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Make it harder, less loot

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Like I said, im sick of killing people since our group has nothing better to do, what should we do? Stack up on already full food supplies? I want dwindling food supplies, and the constant strive to survive!

nono u should come bitch at the forums now.

If u want to survive and have a challenge stop herding up your camp.

go solo, find bigfoot, stop rushing to Nwaf. and dont play with a bigass group.

"Phonecall from al quaida to the US": hey guys can u remove those appaches they oneshot our insurgent teams. it's to OP.

Use what u can get your hands on, in simulater with zombies, and hospitals and airports, and military bases, they're also good weapons. and people will use them. just like they would IRL. If u can't handle that try fallen earth. u can use a metal pole, with a concrete block on it.

If u want a challenge make one. plenty of room for creativity.

I like the search for higher tier weapons. if we only had low tier weapons, i' be decked out in 15 minutes. shoot 2-3 players and log off after a day of dayz to not come back for months.

Right now. the fact i usually die before im 100% geared out. and the thrill off keeping my loot save (Mind u i play solo or with 1-2 friends)

I dont run a roflstomp clan of 5-10 people wich also takes up 20% server room. so less compitition. and we all swarm small places and have huge camps with 50x all good loot.

I take it slow, i camp towns, i play realistic, i avoid zombies, i live off the forest, and when i see a person who has something i need, i chase him, wait for a save and clean kill without attracting zombies.

Unlike some people, who have a 10man clan on a hill with 5 a50's shooting everything that moves. and cause they don't get all 10killed by 1 guy with a lee enfield, this game is to easy and boring.

I say stop nagging, give proper feed back, but stop complaining about how OP weapons are. u can't just remove weapons cause they are strong,

Edited by vjese

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