass threads of the same thing im sure the Dev's are all over this or pulling their hair out...i know i would feel the same way because I help dev a few private mmo games so i know the stress load but it is still good to know what is working and what is not..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites