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To all the people complaining about PvP...

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This is implying that Rocket will do ANYTHING to hinder PvP...

1) There will never be a point in this game where I risk the lives of my team and/or myself by not shooting a hostile on sight. My job as a Counter Sniper is to take out all enemy snipers without question, and when there are no hostile snipers, I go after every other player regardless if they have a weapon or not. I usually rack up to 60-70 kills before I am taken out by an enemy sniper (But it is usually a server hopper.)

2) What is the worst penalty Rocket can give us if we player kill? Making our aim shake, and changing our skin? I'd take psycological suffering over death anyday, and my character probably needs a change of clothes by then anyhow.

3) Your tears sustain me.

4) Is there anything that will make people who don't want to die let themselves die (Because that risk usually ends up in you dying) instead of kill?


I once camped a bus for over 2 hours waiting for the people who alt-f4ed, just to allow them into the bus and destroy it with my m107. Didn't even loot. Watched the bodies rot.

I also kill new players because they can potentially be a threat to me later.

So you can stop crying about it- No matter what rocket does (short of disabling all pvp) you will still get killed by me.

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Roflmao, 60 to 70 kills? I hope you mean zombie kills.

Because if you're camping in one spot and killing 60 to 70 people, you must be in the middle of new york city.

Either that, or you just pulled that number out of your ass to look good, but that's besides the point. I agree, PvP is a part of the game and carebears need to get over it.

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i think what they should do is not punish pvp, but maybe discourage it. i don't know how this would be achieved, but something along the lines of it's better if you don't kill that person over there. or rather, if you don't kill that person, there is a sort of reward, but if you kill that person, you gain nothing. i don't know.

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i think what they should do is not punish pvp, but maybe discourage it. i don't know how this would be achieved, but something along the lines of it's better if you don't kill that person over there. or rather, if you don't kill that person, there is a sort of reward, but if you kill that person, you gain nothing. i don't know.

Why? This game is supposed to be as realistic as possible. If it were real life you wouldn't just get some magical beans falling from the sky just because you didn't kill someone.

What's the reward for killing? LOOT.

What's the reward for NOT killing? Idk, I'll have to come back to you on that one...

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PVP is good, snipers should fuck off though. They ruin the gameplay of every FPS to date and in DayZ it's the ultimate bullshit.

Edited by Sixteen18

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Why? This game is supposed to be as realistic as possible. If it were real life you wouldn't just get some magical beans falling from the sky just because you didn't kill someone.

What's the reward for killing? LOOT.

What's the reward for NOT killing? Idk, I'll have to come back to you on that one...

like i said, i don't know what the reward or advantage would be, but in real life, is everyone going around shooting each other in their goddamn face? No. therefore, open-world call of duty is NOT the answer. i don't know why you think it is.

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Why? This game is supposed to be as realistic as possible. If it were real life you wouldn't just get some magical beans falling from the sky just because you didn't kill someone.

What's the reward for killing? LOOT.

What's the reward for NOT killing? Idk, I'll have to come back to you on that one...

In real life you would not respawn in the beach...

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like i said, i don't know what the reward or advantage would be, but in real life, is everyone going around shooting each other in their goddamn face? No. therefore, open-world call of duty is NOT the answer. i don't know why you think it is.

Nobody's walking around shooting each other in their goddamn face because whether you do or not isn't a question of life or death. Perhaps I'm being paranoid, or perhaps I've simply watched a few too many movies, but something tells me you'd have serious issues surviving in a post-apocalyptic world. I rarely kill players myself, unless I have a reason to do so (significant loot) but I understand why it's a part of the game.

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I dont like people like you! I think PvP belongs to this game, but people camping one spot 4 hours, just to kill other players and even dont loot them is dumb and not what is Dayz meant for!

dont get me wrong..., im not crying or else. Im sure if we would meet your group u all fall dead after 5 sec. but thats not the point!

I wont tell anyone how to play dayz, but u are ruining the gameplay of very much people, try playing dayZ not in the CoD way. And im pretty sure thats the reason ur doing this!

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Hey TC this topic has been done before.

1. Be more original.

2. You are not that good, get over yourself.

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Why? This game is supposed to be as realistic as possible. If it were real life you wouldn't just get some magical beans falling from the sky just because you didn't kill someone.

What's the reward for killing? LOOT.

What's the reward for NOT killing? Idk, I'll have to come back to you on that one...

If the game was as realistic as possible, there would be settlements that had trading centers, hospitals, job centers, private military arms, and the like. It's a survival game first and foremost, that's pretty clear, and banding together to help each other makes more sense than KOS unless you're on a server that enlists that sort of a thing. I was hoping to get into this game and have warring factions more than anything else, but it's just an FFA which is fine and dandy, it really is, but the idea of survival is lost one the fact that the zeds aren't as dangerous as the players.

I have to agree that hindering PvP is not the right path, but finding ways to enforce and encourage team play makes more sense than not. The biggest problem is putting in a system that would do this without seriously hindering the game. PvP is the life of most games, but this should be more PvE with some PvP involved, or so I feel. Rocket may feel different and others players may feel different as well. I'll do the PvP as required and adapt to the game as best I can, but I would prefer to have more organized structures, which would require a lot of help from other players and the developers of the mod themselves.

TL;DR - PvP is great, but team play should be the primary focus and small groups should band together.

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Surely it cant be a challenge shooting mostly unarmed folks in DayZ? Why not grow a pair & go play standard Arma if all you want to do is snipe people? The only difference is that the people you meet will be equally equipped & i suspect it wouldn't end well for you.

Either way have fun with your camp bus for hours on end.

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If you dont like snipers cause you like to run across the towns withouth giving a fuck of anything, then this is not your game, try World of Warcraft.

You can easily avoid snipers by just taking a look outside the towns, the spots they usually use are so obvious and with the last patch there are no clothings so they are extremely easy to spot (also with camo they can be easily spotted).

PvP is fine as it is, withouth it I would not give a fuck about anything and this game would have no sense, since zombies cant scare anyone.

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like i said, i don't know what the reward or advantage would be, but in real life, is everyone going around shooting each other in their goddamn face? No. therefore, open-world call of duty is NOT the answer. i don't know why you think it is.

Post apocalypse, you're hungry, desperate for food and water. You see another person, and you know that there ARE bandits out in the world that WILL kill you. Do you take your chances and ask if he's friendly, and give him a chance to abruptly end your life, or do you just shoot him before he has any chance of shooting you?

That's what it comes down to, and that's exactly how it is in the game.

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I don't understand people who just KOS unarmed players, whats the fun in it if they have no chance to fight back. When I play I try to interact with every one not just shoot anything that moves.

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I don't understand people who just KOS unarmed players, whats the fun in it if they have no chance to fight back. When I play I try to interact with every one not just shoot anything that moves.

Without sounding overly dramatic, I will note that a great deal of the evil that is perpetrated in this world is carried out by people who feel that if they don't understand something that it should be done away with by any means possible.

You don't understand it? That's fine. Your understanding is not a prerequisite for their enjoyment of the game, nor is it necessary for you to learn how to adapt your play style to deal with it.

I don't understand people who don't shower regularly or wear antiperspirant. You know what I do? Go stand somewhere else.

i think what they should do is not punish pvp, but maybe discourage it.

Who is "they?" Why "they?" Why not you? If you think it should be discouraged, why don't you go discourage it?

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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If you feel that the natural human reaction during a crisis is to attack others instead of banding together, you are going to be one of the first ones to die in any apocalypse. The difference is that IRL you stay dead if you piss off the wrong people. In this game you just respawn on the beach.

Edited by Lincolnshire Poacher

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Picture of your 60-70 kills or it never happened

I very very highly doubt your post sir

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So many nerdy pk'ers posting their lame-ass cheesy monologues on this forum. Reminds me of Eve Online.

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Feeding obvious troll, but whatevs.

Well, a post-apocalyptic world is bound to have psychopathic murderers killing random people. your logic is flawed hilariously for your actions, but oh well. As for the topic of toning down PvP, I love PvP, even being usually on the receiving end of it. it lends excitement to the game. I wouldn't mind something to tone it down a bit, as deathmatching it is pretty dumb.

the forum braggery however is loldum. have fun camping a spawn.

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So many nerdy pk'ers posting their lame-ass cheesy monologues on this forum. Reminds me of Eve Online.

What?! You DARE cross paths with Geno, the fiercest bandit in Chernarus! I will see that our fields run red with the blood of you and your friends! And we will use your BEANS to rebuild our smoldering cities! You will beg for Dew, but shall receive only Coke.

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Every third life I RP as an insane gangsta and run around Cherno 'poppin caps' in players with a Makarov until I'm put down. Best part was when I found some guy's V3S just outside of Cherno, crashed it into a tree 3 seconds after stealing it, and having it explode along with the huge cache of weapons inside of it that I briefly saw before running.

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I have no problem with sniping and pvp in general. I have a problem with noobs who can't face a firefight head-on and accept the risks and consequences, and instead opt to disconnect instead of die, or server hop to gain an easy kill. I know there probably won't be any consequences for the noobs who do it now, but I do hope that they stealth patch the game so whoever does it when it's fixed get the full brunt of the new system.

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