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Worst day in History to Start?

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I'd like to offer my assistance to you. I will not be returning to this thread, but please PM me if you'd like to meet up with a group of friendly survivors. We will take you by the hand, and reverse your frustration.

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One thing thats bugging me though, every time I day I'm forced to repick my gender. Is this normal or do i need to reinstall it?

when this option was introduced you could only pick gender once per cd-key.. later it was changed so that you are given the option on every respawn.. it is normal, no need to reinstall

Edited by tomo
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I honestly feel bad for you guys who are having trouble. Once you graduate from Zombie 101 you can start to worry about the real predators and become one when needed. That's when the game actually gets challenging. That's when my blood starts pumping. Those are the moments I love in the game. Not knowing if this extremely dangerous player had spotted me yet, debating whether it's worth taking the shot or risk letting them go and having them see me as I make my retreat. Zombies are dumb play things compared to another player that's equally as paranoid as me. (i play to survive)

Honest question: How often, if ever, are you using the third person view?

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To be frank, you don't really need weapons. If you shoot one zombie you're going to attract more of them, which is never a good thing. I usually just crawl around them, when you're flat on your belly they can be very close without noticing you. I think the most useful weapon you can get is a hatchet, kills them quietly if you attract them. At least until you can get something badass like an M4 or something.

Edited by senz

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Which is why the hatchet is the most underrated weapon in the game. Quiet, stealthy, effective. It takes a while to learn its range but its just over the range of a standing zombie. You can creep up behind one and hit him right before he detects you and breaks into a run. It's also possible to lure zombies away from the pack and kill him safely. Each gun has various loudness so choose your weapons wisely. Most of all, don't panic.

(new guy tip: pick up hatchet, go to gear, right click on hatchet, select "remove from toolbelt" and now its a weapon)

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http://dayzmap.info/ is your friend

The wiki and the forums are also your friends, the stickys with survival tips are a must read, this game is all about survival so extra intell can save your life. Learn to distinguish which buildings will help you get a weapon at the start or have a chance to spawn something usefull.

Check the small barns and long barns for an axe, they can also spawn the winchester which is a great gun to use but the ammo has become pretty rare in the last two big patches. Bigger chance of the double barrel shotgun, which is allright but the axe is better when you know how to use it. Small chance of it spawning The CZ550 sniper rifle, which is a great gun to have versus players, but if you are starting out then consider if you are going to use it, and the ammo is pretty rare.

Found an axe and maybe a can of coke? Look on the maps and find deer stands, these drops some great guns with common ammo and they also eventually lead you close to a town or city. Leave the citys cherno and elektro alone at the start unless you want to go on a pvp rampage session. ( which are great once in a while )

The smaller towns up north which have supermarkets (check the map for shopping cart symbols) are not visited all to often by players but have all the stuff you need to survive like bigger backpacks, matches and pistols. Stay away from Stary Zobor if you are not confident enough in yourself yet, its death trap most of the times as it has a military camp which spawn a lot of loot in one place and is generally infested with snipers.

Pro tips for closing.

Running trough fields? Keep an eye out for crashed helicopters, they spawn a wave of zombies around them but they spawn some of the best and rarest loot in the game, generally some of the rarest guns. They spawn loot AROUND the helicopter NOT INSIDE THEM.

Going to a town, go on a hill a bit of ways away from it and see if there are any zombies walking around already, if there are then somebody is walking around over there, go introduce yourself or shoot them.

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Its tough but do-able. Honestly we start with more than we need. I mean painkillers and a flashlight? Are they really necessary? The bandage comes in handy though :)

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So learn how to survive without a weapon, we all did.

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I started to play DayZ two days ago. But before buying the game i watched maybe 10 videos about it. So i knew how its going to be. When you get the basics its really easy to handle no gun situation. Here some tips from me:

- Go in towns like Cherno and Elektro at the beginning. Don't be scared. You got nothing to lose.

- Hatchet is your best friend. You can 1 hit zombies with it and 0 sound. It helps you with when you sneaking if one zombie sees you, you just bash his head in and continue.

- Try to find matches, hunting knife and a water bottle. With matches and hatchet you can build fireplace which you can cook meet on. Knife for gutting animals you hunt. Meat from animals gives blood and ends starving which is a great thing. And you can always refill your bottle at a lot of place.

These tips should help you a little bit. You can survive by hunting forever. After you gain some experience you can go for bigger loots.

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Eh. I had a decent time beginning. I came after the basic gun removal was removed, but I quickly learned the things I needed to learn. My first question beyond the controls and any basic tips was "What's a deerstand look like?" so I had an idea of what to look for.

Now here I am. In essentially the same position. Sometimes I go for marathon runs to Cherno with Elektro zombies on my tail. I swear our characters should be fuckin' olympic athletes.

why would you run that far elektro is situated at the base of some quite steep hills . some of the posts to threads like this are not v helpfull but its only because since the game has become more popular the forums are filling with posts from people just having a moan about stuff rather then reading older threads that would help them or asking questions to get the answers that would help them

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Played for around 3 hours now, found a good group to play with, winchester and stuff. But you need to be really lucky

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I know most people don't do this, but the first thing i did after buying ARMA 2:CO was open the game and start playing the ARMA 2 campaign and boot camp.

You will learn a lot of things like how to handle your gear/inventory, how the game mechanics work, and some other cool stuff.

I didn't play the whole campaign, but after a few missions i was able to get into a DayZ server and it was much better (I tried playing DayZ right after i installed the game but i failed miserably multiple times).

Edited by Fenrig
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If you die in DayZ, it is your fault. Period.

On the positive, every death is a learning experience. The power station in Elektro is the Valley of Death. Crawling lets you get closer to Zeds than running. People can take stuff from your backpack and shoot you with your own gun. Etc.

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I downloaded it yesterday and have spent about 7 hours playing it until the sun came up. I get killed over and over again. This morning, I downloaded a map and printed it out onto photo paper and took my time in prone position and I STILL get killed. No matter where I go, there is about 10 zombies around every building, even if its a barn. When the zombies see me, which they do, no matter what I do, I cant out run them, the walk through closed doors, climb through razor wire and climb ladders ! What the hell chance do we have !!!

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You're always on the South coast. It's a matter of putting the ocean to your left, right, or back, and running.

Yes, you're always on the south coast. Except for those times when you spawn on the east coast.....

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For me, I started out with a zombie attacking me this morning (I downloaded the game last night). I ran over 3 hills for 20 minutes. Eventually I found a shotgun in a house in a town which I proned all the way to because I didn't know how far zombies aggro'd players. When I got in the house, I closed all the doors and found the shotgun. There were no shots anywhere, so I noticed the weird zombie sounds around me and increasing. I was prone, and was paranoid so I hit the respawn button. Now I'm waiting for my friend to contact me so we can team up some.

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Well, not worst day in history. I remember when zombies had super vision an spotted you from 100m away or when we spawned in the ocean and lost all our gear....

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The first night my friend and I played in we spent about 4 or 5 hours in the game and did nothing but die and run from zombies. Neither one of us found a single weapon the entire time. Most of the guides we could find were useless because they started off with the premise that you had a weapon.

A day later we could move through cities easily without aggro and had no problem finding all kinds of supplies. We haven't died since and have collected everything from a GPS to an M249. Once you figure out the rules, it's a survival game with PvP.

What you will learn is:

1. Avoiding and losing zombies is an art form, the icons on screen are nothing more than hints at best. Experience will give you intuition so you can get around without bringing them down on your head.

2. The closest landmark is displayed in the bottom right when you first spawn, it is very important to know where you are.

3. DayZDB.com is priceless.

4. Avoiding zombies in a small place like Balota while trying to move between spread out, low yield spawns unlikely to have what you need isn't worth the time and effort.

5. Medium and high yield farms and residential, especially in areas where they're isolated and not in the middle of a huge city so it's easier to avoid zombies, are a much better risk vs reward.

6. Never run unless you plan to lose or kill at least one zombie, because it's almost guaranteed one will hear you no matter how clear it looks. The only exception is forests and areas that have no zombies at all.

If 1.7.2 is as bad as people make out, that's an added obstacle. It was hard in, if they're coming running at you from 200m away in 1.7.2 then something is seriously broken and that's going to make getting your first weapon a huge challenge. I'll PM you details of how to get and get on my server when I get home if they haven't fixed it yet.

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I downloaded it yesterday and have spent about 7 hours playing it until the sun came up. I get killed over and over again. This morning, I downloaded a map and printed it out onto photo paper and took my time in prone position and I STILL get killed. No matter where I go, there is about 10 zombies around every building, even if its a barn. When the zombies see me, which they do, no matter what I do, I cant out run them, the walk through closed doors, climb through razor wire and climb ladders ! What the hell chance do we have !!!

The same chance 1/2 a million people have on every other server..

Have no weapons or nothing to throw (tin cans or bottles - press F to select them)? Then DON'T FUCKING RUN IN THERE...

You can get things to throw from places that don't have zombies spawning on top of them..

Try and get into a position to see if you can see what's inside the building before appraching it.

DON'T go for industrial areas first..a jerry can and a wheel WILL NOT KILL ZOMBIES..

Run for the hills and find a barn..if you see one, run straight for it. You should be able to hit the barn before zombies spawn, IF you have been at full tilt to a barn that doesn't have zombies already spawned.

Spawned zombies can't run inside buildings.. get in, take a quick check for a weapon, get out.. if you bother your arse to be stealthy in the first place, you can take as long as you like.

If you don't need to shoot then don't.. again use empty cans and bottles to distract zombies..

The x-bow is awsome, if you practice and know how to recover the bolts.

If you're being chased, and can't find a building to loose them in, run for pine trees, and slalom throught them.. it will break their line of sight.

There are so many ways to get what you want in this game.. bitching that it is too hard will not make you any friends..

My 2 cents.

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> There are so many ways to get what you want in this game.. bitching that it is too hard will not make you any friends..

But I want love!!! ...the game won't give me that. :D

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Really the easiest thing to do is full out sprint from one high/medium yield farm/residential to another until you find a gun, then kill anything still behind you. If you die, who cares, respawn and do it again. Once you have something worth caring about you can be more careful.

You can start out careful, but it's slow, and you might aggro something anyway, at which point you're stuck running a marathon trying to lose it, only you just spent an hour trying to creep from one crap spawn to another instead of 5 minutes running.

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