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Website life expectancy.

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I have a consern about the life expectancy counter. Are all life spans included in the count (meaning including the purposefull deaths people incur to spawn in a better location)? I see the 35 minute average there and I am just baffled that it is that short. If those deaths are included in the count, could they be removed (by disregarding deaths that occur within 30 seconds of spawning) as to more accurately represent the true average life expectancy?

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DeathsWraith, do you recall where you have read this?

In the "Rocket said" post before the forums changed over, since then the links stopped working so he removed all the links.

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Rocket did say that the stats only count characters that have been alive longer than two minutes.

However the sudden change in life expectancy could mean he's changed the calculation.

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It'd be awesome if when you died it showed how long you lived for. I know Rocket said it doesn't count the people who respawn quickly, but it still seems really low. I'm not that great of a player imo but I'd have to really mess up to die that soon. I do pick sparsely populated servers when first starting out though, might have somethin to do with it.

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